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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est photo. Afficher tous les articles

vendredi 16 mai 2014

Learning To Carefully Walk Again

Hello Lovelies,

This last winter has been a turmoil in my life, to say the least... So I had to stop blogging here very suddenly, without even having the time to say goodbye properly to all of you lovelies.

But anyway... Here I am again. Learning to slowly walk again. I took a stroll in the great outdoors the other day and here is the result:

And after all that walking, a nice cuppa was in order, of course! 

mardi 20 août 2013

Midsummer Dreams

Hello Lovelies!

Part II of my part in the August 2013 Style Cure with Apartment Therapy is coming up soon. so why don't we relax in the meantime and enjoy the pictures I snapped during my midsummer dreams?


More pictures (all by me) here.

-Alix of TeaButterfly.

lundi 6 mai 2013

"Ghosts": My very Own "Happiness Project" [personal photography project]

Hello Lovelies!

When illness imprisons you, you have to break free!

IMPORTANT NOTE: All pictures were taken by me, Naomi Lipson, during May 2013, in the park of the hospital I was staying in at the time. All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before using. thank you.

I think and read a lot about happiness, and I am pretty sure I am not alone in this. Two regular reads of mine on the Happiness subject are:

* Gretchen Rubin's famous Happiness Project
* Maria Popova's Brain Pickings blog, which deals quite a lot with the issue of happiness, too.

I am forever indebted to the lovely Jane Flanagan, who, through her delightful blog, made me aware of the ideas goldmine that is the Brain pickings website.

About my own "Happiness Project" - and what it has to do with ghosts.

First of all, you might be aware that I suffer from a chronic kind of illness, which means I have to check into a hospital, from time to time. This is a chronic illness, I have to live with it, but it is not life-threatening... Anyway...

As I am currently in a hospital, I wanted to describe through photography the long, not-so-often taken path from misery to recovery. In my initial project, I wanted to take pictures of a patient whose face I found particularly interesting, but after a few days of reflection, he shied away altogether from the project. He looked a bit like this:

photo (c) Naomi Lipson, 1999-2000.

So what I did is take pictures anyway, of all the places I wanted to take *his* photograph in, except he will be no longer there, except as a ghostly presence.

These are the photographs I came up with...

At first, you are behind the bars of illness and misery, you are a prisoner of depression (or any other illness). Can you see the unhappy ghost behind those rusty bars?

Then, through a more or less intricate labyrinth or maze (which symbolizes any kind of path, like undertaking therapy, you are chosing to get yourself out of misery), you  try to set yourself free:

On the long, complicated journey from misery to happiness, you might find different landscapes, open gates that symbolize opportunity, such as this one:

Sometimes, on this long and difficult journey, you may need some rest and will sit down on these scattered rocks:

I guess you get the picture now...

More photos available at my flickr photo set called: "The Ghost Project".

Naomi of TeaButterfly.

samedi 2 mars 2013

A Fun Photo Challenge for March #FMSphotoaday

Hello Lovelies!

March has just started and I feel low and tired after a long winter. I need some fun! Happily enough, I stumbled upon a fun photo challenge... I just love photography and daily challenges that prompt you to be more creative. So here goes: check it out!

For this photo a day challenge, I will join the flickr group as "Teabutterfly", use the instagram hashtag #FMSphotoaday (I'm @teabutterfly on instagram) and be reminded by the lovely online calendar (also available as a cool app). I will also do a monthly recap here on this blog by the end of the month.

All the details about how to play along can be found here.


Naomi of TeaButterfly.

mercredi 15 août 2012

The Little Prince and the Butterflies

Hello Lovelies! 

photo, my own. you can see more photos of my August trip in France here.

It's so good to be back!

Today, I love this quote from "The little Prince" by Saint-Exupéry... It's about the real meaning of friendship, poetry, life, and butterflies... It's in French, but I'll try and find an English translation of it.

"Les grandes personnes aiment les chiffres. Quand vous leur parlez d’un nouvel ami, elles ne vous questionnent jamais sur l’essentiel. Elles ne vous disent jamais: «Quel est le son de sa voix? Quels sont les jeux qu’il préfère? Est-ce qu’il collectionne les papillons ?» Elles vous demandent: «Quel âge a-t-il? Combien a-t-il de frères? Combien pèse-t-il? Combien gagne son père?» Alors seulement elles croient le connaître."

                                                                             (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Le petit prince)                   

Excerpt from the book's Chapter 4.


Naomi of TeaButterfly.

mercredi 18 mai 2011

Wild Horses

Hello Lovelies!

 "Chevaux" - courtesy of Jérémie Korenfeld.

