Showing posts with label trailer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trailer. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

THE 3 STOOGES MOVIE IS COMING! West Chester Man Prepares.

HAHAHA!!! Check out this Trailer for the 3 Stooges movie by the Farrelly brothers! Coming soon. And my favorite stooge Larry looks hysterical. He's played by that dude from Will and Grace.

I saw the trailer in the theater and totally guffawed over it. What do you think?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Patrick Swayze In RoadHouse. Seriously - Are You Kidding Me?

Yesterday at the BBQ that I went to I was able catch a half hour of the movie Roadhouse starring Patrick Swayze.

Why didn't anybody tell me that Roadhouse was so great? And by great I mean so cheesy that I couldn't stop laughing. I wish they took photos of the pride in the faces of the people that were responsible for making that movie. If I had those photos I bet I could watch the movie, then glance at the photos and just laugh my ass off.

And do you see that part in the clip below where Patrick Swayze is shirtless and doing karate moves because he studied Eastern philosphy in college? I would give anything to have that Swayze character live next to me and do that crap in his yard because my new hobby would be to harass Swayze. I'd probably call it "operation harass Swayze" or something really creative like that. I'd probably hide in the brush making monkey sounds, shoot rocks at him using my wrist rocket - things like that. After I gained his trust of course. That's how I do it.

And his intensity reminds me of how much I can't stand people that are this intense and serious. Fine to be serious all the time but if you've got no quirkiness to you then I have no use for you. (looking away and shooshing with hand) Be on your way.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

PA Snow Forecast Ruins Roller Boogie Day For Blogger. Roller Skating Onlookers In Tears.

Stupid PA weather forecast calling for snow in PA today. I was totally going to put on a shiny 70's shirt, rainbow suspenders and fedora, lace up my roller skates* and go for some Roller Boogie style laps around my neighborhood today.

And it stinks too because I have a really cool move I was thinking about unveiling. I pictured me roller skating by a neighbor who's out getting their Sunday newspaper, then when they said hi to me I was gonna pull a comb out of my skate, do one comb of my hair, give a wink and say, "Great day for a little Roller B." Then I'd do a mini jump and keep skating my cool ass down the road.

It would have been total love on wheels. Oh well. Either way, enjoy this trailer from the Linda Blair movie "Roller Boogie":

*And for the locals, how many of you went to Spinning Wheels or Caln Roller Rink back in the day? Maybe we skated together. Maybe I even offered to buy you a hot dog or pretzel after we skated. And you said no. Stuck up bitch. You could have been the famous Mrs. Zibbs if you had played your cards right. Instead, you're stuck with that no good slob sitting over there on your couch. Go ahead - give him a kick. Maybe it'll make you feel better for the bad decision you made years ago.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm Proud That There Are People Who Have Courage

See. You did it. In my last post, I asked for at least three voice messages on the old Snapvine recorder - or the SVR - and you did it. Now isn't it great to have the added bonus of some voices on this blog?

I'm surprised how many people thought they had to leave these great messages. I guess since I set the standard so high, everyone thought that they had to leave these unbelievable, rehearsed messages. If you try to live up to impossible standards, you'll always fail. Are we clear with that ..(holding your chin and making you look into my eyes while I talk like Mike Brady).. I said are we clear with that?

It's like if you came to my castle and you were served the most unbelievable gourmet meal, while drinking the finest wine and were entertained by barely clothed dancers (normal height) and dwarfs. Then, the following week when I arrived at your trailer I was served a Suzi-Q on a paper plate and entertained by watching Mama's Family on VHS. Even if you wanted to do Mama's Family scene studies because "Paw likes to see various interpretations of his story" - I wouldn't complain. I'd be happy with the fact that you tried. No matter how sad it was. We're. All. Different.

So from now on, get comfortable with the old SVR. I will probably delete messages every once and a while to keep things fresh. So move into the space age and accept this new technology. Just give it shot and say hello. Jot that number down now so you can call when you're good and drunk. Remember, you can delete your message before sending it if you get chicken - BWAKK BWAK BWAK!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dots A Good Von - Concerning Jive Turkey Sleeping Hillbilly

I love hearing great stories. A friend told me a great one the other night. Here's the tale in the words of my friend:

"So my brother is kind of like a hillbilly character. He lives in a trailer in Florida. So he's all drunk and he wonders out into a field behind the trailer park to play his banjo. The thing is, he's so drunk, he falls asleep."

"He said he was asleep for a few hours when BAM! This huge thing slammed into his chest like someone dropped something on him! He's like, 'what the hell?' He opens his eyes and it was a GOD DAMN TURKEY VULTURE! - the thing must have thought he was dead."

"So he looks over and there are two other vultures about ten feet from him and one circling above. What the fuck?"

I was laughing my ass off when he told me this. Seriously, what the hell? Could you imagine if that thing took a bite into him? The closest thing to this happening to me was when chickens and rooster would attack me when I was doing my paper route. Oh yeah....and a German Shepherd bit me on the ass while on that route too.

So does anyone have any good "When animals attack stories?" Let the comments begin.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Raining Like Crazy In West Chester

It's really raining like the devil in West Chester. Rain.Devil...Devil's Rain..... The Devil's Rain.

That the name of the movie that used to scare the hell out of me as a kid . Well, not the movie - but the trailer. I saw the movie for the first time a few years ago and guess what? It wasn't scary. But it did feature Shatner so - you know...Here's the trailer: