Hello Lovelies,
I recently stumbled upon this extravagant Schiaparelli dress and thought it would be perfect for a "Tuesday's Butterfly". Isn't it just grand?
I also love this quote involving butterflies:
Alix of TeaButterfly.
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est butterfly. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est butterfly. Afficher tous les articles
mardi 8 juillet 2014
mardi 22 octobre 2013
Tea (and butterflies) With... Siobhan Wilson
Hello Lovelies,
It's Tuesday - time for this week's butterfly!
I spotted this Tuesday butterfly on the most beautiful & talented girl, and it's pinned high in her hair as you can see...
Her name is Siodbhan Wilson, she's more than pretty and I love her music! One of my favorites from this artist is her "Song for Anthony" and it achingly says about childhood:
Of course, I'd love to have tea with her some time... Now that I'm back in Paris, France (yes, I've moved back!), this is all the more possible! ;-)
Siodbhan Wilson's details:
Facebook page
YouTube channel
More images of that pretty face
Alix of TeaButterfly
It's Tuesday - time for this week's butterfly!
I spotted this Tuesday butterfly on the most beautiful & talented girl, and it's pinned high in her hair as you can see...
Her name is Siodbhan Wilson, she's more than pretty and I love her music! One of my favorites from this artist is her "Song for Anthony" and it achingly says about childhood:
Of course, I'd love to have tea with her some time... Now that I'm back in Paris, France (yes, I've moved back!), this is all the more possible! ;-)
Siodbhan Wilson's details:
Facebook page
YouTube channel
More images of that pretty face
Alix of TeaButterfly
mercredi 12 juin 2013
"Why?": My Illustration of a Poem by Fernando Pessoa.
Hello Lovelies!
Here is a mixed media (mostly ink on paper) series of illustrations I did some time ago to illustrate a favourite poem of mine, by Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa:
From the "Why?" series - detail. Lipson (c) 2013.
Here is a mixed media (mostly ink on paper) series of illustrations I did some time ago to illustrate a favourite poem of mine, by Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa:
" À l'Univers j'apporte un nouvel Univers
parce que j'apporte à l'Univers l'Univers lui-même "
Pessoa ~ Le gardeur de troupeaux
-Naomi of TeaButterfly.
jeudi 14 février 2013
My Two Loves
Hello lovelies,
When looking deep down, what do you think are my two loves? Nabokov has the answer:
When looking deep down, what do you think are my two loves? Nabokov has the answer:
Naomi of TeaButterfly.
vendredi 17 août 2012
Fashionable Tea & Butterflies
Hello Lovelies!
Today I'm loving that bug in my cup of tea, just like the lady below!
These series of photographs are by Amanda G. a very talented photographer. I am happy to see reunited in hip fashion magazines two of my loves, namely tea and insects!
Below is my fave (that pop of red! the nice interaction between human and insect) photo from the new Uniqlo lookbook called "Undercover". (found via sfgirlbybay).
Marie Claire Idées magazine also features a number of nice DIY ideas and projects revolving around tea-time scenes.
More of Uniqlo's lookbook:
Naomi of TeaButterfly.
Today I'm loving that bug in my cup of tea, just like the lady below!
These series of photographs are by Amanda G. a very talented photographer. I am happy to see reunited in hip fashion magazines two of my loves, namely tea and insects!
Below is my fave (that pop of red! the nice interaction between human and insect) photo from the new Uniqlo lookbook called "Undercover". (found via sfgirlbybay).
Marie Claire Idées magazine also features a number of nice DIY ideas and projects revolving around tea-time scenes.
More of Uniqlo's lookbook:
Naomi of TeaButterfly.
mercredi 15 août 2012
The Little Prince and the Butterflies
Hello Lovelies!
It's so good to be back!
Today, I love this quote from "The little Prince" by Saint-Exupéry... It's about the real meaning of friendship, poetry, life, and butterflies... It's in French, but I'll try and find an English translation of it.