Remember my mentioning (Monday) walking among no less than fifteen wild horses this past week-end?

Here is a photo of the place and the horses... Pure magic, isn't it? The photograph was taken by my brother, Jérémie Korenfeld, btw. Check out his ever changing photostream.

And... enjoy!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

lundi 9 mai 2011

Monday Mood with Grant Hamilton.

Hello Lovelies,

I really love  abstract art (I paint some myself sometimes) and I also move polaroids. Now you can see both trends reunited. Just check this out:

Also of note, Grant Hamilton's photostream :

-Vic from TeaButterfly

dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

I wanted to share with you some winter beauty with you this week end... So here goes, some of my faves from flickr:

Don't forget to click on the links and go see the orignal photographs, they're stunning! I love winter, when it turns to a wonderland of ice and snow... We don't much of that in southern France where I live, so it's more like a fantasy to me...

Hope you'll have a festive week end!

Vic from TeaButterfly.

mercredi 15 décembre 2010

Tea with Katarina K. and Other Good News

Hello Lovelies!

My Etsy Shop reopened yesterday !

so let's celebrate with a very nice cup of tea, shall we?

 "one morning" by (c) Katarina K.

I really love Katarina K's photgraphic body of work and her blog, called "Grain & Silk". Dainty, feminine, soft, but not in the frivolous, annoying yeah, see what I mean?

Simply lovely.

 "honeylights triptych" by (c) Katarina K.

And apparently, as seen above, Katarina masters beautifully the art of the triptych and adds honey (oh, my) to her tea! ;-)

Have a great day my lovelies,

Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 5 novembre 2010

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies,

 All photos in this post are copyright (c) 2010 Vic Lipson.

Blogging daily is not always easy. Sometimes life gets in your blogging way. But that can be good, too. Means you're busy, creative, enjoying real life!

Last weekend was a long one here in France, so I went away for a little while. I snapped way too many pics, doodled a lot, and then... forgot my dear notebook at my mom's! :-(

So let's see what I *can* show you lovelies right now.

Early autumn soft light on a pair of unripe kakis:

The countryside, where I've been lately:

"Autumn colors" - shot from a running car!

Have a swell weekend everyone, and I'll be back soon with new drawings of caterpillars (the funny kind), insects and the like!

Vic from TeaButterfly

mardi 12 octobre 2010

Getting Lost is Good for You

Hello Lovelies!

I got lost in the many halls and corridors of the hospital today, and thus stumbled upon an amazingly beautiful cupboard from Provence, France.

I loved the whole cupboard:

But especially liked this exquisite detail:

Talk to you soon,

Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 3 septembre 2010

Handmade Love with The Animal Shop

I just love this wonderful photograph of a lazy racoon. Maybe because I can relate...

shop at:

mardi 17 août 2010

Still Keen On Caterpillars... ;-)

Hello Lovelies!

photo found on

my own caterpillar, just drawn with a pencil:

Maybe this whole caterpillar thing began with the blue hookah-smoking Caterpillar in Alice in wonderland for me. Chilhood memories are so important!

Vic from TeaButterfly.

lundi 16 août 2010

Why not concentrate on caterpillars?

Hello lovelies,

"Why not concentrate on caterpillars?" asks us the talented Dominique Browning of "Slow Love Life" fame. 

Well, i haven't been around here for quite awhile, and I owe you dear readers an explanation before going on caterpillars! Well... when you've been brought three times, no less, in a single month (May 2010) to the ER at your local hospital, then you need to turn on to your chilhood love(s), namely for me, tea and insects.

So here i am, fully back into drawing daily and writing this Tea & Butterfly blog!

And did I say "butterfly"? Mmmh... that means, oh well... caterpillars first! :grin:

So here I offer you a caterpiller Monday Mosaic, and wish you all a very happy monday indeed!

1. Chenille de Bombyx à livrée (Malacosoma neustria) The Lackey caterpillar, 2. la chenille ne tient qu'a un fil, 3. Chenille Machaon (Papilio machaon) Swallowtail Caterpillar

Don't forget to click on the links and go visit the original photos of these talented photographers... you might learn somethin' about funky caterpillars...

See you tomorrow with a hand drawn caterpillar of my own...

my best,

Vic from TeaButterfly.

mardi 30 mars 2010

Off to the Countryside for Two Days.

Hello Lovelies!

As I told you this past week-end, Sundays are my busiest days, while I usually take my Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays off. So here I go to the beautiful French countryside. Check out my photo, I call it "Lanscape with bed linens":

the original can be seen here. Photo by Vic Lipson. All rights reserved.

But don't worry, I'll keep doodling and drawing!

Talk soon,