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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est fun. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 26 mai 2014

Tea with... Jim Jarmusch

Hello Lovelies!
You all know by now just how much I love tea but maybe you don't know enough about my love for indie movies. Oh yeah, I'm a crazy cinephile. And Jim sounds like a terrific guy to have tea with! 

So below is a crazy dialogue about tea/coffee and the like that is taken from one of his movies, one that started as student project in 1983, and ended up as a full length feature in 2003. Enjoy your caffeine guys!

image source: Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) 
GZA: Want some tea?

RZA: Yea, splash me.

GZA: It's all herbals, man. No caffeine.

RZA: That's what I'm talking about. No caffeine. Caffeine is ridiculous right now, man.

GZA: Tell me about it.

RZA: Caffeine leads to depression, makes you all irritable, have your heart beating fast. Faster heart rate, you know what I mean? And worse than anything, you drink that coffee, it gives you the shits, you know what I mean? So I try to stay away from that.

GZA: I'm off that shit, anyway.

RZA: Crisp and clean. No caffeine.


Alix from TeaButterfly.


mardi 27 août 2013

[Upcycling] Random Scraps of Paper

Hello Lovelies!

 "La leçon de sagesse" - an ATC I did back in 2009. (c) TeaButterfly.

How are you today? I'm in the midst of a huge decluttering process, in order to make my future moving house project much, much easier. More about that here in this insightful midway simplicity article.

Actually throwing away useless stuff is much more fun than I thought (I used to think of it as of something very, very painful). If you're ready and ripe for it, it is a totally enjoyable process.

"Hope" - an ATC I did back in 2009. (c) TeaButterfly.

So during this process I found lots of paper, of all kinds, around the house. I'm swimming in a sea of paper! And this morning I just thought: "How about making new ATCs with all this paper? indeed!

I just conceived the idea, so the ATCs you see here were done back in 2009, I hope to post new ones, fresh from 2013 here soon.

"For Life" - an ATC I did back in 2009. (c) TeaButterfly.

This is living proof that moving house can be a creative process!


-Alix of TeaButterfly.

vendredi 23 août 2013

Things I Like Friday: The Decluttering Edition

Hello Lovelies!

"Softly glowing Japanese paper lamps" - photo, my own. 2013

Today is Friday, and I'd like to share with you a couple of links and highlights of beautiful and/or useful stuff I have found online this week.
I am in the midst of a major decluttering process which you can view and follow here.. It's (not-so) hard work, yes, but mostly, i am having fun doing it! This will give me freedom, and will help a situation like the one I told you lovelies about a year ago LINK and will my moving house (soon) process a breeze.

I am loving simplicity and embracing minimalism in my daily life now because of the sheer happiness & joy it gives me.

 Fall 2011. Photo, my own.

So, what did I find worth a read or a look this week?

Well, through the ZenHabits forum, I have found a new blog called "The Minimalists". I really like their blogposts, the most popular are listed here and Joshua, one of two authors of this blog, has a cool playlist to share with us.

JFM's Top 12 Albums of 2012

I am also very excited by this upcoming Fall season - as end of summer (2011 LINK) and back to school are my fave time of the year!

I have listed a few pros and cons about Fall. Enjoy!

A few cons a friend of mine reminded me on Facebook recently:
too much to do, rushing arounf, being stressed out, mess daylight etc...

But... lots of pros!

The heat is bearable again. It's Indian summer, with its beautiful "golden hour" light still lingering.

My fave designers & artists are showing their new creations. I plan to buy an original painting by Jane Cornwell as soon as I can afford it, to add to my small personal collection. F&B has a new range of paint colours due in September 9th. It's the "rentrée littéraire" in France - hundreds of new books are published between end of August and September each year. I plan to read 1% of it all. This means about 5 new books to read by Halloween (details here).

I am enjoying my end of summer decluttering process so much that  I have decided to make up a new tradition: very year from now on, from august 21st to 31st, it's assessing your own possessions and decluttering time!

"Shadow of a chair". Photo, my own.

Now is also a great time to enjoy the outdoors and take great photographs (I eally like the shadow of a chair I took, shown above). Or you can go visit a city and admire its street sculptures and monuments, like in the pic below:

Or visit local artists' market:

 "Haiku". Photo, my own.

Of course, back to shool is an exciting time for a stationery junkie like me! I just need to carefully write down a wishlist and assess my wants vs. my needs.

image via

There are also plenty of photo-a-day challenges out there from you to choose from, so...


-Alix of TeaButterfly.

mercredi 6 mars 2013

Maybe It's Spring? Don't Wait For Things To Happen

Hello Lovelies!

Don't wait by This Rocket Ain't Mine via the resolve project website

Spring is coming soon and it gets me excited and inspired! Right now, I am just itching to start something new, exciting and fun.

So I jumped on this photo challenge and boy! Am I having fun! It really got my creative juices flowing (try it, too!) and now I want more. So, what's next?

I believe in serendipity. Just as I was feeling finally ready, I stumbled upon the right tools online. Call it "New Year's Resolutions" for the late bloomer, if you will... ;-)

First, I found visual inspiration (and I love me some visual inspiration) in these awesome contemporary artists' resolutions, compiled online on the "Resolve project" website. Another great and funny read is this article about how famous people make their resolutions.

Then I found Rachel's food blog, with a small and inspiring blogpost about how to pamper yourself. It led me to this insightful article, that I interpreted as a sure sign that i was ready to move on, to give up on the past in order to move forward.

We can all have one or many goals for this year in our lives. Here are powerful tools for increased productivity, everyday creativity and a fave of mine, weight loss through a healthy lifestyle.

So, what am I doing right now in order to have a better life?

I'm reading Susannah Conway's story on her blog, ordering her book, This I Know.

I am reading and practising the "Joyful simplicities for March" detailed in the classic book, "Simple Abundance: a daybook of comfort and joy".

I am pinning inspiring images on my Spring Essentials pinboard, not necessarily intending to buy anything, but rather using what I already have in order to "Bring on the Spring" in my wardrobe, cleaning routine, kitchen, home decor...

I am adopting healthy lifestyle habits (and losing weight) by subscribing to SparkCoach.

I am taking photographs and doodling everyday.

Finally, i am enjoying life's little pleasures (this list is a gem!).

I now hope that all these links will inspire YOU in turn... Enjoy!

Naomi of TeaButterfly.

vendredi 2 avril 2010

Time For Play – no work allowed!

Hello Lovelies!

 this original photograph was taken by me - all rights reserved.

Just like Holly from the lovely decor8 blog said today : this week-end is "time for play – no work allowed!" - I like that!

I plan to draw and doodle my heart away (that's not work, that's love, kids!) and also play the game of the TAO with friends on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday there will be a visit to "Fontaine de Vaucluse", in the great South of France (Europe), to come and see an usual source that springs only once a year, during this period of time! A very misty fountain it is, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the trip to it!

What lovely things will you be doing this Easter week-end? Relax? Gather with friends and family perhaps? Do tell!