Excerpt from the book's Chapter 4."Les grandes personnes aiment les chiffres. Quand vous leur parlez d’un nouvel ami, elles ne vous questionnent jamais sur l’essentiel. Elles ne vous disent jamais: «Quel est le son de sa voix? Quels sont les jeux qu’il préfère? Est-ce qu’il collectionne les papillons ?» Elles vous demandent: «Quel âge a-t-il? Combien a-t-il de frères? Combien pèse-t-il? Combien gagne son père?» Alors seulement elles croient le connaître."
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Le petit prince)
Naomi of TeaButterfly.
mercredi 14 mars 2012
Many Loves
Hello Lovelies,
I just found online, on the Cabinet of Wonders blog, and by mere chance, a wonderful short video featuring the Book of Kells. This little gem reunites some of my many loves: love for Medieval manuscripts (I studied Medieval History and Art History in college), love for dandelion seeds floating around in the foreground, and for beautiful butterflies, of course.
Of course the Book of Kells is full of swirls, spirals and vortex, which I love, too.
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
I just found online, on the Cabinet of Wonders blog, and by mere chance, a wonderful short video featuring the Book of Kells. This little gem reunites some of my many loves: love for Medieval manuscripts (I studied Medieval History and Art History in college), love for dandelion seeds floating around in the foreground, and for beautiful butterflies, of course.
The Secret of Kells - Aisling's Forest video
Of course the Book of Kells is full of swirls, spirals and vortex, which I love, too.
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
mercredi 29 février 2012
You Are A Butterfly
Hello Lovelies!
I really, really love this quote:
You Are A Butterfly, we are all butterflies. Here are the latest I drew today:
Let's be grateful that we have a leap year in 2012, and cherish that special day!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
I really, really love this quote:
image source
You Are A Butterfly, we are all butterflies. Here are the latest I drew today:
photo, my own. 2012 (c) Lipson.
Let's be grateful that we have a leap year in 2012, and cherish that special day!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
samedi 18 février 2012
Oh, and happy, happy weekend!
Hello Lovelies,
I wish you all a happy, long weekend!
Not being American, I'll resume my posting here on Monday with a moodboard as usual...But if you are indeed American, please enjoy your long weekend to the fullest!
These beautiful butterflies above are by Jacqueline of "Hip and clavicle", a nice Etsy shop. These 3D butterflies were found via the decor8 blog.
I like that Jacqueline says:
I believe in that, too!
-Vic from TeaButterfly
I wish you all a happy, long weekend!
Not being American, I'll resume my posting here on Monday with a moodboard as usual...But if you are indeed American, please enjoy your long weekend to the fullest!
These beautiful butterflies above are by Jacqueline of "Hip and clavicle", a nice Etsy shop. These 3D butterflies were found via the decor8 blog.
I like that Jacqueline says:
"Butterflies symbolism is freedom, exploration and whimsy. That’s a big part
of who I am, which is why I think the butterfly will always remain an
inspiration to me."
I believe in that, too!
-Vic from TeaButterfly
vendredi 16 septembre 2011
Moth Vibration! ...and Happy Friday!
Hello Lovelies,
drawing of moth - mixed media, (c) 2011 by Lipson.
Just when I was about to leave home for hospital this last Wednesday, I opened my letterbox, just to check in, and I found an amazing moth ( a butterfly that lives at night and seeks dark places like the inside of a letterbox).
It hopped right on my hand and started vibrating intensely... I wonder what this vibration meant fear for his life? fear of daylight? or just the sheer vibration of life? In any case, it was amazing!
Just as i tried to reach for my camera without frigntening him too much, he took flight! But I drew him afterwards, for you to see...
Happy Friday everyone! I will rest and stroll in the Magic Park. What about you?
-Vic from TeaButterfly
drawing of moth - mixed media, (c) 2011 by Lipson.
Just when I was about to leave home for hospital this last Wednesday, I opened my letterbox, just to check in, and I found an amazing moth ( a butterfly that lives at night and seeks dark places like the inside of a letterbox).
It hopped right on my hand and started vibrating intensely... I wonder what this vibration meant fear for his life? fear of daylight? or just the sheer vibration of life? In any case, it was amazing!
