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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est etsy. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 30 août 2012

It Hit Me, Again

Hello Lovelies!

I'm in a rainy mood.

The evil illness, depression, hit me again. I struggled and struggled until I could not bear it it anymore. It's not an easy subject to be talking about... Let's just say I feel constantly exhausted for no reason (other than the depression itself) and that everything seems to be dull, grey and blurred... This is what depression looks like to me:

 image via pinterest

I have to check in hospital today, and so will close my etsy shop for now. I wish you lovelies a wonderful end of summer and I hope to be returning soon.

I'm trying to remember this inspirational quote:

"But without the dark, we could never see the stars."

My best,

Naomi of TeaButterfly.

jeudi 5 avril 2012

The Promise of April

Hello Lovelies!

 photo, my own

Though this year has been quite an exception weather-wise, February and March are usually two very harsh months. Come April, we can start to relax, and enjoy the blooming trees.

If you are the religious type, you know April is the time for Ressurection, and if not, you might call it simply Renewal. And there are new paintings in my Etsy shop, I'm quite happy to say!

-Vic from Teabutterfly

lundi 30 mai 2011

Drawings - my best of 2010 video

Hello Lovelies!

 Insect In a Maze I - 2010. by (c) Vic Lipson.

Please check out this video on flickr to see my best 2010 drawings.

Some of them will appear as postcards in my shop very soon (I'm discussing princings with my printer as I write this) so that you can have a piece of my original work of art for an affordable 5 dollars!

Yay for affordable original insect art!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

mercredi 15 décembre 2010

Tea with Katarina K. and Other Good News

Hello Lovelies!

My Etsy Shop reopened yesterday !

so let's celebrate with a very nice cup of tea, shall we?

 "one morning" by (c) Katarina K.

I really love Katarina K's photgraphic body of work and her blog, called "Grain & Silk". Dainty, feminine, soft, but not in the frivolous, annoying yeah, see what I mean?

Simply lovely.

 "honeylights triptych" by (c) Katarina K.

And apparently, as seen above, Katarina masters beautifully the art of the triptych and adds honey (oh, my) to her tea! ;-)

Have a great day my lovelies,

Vic from TeaButterfly.

mercredi 28 avril 2010

New Tea Drawing and Other Musings

Hello Lovelies!

Don't you just love graceful dragonflies? And still steaming tea just brings peace of mind, don't you think?...

I'm happy to announce that a new "Tea with Dragonfly" drawing is ready to be added to my Etsy shop! i just need to take additional photographs of it to put it online for sale.

So here's my new piece... Mmmh, there's something wrong with blogger and i just can't upload it... You can see it on flickr though, right here. Until I fix things!

Fixed ! Here it is :

My new piece of art has the same setting as the tea scene pictured above, except it's a "Tea Scene in Blue, Orange and Green".


lundi 12 avril 2010

Busy Bee

Hello Lovelies!

"Tea with Lost Feather" - original art by Vic Lipson

...and Happy Monday to you!

I'm busy as a bee preparing a Monday Mood Board - made out of my flickr faves - for you to enjoy, as well as fine tuning this brand new blog for an optimal enjoyable reading experience. If you have a look at my complete profile, you'll see I'm adding a lot of goodies to my blogroll, while trying to keep "My Cup of Tea" (favorite blogs) to a maximum of five highlights!

Now to the fun, creative part... :-) I've been drawing a tea scene in a entirely different style (for me) this past week-end and I'm happy to announce it's up on the shop! It's called "Tea with a Lost Feather". More photos and views are available here. Please note that just *one* image is a scan, while the other are photographs that I took, trying on different settings and lights, so you'll get the best idea of how this piece of art really looks!

Hope you enjoy it!

mercredi 7 avril 2010

Wednesday Faves: Showpony

Hello lovelies!

photo and purse by "showpony"

I hope you all had a great Ester week-end!

I feel restored myself, and can feel my creative juices flowing! It's a good thing, since my Etsy shop opens officially... tomorrow! Be prepared for some nice surprises for readers of this blog!

Today I wanted to start a new series right here, right now: following Scoutie Girl's suggestion, I mean to introduce you to a new favorite Etsy shop of mine each and every Wednesday.

So without further ado, I'll tell you about "showpony", a great shop run by Emma Henderson from Glasgow, Scotland. The truth be told, I discovered this shop only today, but I'm already smitten. I'm not good with textiles, so people who are fascinate me! Emma of "showpony" stamps and prints on canvas bags and other textiles.

And then... I discovered beautiful insects in Emma's shop! So this is definitely a fave for me: "Lavender Bugs gift set", a set of two wonderful lavender sachets with bugs printed on them. My fave pattern is this one:

photo by "showpony"

You can also follow the lovely Emma in these nice places:

