Sunday, 25 December 2011

straight-back wheelchair

Recently I have been angry. Residing with this anger has been great shame. But still the anger
persisted. At times throughout this week the anger has come and gone until this morning when I had
had enough. I shook it hard and it was released. The shame remains. I came upon this scene this afternoon. I have been to this old house once before, the house in the two previous posts. It was so cold that first day I left the tripod in the car and walked the lane a good distance. When I arrived I knew I should have brought it.

This afternoon I took the tripod. There was warmth in the light but the temperature was still fierce. I made it all the way upstairs this time and was shocked at what I had found. It stopped me with a gasp. There is a story here, many I am sure. And what I took from this chair was people of age, a time of confinement, of great strength and endurance, and a love these people must have had. I stood there and all cold drained from me. I took the shot and came home. It has been a brilliant day.



Monday, 12 December 2011

A sleeping man’s dream
Comes to life when the first drops of rain
Lose innocence
Where east and the rustle of leaves
Is in every direction
When the realm of light
Captured on a pin head
Blinds him of thought

Thursday, 8 December 2011