It's been a month since I posted. Life has been very busy for me. I hosted two meeting in my home, Dear Jane and quilt guild meeting. Having the meeting forced my hand to clean up a little more than norm and put away sewing projects. I'll talk about what I finished for the month first and then let you know how the rest of my month went. Here is my Window of USA wall hanging earlier this month. This is BFC Creations embroidery design. I had difficulty trying to decide if I wanted to frame it or make it into a quilt. Financial and time constraints won and I made the quilt instead. I pulled at least 20 fabrics for the border until I found the perfect fabric to complement the threads used in the design.

Another project for me this month was to make ribbons for the quilt guild's challenge. I don't do much digitizing but decided this would be the time to try. It took all day, but here are the results. In addition, I also started my challenge quilt this month (can't post a picture as other members will see it). The challenge is to make a quilt with flying geese as the main theme. The quilt must be less than 30" square. Yesterday I finished the top and started quilting it.

Here is a 3-D butterfly I made using another BFC Creations design. Very interesting technique. I had originally wanted to use these as my award ribbons, but it took too long to stitch out...about 8 hours work each. Of course I would have had to make 4 so I could keep one for myself. Due to schedule, I had to change to the awards mentioned above.

Let's see, what else have I been up to? I attended embroidery club this month and had a lot of neat items to show (see previous posts.) I also went to Paducah last Saturday to attend the quilt show. It was a fun packed day spent with two other quilters. I was so tired afterwards. We also went to the AQS book sales, Hancocks of Paducah, and the mall (they have a few vendors there as well.) I held back on spending this year. I did purchase the 17" square Olfa rotating mat as I've been waiting for JoAnns in my area to obtain or the price to decrease. Neither has happened so I bit the bullet. I'm using it already so I guess my purchase will not be in vain. Another wonderful thing to happen is the vendor for Sew Ezi ( was there. I had a problem with a wheel on a table I purchased 2-3 years ago. She was so nice and gave me new sets of hub caps for all my wheels for free. I've contacted them in the past regarding table inserts online and I highly recommend this company.
Enough for now and I've got work to do.
-------------------------- Type-u-later, Tea in MO
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