Just as i tried to reach for my camera without frigntening him too much, he took flight! But I drew him afterwards, for you to see...
Happy Friday everyone! I will rest and stroll in the Magic Park. What about you?
-Vic from TeaButterfly
mardi 30 août 2011
The Life of Tropical Butterflies
Hello Lovelies!
No TV At Home.
I don't have a TV at home, but I'm staying at a friend's right now and just saw a very interesting documentary on the life of tropical butterflies. And you know me, I'm crazy about butterflies!
This particular program was broadcasted by ARTE, the German-French TV. You can re-play this "X:enius" program here for a few days (in French and German).
photo found via Dominique's Browning's blog, Slow Love Life. No, wait! Dominique has indeed mentioned her love for caterpillars on her fantastic blog, but this particular image is via the jjjjound.com blog.
The Appetite of the Caterpillar.
One thing that really struck me, watching this program, was the caterpillars' huge appetite, for fresh leaves and for life! Maybe thats why they're called caterpillars, with cater like in catering? I'll have to check in a dictionary. But what I witnessed was the caterpillars' - of any species - huge growth, literally within days, following that massive eating of leaves.
But Not Just Any Leaves...
Most butterfly species feed on a specific herb, leaf or plant. That's what makes them so fragile. Hunters and collectors of exotic butterflies don't seem as much as a big threat as deforestation is, or the disappearance of a given environment.
Caterpillars are hungry indeed, but most times they would rather die than eat another leaf than the one they're used to eat! So if a given forest, with the given plants and trees that grow there, disappear, the butterflies disappear with their environment. Just another reason to protect tropical forests and wildlife!
Butterflies in Your Garden.
So you'd like to preserve butterflies and have plenty of them in your surroundings? That's quite simple really. You can either grow specific butterfly-attracting plants like the famous buddleia. Or you could simply let nature do the hard work and leave a small part of you garden unweeded. Yes! Grow weeds! "Weeds", or whatever plants grow naturally in your soil, are the most likely to attract the butterflies that would naturally develop there. Just wonderful, and simple!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
buddleia !
Tropical butterflies at the Detroit Zoo. via the "obsession with butterflies" site.
No TV At Home.
I don't have a TV at home, but I'm staying at a friend's right now and just saw a very interesting documentary on the life of tropical butterflies. And you know me, I'm crazy about butterflies!
This particular program was broadcasted by ARTE, the German-French TV. You can re-play this "X:enius" program here for a few days (in French and German).
photo found via Dominique's Browning's blog, Slow Love Life. No, wait! Dominique has indeed mentioned her love for caterpillars on her fantastic blog, but this particular image is via the jjjjound.com blog.
The Appetite of the Caterpillar.
One thing that really struck me, watching this program, was the caterpillars' huge appetite, for fresh leaves and for life! Maybe thats why they're called caterpillars, with cater like in catering? I'll have to check in a dictionary. But what I witnessed was the caterpillars' - of any species - huge growth, literally within days, following that massive eating of leaves.
Image from the program X:enius on ARTE TV
But Not Just Any Leaves...
Most butterfly species feed on a specific herb, leaf or plant. That's what makes them so fragile. Hunters and collectors of exotic butterflies don't seem as much as a big threat as deforestation is, or the disappearance of a given environment.
Caterpillars are hungry indeed, but most times they would rather die than eat another leaf than the one they're used to eat! So if a given forest, with the given plants and trees that grow there, disappear, the butterflies disappear with their environment. Just another reason to protect tropical forests and wildlife!
Funky Caterpillars, a triptych made of three of my Flickr faves.
1. Chenille de Bombyx à livrée (Malacosoma neustria) The Lackey caterpillar, 2. la chenille ne tient qu'a un fil, 3. Chenille Machaon (Papilio machaon) Swallowtail Caterpillar
1. Chenille de Bombyx à livrée (Malacosoma neustria) The Lackey caterpillar, 2. la chenille ne tient qu'a un fil, 3. Chenille Machaon (Papilio machaon) Swallowtail Caterpillar
Butterflies in Your Garden.
