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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est work process. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 27 avril 2010

New Work : "la cigale demoiselle"

Hello lovelies!

I have been working on several insect drawings lately, and I'm happy to tell you they will appear this week in my Etsy shop.

Here is a preview:

I have found my inspiration for this special cicada ("cigale" in French) in a book called "Métamorphoses : le monde fascinant des insectes", which could be translated into: "Metamorphosis: The Fascinating World of Insects".

This book is a treasure to me, as it is not available anymore. It displays old plates and drawings of insects of all kind, all taken from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF)... It is a truly beautiful book.

Let me add alittle note about my work process.
I take these wonderful old-fashioned drawings and make my own contemporary interpretation of them, with ink, paper and some white gouache, on watercolor paper. And in this case, some pencil for the tiniest, daintiest details of the wings of the cicada.

I hope you enjoyed this little preview and behind-the-scenes post.

Have a nice day!