I love hearing great stories. A friend told me a great one the other night. Here's the tale in the words of my friend:
"So my brother is kind of like a hillbilly character. He lives in a trailer in Florida. So he's all drunk and he wonders out into a field behind the trailer park to play his banjo. The thing is, he's so drunk, he falls asleep."
"He said he was asleep for a few hours when BAM! This huge thing slammed into his chest like someone dropped something on him! He's like, 'what the hell?' He opens his eyes and it was a
GOD DAMN TURKEY VULTURE! - the thing must have thought he was dead."
"So he looks over and there are two other vultures about ten feet from him and one circling above. What the fuck?"
I was laughing my ass off when he told me this. Seriously, what the hell? Could you imagine if that thing took a bite into him? The closest thing to this happening to me was when chickens and rooster would attack me when I was doing my paper route. Oh yeah....and a German Shepherd bit me on the ass while on that route too.
So does anyone have any good "When animals attack stories?" Let the comments begin.