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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est friday. Afficher tous les articles

samedi 18 février 2012

Oh, and happy, happy weekend!

Hello Lovelies,

I wish you all a happy, long weekend!

Not being American, I'll resume my posting here on Monday with a moodboard as usual...But if you are indeed American, please enjoy your long weekend to the fullest!

These beautiful butterflies above are by Jacqueline of  "Hip and clavicle", a nice Etsy shop. These 3D butterflies were found via the decor8 blog.

I like that Jacqueline says:

"Butterflies symbolism is freedom, exploration and whimsy. That’s a big part of who I am, which is why I think the butterfly will always remain an inspiration to me." 

I believe in that, too!


-Vic from TeaButterfly

samedi 11 février 2012

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday

Hello Lovelies!

 photo via Etsy

I'm a bit late, but still wanted to wish you all a very happy weekend!

Me? I'm doing some crazy-bitch top-notch supercalicious & fragilistic decluttering project. Maybe I'll post some before/after pics, we'll see.

Other than that, I love to be reminded that Winter too, can be beautiful. Here is a gallery I dedicated to the theme. Enjoy!

See ya Monday!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 27 janvier 2012

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday, y'all!

Hello Lovelies!

 Artist: Paul Thurlby

Hooray, it's Friday! Beware of the January blues, though... To go through those tough winter times, how about some spicy chai tea to warm us all up?

try this :
first choose some unflavored black tea, preferably from India

then add to your hot broiled tea
1 clover
1 cinnamon stick
a bit of fresh grated ginger
1 cardamom pod, opened and crushed
a cloud of milk

You can play around with the spices, add star anise, more or less ginger etc...

Sip while very hot!

Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 7 octobre 2011

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

Untitled. Oil on canvas. Finished October the 4th 2011 (c) Lipson.

Wow, it's already Friday! Happy week-end to y'all!

My week-end will be busy with the drying of a freshly painted canvas (see above), healthy meals and the collecting of leaves for artistic projects like the one depicted below.

GROW: Collect leaves and use paint to make prints. Beautiful, frame-able kids art! Photo by: Kristin from Kleas Typepad

Have fun!
-Vic from TeaButterfly. 

vendredi 1 juillet 2011

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Print above by Sarah Marshall at Etsy - via the design+sponge blog

Hello Lovelies!

After working hard this past week, at my day-job that is, I am now enjoying the sun, a friend's swimming pool and happy French appetizers! July is among us and a fierce wind is blowing here in the South of France.

Have a sparkling lil weekend, my dears!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.


vendredi 20 mai 2011

Oh, and Happy, Happy, Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

How about a happy Friday in soft, gray tones and shadows? Here are some of my favorites from flickr, enjoy:

And remember to visit the original images,they're stunning!

1. 光線そして影, 2. Untitled, 3. ., 4. DSCN9953.JPG

Have a nice weekend!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.

samedi 14 mai 2011

Hot & Dry

Hello Lovelies!

It is starking hot in here and i'm only wearing the most diminutive linen dress on. ouf ! We already had cherries (which are normally due in June) and every bloom is faded by now. I hate it when it's so hot and dry. so i'm escaping to the countryside (lots of tree shades there) with a friend for the day.

And you? What plans for the weekend?

Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 29 avril 2011

Oh, and Happy, Happy, Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

This week has been good to me, as I got back on track on the art front (I have an oil painting up my sleeve), the blogging front, (right here of course!) and on reading two blogo-neighborhood favorites of mine : Jane Flanagan's beautifully balanced "Ill seen Ill said" blog, (Jane, I'm happy to say, just launched a beautiful shop called "Coterie") and Dominique's Browning's "Slow Love Life", who is so well written and thought-challenging.

On the butterflies side of thing, I have found this amazing fabric hung in the Black+Spirop window:

 via the ABT blog

I like the vibrant, almost 'gone wild with colors' style of this fabric and this photograph as a whole.

Also of note is Amy and David Butler's house tour on AT. Turns out Amy has a cabinet of curiosities, filled with dried butterflies and found shells... Simply lovely! Just see for yourself:

photo by David Butler

Have a swell week-end everyone!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.

samedi 22 janvier 2011

Oh, and happy, happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

I really love this picture and wanted to share the love with you.

It's all about Japanese sense of serenity and soft elegance...

Have a nice weekend, all!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

I wanted to share with you some winter beauty with you this week end... So here goes, some of my faves from flickr:

Don't forget to click on the links and go see the orignal photographs, they're stunning! I love winter, when it turns to a wonderland of ice and snow... We don't much of that in southern France where I live, so it's more like a fantasy to me...

Hope you'll have a festive week end!

Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 22 octobre 2010

Oh, And Happy Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

Both photos from my flickr photostream - mosaic made using this famous tool. 1. black vintage dress sold on Etsy, 2. black

It's that time of year again... This weekend is the right time to start hunting for the perfect little black dress you'll wear during the upcoming holidays... Have a swell time!

I'll see you Monday!

Vic from TeaButterfly.

PS: About the two dresses shown above: both little black dresses appeared on, one a long time ago, and the other not so long ago...

vendredi 9 avril 2010

Simple Inspiration: Have a nice week-end!

Hello Lovelies!

Have a nice week-end!

And remember...

enjoy the simple pleasures of life!
Simple is best. Simple is beautiful.


Note: photo above was found somewhere... that I can't remember. So sorry!
If this mood board is yours, please contact me! Thanks!