Hi! Happy Sunday! Hope your weekend has been a good one. Mine has been great. I’ve got tons of Christmas preparations done. Been shopping Christmas presents today, and I’m almost done and it feels great. Usually I sweat among all the other desperate procrastinators the day before Christmas. But not this year. Not ever again! :)

I have a Skipping Stones Design project to share today. It’s one of my last as a Design Team member of this wonderful company. Heather – the owner – will take a break. Here are her own words:
“I am thinking of this break as a 7th inning stretch of sorts and here’s what this means to you:
Effective this month, we will be discontinuing our weekly sketch challenges. We will honor all previous sketch winners through the end of December. As part of this hiatus, I am also suspending release of new designs.
Starting today through the end of January, the entire store is on sale, AND the more you buy, the more you save. That’s right, we are having our famous (or infamous) Purchase More Stamps (PMS) sale to help me reduce inventory.
Buy ONE set: Enter PMS1 for 5% off!
Buy TWO sets: Enter PMS2 for 10 % off!
Buy THREE sets: Enter PMS3 for 15% off!
Buy FOUR sets: Enter PMS4 for 20% off!
Buy FIVE sets: Enter PMS5 for 25% off!
Buy SIX or MORE sets: Enter PMS6 for 30% off!
If you have any challenges with the discount codes, please email me directly at madebyme33 (at) hotmail (dot) com. I will turn around an invoice that reflects your savings.”
I love this company. The stamp sets are out of this world fun to work with. Hilarious! And beautiful! And like the set I’m featuring today, Grunge 2, so great to do all types of projects with. I’ll miss it. But I’ll have my stamps! :)
The photo is from our Vacation this summer. The boy is playing in the medieval ruins of a church and he had so much fun. He was a gigantic smile. :) I used the Grunge 2 set for the stamped part. Love the text stamps in this set, so fun and great font!

Thanks for stopping by!