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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est quote. Afficher tous les articles

vendredi 14 septembre 2012

A Thought For Fall

Hello Lovelies!

photo via

Here is a thought for fall, when things get back to (very) busy, days grow short and the air is crisp:

 A John Burroughs thought in hexiaa's handwriting, via pinterest.


-Naomi of TeaButterfly

mercredi 15 août 2012

The Little Prince and the Butterflies

Hello Lovelies! 

photo, my own. you can see more photos of my August trip in France here.

It's so good to be back!

Today, I love this quote from "The little Prince" by Saint-Exupéry... It's about the real meaning of friendship, poetry, life, and butterflies... It's in French, but I'll try and find an English translation of it.

"Les grandes personnes aiment les chiffres. Quand vous leur parlez d’un nouvel ami, elles ne vous questionnent jamais sur l’essentiel. Elles ne vous disent jamais: «Quel est le son de sa voix? Quels sont les jeux qu’il préfère? Est-ce qu’il collectionne les papillons ?» Elles vous demandent: «Quel âge a-t-il? Combien a-t-il de frères? Combien pèse-t-il? Combien gagne son père?» Alors seulement elles croient le connaître."

                                                                             (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Le petit prince)                   

Excerpt from the book's Chapter 4.


Naomi of TeaButterfly.

mercredi 29 février 2012

You Are A Butterfly

Hello Lovelies!

I really, really love this quote:

image source

You Are A Butterfly, we are all butterflies. Here are the latest I drew today:

 photo, my own. 2012 (c) Lipson.

Let's be grateful that we have a leap year in 2012, and cherish that special day!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

jeudi 23 février 2012

An Exciting Life

Hello Lovelies,

Drawing by David Hockney. Source.

Artist David Hockney says in a great interview:

"I think I’m greedy, but I’m not greedy for money – I think that can be a burden – I’m greedy for an exciting life. I want it to be exciting all the time, and I get it, actually. On the other hand, I can find excitement, I admit, in raindrops falling on a puddle and a lot of people wouldn’t. I intend to have it exciting until the day I fall over."

If you intend to have an exciting life, too, you might as well try this.


-Vic from TeaButterfly.

dimanche 18 avril 2010

Happiness is a Butterfly

{image by Marcinéma}

"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."
- Nathaniel Hawthorne