Affichage des articles dont le libellé est lazy. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est lazy. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 17 juin 2014

The Curtain

Hello Lovelies,
The following combination of word and image symbolizes the epitome of summer and its easy livin' to me:

"The curtains blow back
and the wind ushers in the
soft light of morning."

~   Daily Haiku on Love by Tyler Knott Gregson


Alix of TeaButterfly.

samedi 1 décembre 2012

A Small Blog Update

Hello Lovelies,

 dreams - via pinterest

I haven't published anything here in a while, wasn't feeling so well, but wanted to keep you lovelies posted.

Today, I have finally joined the google+ communtity, making it easier for you to share and like my content. Come join in the fun! All the google+ gadgets are on the far right column of this blog.

selfportrait, me smiling at last!

I also added a new profile picture of me, smiling at last! see above.

I also intend to share with you very soon my fall & winter essentials (from my French beauty tips series), the process of me drawing  and some new drawing and paintings. Stay tuned!

image by Stuart Wilson, check out his design blog!

And by the way, Hello December!

Naomi of TeaButterfly

vendredi 25 mai 2012

French Beauty Tips for The Lazy Gal

Hello Lovelies!

Caudalie's Self-Foaming Cleanser

After reading these lazy beauty tips ( I really enjoyed the writer's sense of humor), I decided to share my own 'lazy' tips with you today.

Here is my comment on the 'lazy beauty' post: 

"Oh! I love the laziness idea here! In France, it has been turned into a series of fun books, called "les Paresseuses" (paresseuse is the French for lazy), and that way you can have beauty tips, wardrobe tips, fitness tips, cooking tips etc... for the lazy gals!
I love all-in-one products. Especially if they're organic or eco-friendly.

I use a self-foaming device for producing a soft soap for my face (try Caudalie's, if has such an incredible Fleur de Vigne scent). I just press the pump, get a tangerine size of foam ready to use. I put it gently on my face without rubbing, the soap gently washes my oils off the face. I simply rinse it while under the shower in the morning. Simple!

For my nails, I'm glad Essie finally arrived in France. I use the all-in-one base. 'nuff said.

To replace the eight hour cream you don't like, why not use organic jojoba oil, great for face/hair/body? or try Melvita's "Karité soft", which is a ready-to-use blend of shea butter (karité in French) and other moisturizing oils that faintly smells of orange peel. I use it on my lips, cuticles, nails, feet and other dehydrated places that need extra-care."

-Naomi the Frenchy.