So you'd like to preserve butterflies and have plenty of them in your surroundings? That's quite simple really. You can either grow specific butterfly-attracting plants like the famous buddleia. Or you could simply let nature do the hard work and leave a small part of you garden unweeded. Yes! Grow weeds! "Weeds", or whatever plants grow naturally in your soil, are the most likely to attract the butterflies that would naturally develop there. Just wonderful, and simple!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
buddleia !
dimanche 3 juillet 2011
Twelve New Doodles
Hello Lovelies!
To Americans, tomorrow is the Fourth of July, or the American Independance Day... Here in France we celebrate the beginning of the summer holidays, or "grandes vacances"!
I thought it would be timely to publish here some new doodles from last May and June, before I head to the countryside and draw some more! Here are a few doodles, you can see the whole set at my flickr set called "TeaButterfly, Doodle of the Day"!
Here is my set for the all bunch of doodles, an open dictionary, a small found vase, and a succulent:
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
photo and doodle by me, Vic of TeaButterfly. (c) 2011.
To Americans, tomorrow is the Fourth of July, or the American Independance Day... Here in France we celebrate the beginning of the summer holidays, or "grandes vacances"!
I thought it would be timely to publish here some new doodles from last May and June, before I head to the countryside and draw some more! Here are a few doodles, you can see the whole set at my flickr set called "TeaButterfly, Doodle of the Day"!
Here is my set for the all bunch of doodles, an open dictionary, a small found vase, and a succulent:
photo by me, Vic of TeaButterfly. (c) 2011.
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
jeudi 26 mai 2011
Back from Avignon, France
Hello Lovelies,
I just spent two days in medieval-extraordinaire city, Avignon, in the South of France, visiting friends, modeling for a photograph, going to art exhibitions and having a great time all around.
Photos will be posted tomorrow!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
this butterflies watercolor is by artist Stina Persson - see her portfolio here.
I just spent two days in medieval-extraordinaire city, Avignon, in the South of France, visiting friends, modeling for a photograph, going to art exhibitions and having a great time all around.
Photos will be posted tomorrow!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
mardi 24 mai 2011
Tuesday's Butterfly is... "Amour"!
Hello Lovelies,
Today I'm pleased to share with you a butterfly collage I did a while ago.
I love the mix of color/patterns in it, and the meeting of a butterfly with the word "amour" (that's "love" in French).
-Vic from TeaButterfly
"amour" - collage by Vic Lipson (c) 2007
Today I'm pleased to share with you a butterfly collage I did a while ago.
I love the mix of color/patterns in it, and the meeting of a butterfly with the word "amour" (that's "love" in French).
-Vic from TeaButterfly
lundi 16 mai 2011
Pinterest love
Hello lovelies!
How are you this Monday? I had a great weekend, spent at the French countryside with a dear friend. Longs naps, short walks... just an amazing landscape, and wild horses surrounding us...
Now I wanted to share with you some Pinterest love with you this morning, esp. my Type Love, my Tea Love, and my Love for Beautiful Butterflies...
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
PS: I'm now off to add new drawings and paintings to my Etsy shop. ;-)
the big lime tree for shade... photo by me Vic Lipson
How are you this Monday? I had a great weekend, spent at the French countryside with a dear friend. Longs naps, short walks... just an amazing landscape, and wild horses surrounding us...
Now I wanted to share with you some Pinterest love with you this morning, esp. my Type Love, my Tea Love, and my Love for Beautiful Butterflies...
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
PS: I'm now off to add new drawings and paintings to my Etsy shop. ;-)
mardi 10 mai 2011
Tuesday's Butterfly is...
...on Betty's shirt.
yes, Betty from the Mad Men series. How timely!
such a fashionable TV series indeed! So classy, elegant, and cynical in tone.
Do enjoy any TV series? Would you care to share which one?
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
yes, Betty from the Mad Men series. How timely!
such a fashionable TV series indeed! So classy, elegant, and cynical in tone.
