Monday, April 18, 2011

Last Boot Camp

The last boot camp I will be offering at my home is starting soon. For more info check out my other blog.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Home For Sale

Most of you have seen or heard by now our home is for sale. As much as we don't want to leave our neighborhood it is the best thing for our family. Its hard to believe we only had a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old when we moved here. Now Mackenzie is getting baptized in a few months, Cole is 5 and we've added Adi who is now 3. Crazy how time flies!! Luckily we have blogs, facebook, and and so many other easy ways to keep in touch with the great people we have met here. If any of you know a person thats looking for a great home in Lehi well we would love the help selling it. Here's to hoping someone loves our home as much as we do!

Friday, March 4, 2011

AUTUMN'S BOOT CAMP: What to Know About Boot Camp

AUTUMN'S BOOT CAMP: What to Know About Boot Camp: "For those of you wondering what this boot camp is all about, here you go. We do almost all circuit training. We focus on different parts of ..."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Adelyns 3rd Birthday

Can't believe my baby is 3. Although she acts about 12. She's talked since about 10 months and never stopped. The things she says are always hilarious. I'm not sure where she learns some of it. Seriously is one of her favorite words right now. She's got a lot of spunk and now that she's that wonderful age of 3 she shows it more and more. We love this little girl and I don't think I could make it through most days with out her. This week she told me she wanted a screwdriver for her birthday. I'm not sure why? My sister did buy her some Handy Manny tools though so she would have one.

She is a great present getter. She makes you feel like every present is the best. Her little cousin got her this stuffed dog and she loved it.

She really liked that everyone was singing to her.

She wanted a pink cake. So we made her a very pink cake. I made some pink cupcakes and pink frosting for everybody else. She got her own personal cake.

Boot Camp

My new boot camp punch passes are now available. The full class is 24 class but I am offering 13 class and 8 class punch passes. I hope this helps some of you out. Also, my new pay online feature is now available on my other blog. www. autumnsbc.blogspot. com

Thursday, February 17, 2011

AUTUMN'S BOOT CAMP: Exciting Boot Camp News

AUTUMN'S BOOT CAMP: Exciting Boot Camp News: "I've decided to do some revamping with my Boot Camp. I hope it will help more people be able to participate. The first thing I am going to o..."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Next Boot Camp Session

The next bootcamp session will be as follows

Starts March 7th
Monday -Thursday
Class 1 8-9 pm
Class 2 9-10pm
6 weeks long
The cost is 125$ for the 6 weeks. There are discounts available for existing clients and for referring someone to the class. The class is mostly circuit training. We do a few other things to switch it up. You will never do the same workout twice. You will also learn about eating healthier. This is the biggest part of your success. Call, txt or email for more info or if you are interested. Space is limited so let me know ASAP. A deposit will hold your spot.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I looked through my camera and pictures to post Christmas stuff and I didn't really have any? Oops! We took video of everything. We had a good Christmas though. It was busy but thats to be expected when you live within 20 minutes of both sides of the family. I am so thankful I wasn't working at Kohls this year and I didn't have to be there during the whole holiday season. Luckily my kids are still so happy to get whatever and they didn't ask for much. Mackenzie wanted a GoGo(its a dog that walks). Cole wanted a monster truck, which he broke 2 days later. Adelyn changed her mind every day, she was happy with the Barbie that was waiting for her. Of course they got some other stuff but its the one day your kids finally seem grateful for the effort you've put in. Its already a month later and everything is put away but my kids are still singing Christmas carols. Its always a wonderful time of the year but I wish the winter wouldn't last so long. Its too cold!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Boot Camp Changes

Just wanted everyone to know I made some changes to my bootcamp times. For this 6 week session there will be no 6 am class. I have added another night class. There is more info available about the Boot Camp on my fitness blog The class times are as follows
Starts Jan 10th Mon-Thurs 6 weeks 100$
Class 1 8-9pm
Class 2 9-10pm

Please spread the word for me!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I am a terrible picture taker, so I have none from the actual day but here are some cute videos of Coles Thanksgiving Pie Day.


We decided to go with Superhero kids. It was so cold and rainy this year we didn't do much. We spent 3 hours setting up our spooky tunnel and the wind blew it over in like 5 mins. It was sad when several kids asked where it was when we answered the door.

The Telford Cousins

Boot Camp

I'm just letting everyone know about my next bootcamp. I also started a new blog for my class with healthy ideas, info on my class etc.
Starts Jan 10th
6am Mon-Thurs
Fire& Ice Dance Studio
175 $*
8:30pm Mon-Thurs
My home(spots will go quickly)
*50$ deposit to ensure your spot. Discounts may apply to exsisting clients and referrals.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Boot Camp

Hi everyone just wanted to let you know of my new adventure. I am starting a boot camp exercise class. I have been teaching one for a friend the last 5 weeks and really enjoyed it. So I have been studying to become certified. I am almost there, I'm planning on the end of the month. Anyway I thought it would be great to get this started and it will help me with my test. Here is what I am offering

6am at Fire & Ice Dance Studio
100$ for the 6 weeks.
(this is super cheap, the trainer I was teaching for said I shouldnt do it this cheap but its my first class, after this I will raise the price. She charged 175$ and said some charge up to 250$)

Also if I can get enough interest. I am going to offer one at:
At my house in the basement.

Give me a call or email if you would like more info or are interested. 8013764966/

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

Although I'm not looking forward to the cool down of the weather. I was excited for school to start. My kids were bored and ready to have something else to do. Mackenzie is in 2nd grade this year and even though Cole is old enough to be in Kindergarten I am holding him back. It will be much better for him in the long run. Right now I don't think it will make a difference he is ready either way.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cole's 5th Birthday

Cole was so excited for his birthday, and so am I. I am hoping 5 yrs old brings a new stage. Hopefully a better stage. Although he drives me crazy most days he was so good on his birthday.