Do enjoy any TV series? Would you care to share which one?
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
samedi 30 avril 2011
vendredi 29 avril 2011
Oh, and Happy, Happy, Friday!
Hello Lovelies!
This week has been good to me, as I got back on track on the art front (I have an oil painting up my sleeve), the blogging front, (right here of course!) and on reading two blogo-neighborhood favorites of mine : Jane Flanagan's beautifully balanced "Ill seen Ill said" blog, (Jane, I'm happy to say, just launched a beautiful shop called "Coterie") and Dominique's Browning's "Slow Love Life", who is so well written and thought-challenging.
On the butterflies side of thing, I have found this amazing fabric hung in the Black+Spirop window:
I like the vibrant, almost 'gone wild with colors' style of this fabric and this photograph as a whole.
Also of note is Amy and David Butler's house tour on AT. Turns out Amy has a cabinet of curiosities, filled with dried butterflies and found shells... Simply lovely! Just see for yourself:
Have a swell week-end everyone!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
This week has been good to me, as I got back on track on the art front (I have an oil painting up my sleeve), the blogging front, (right here of course!) and on reading two blogo-neighborhood favorites of mine : Jane Flanagan's beautifully balanced "Ill seen Ill said" blog, (Jane, I'm happy to say, just launched a beautiful shop called "Coterie") and Dominique's Browning's "Slow Love Life", who is so well written and thought-challenging.
On the butterflies side of thing, I have found this amazing fabric hung in the Black+Spirop window:
via the ABT blog
I like the vibrant, almost 'gone wild with colors' style of this fabric and this photograph as a whole.
Also of note is Amy and David Butler's house tour on AT. Turns out Amy has a cabinet of curiosities, filled with dried butterflies and found shells... Simply lovely! Just see for yourself:
photo by David Butler
Have a swell week-end everyone!
-Vic from TeaButterfly.
mardi 26 octobre 2010
Tuesday's Butterfly
Hello Lovelies!
It's no secret by now that I love butterflies (hence my nickname, for instance!)...
So I decided Tuesday will be from now on the day to show you on this blog, first, an inspiring butterfly I've found on the Net, second, a butterfly I have drawn or doodled myself!
I also started a Flickr gallery called "Butterflies inspire me", check it out!
So without further ado, here's this Tuesday butterfly:
it is a brown butterfly tray, skillfully made of decoupaged glass, and you can see and purchase it here.
And a page from my notebooks, with a doodled butterfly:
Have a nice "butterfly" day everyone!
Vic from TeaButterfly.
It's no secret by now that I love butterflies (hence my nickname, for instance!)...
So I decided Tuesday will be from now on the day to show you on this blog, first, an inspiring butterfly I've found on the Net, second, a butterfly I have drawn or doodled myself!
I also started a Flickr gallery called "Butterflies inspire me", check it out!
So without further ado, here's this Tuesday butterfly:
it is a brown butterfly tray, skillfully made of decoupaged glass, and you can see and purchase it here.
And a page from my notebooks, with a doodled butterfly:
Have a nice "butterfly" day everyone!
Vic from TeaButterfly.
mercredi 13 octobre 2010
What I Love...
Hello Lovelies!
I wanted to share with you this very ealy morning a picture that says it (almost) all, all the things I particularly love:
Vic from TeaButterfly.
PS: I'm home for the fortnight and strangely enough I can't sleep! (must be the excitment to be home again and playing with my cat, too! - I missed poor kitty that was so nicely attended by two of my best friends... Thanks, you awesome gals!
photograph from Adore, the new e-zine (via the decor8 blog)
I wanted to share with you this very ealy morning a picture that says it (almost) all, all the things I particularly love:
- butterflies of course, esp. when hung as art!
- home decor,
- typography as art, esp. ampersand(s)
- and art hung on the walls!
Vic from TeaButterfly.
PS: I'm home for the fortnight and strangely enough I can't sleep! (must be the excitment to be home again and playing with my cat, too! - I missed poor kitty that was so nicely attended by two of my best friends... Thanks, you awesome gals!
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