Hello Lovelies,
original image via - text added by me.
This blogpost is a bit of a note-to-self kind, but i am publishing it here so it might be useful to others, too.
Well, do you want, just like me, a simpler, slower, more filfilling, zen-like & do-what-you-love kind of life? Do you want to actually
live your dream life? OK, me too! ;-)
...But the task of simplifying may seem daunting and well... not so
simple! We're often at a loss as to where do we even
That is why I did a little research online and found out 3 must-read simplicity resources.
First, I highly recommend ypu read a short,
simple personal story, so you can get the picture. This is simply because, if you know what your dream is, you can start & achieve it! Or, as Jennifer and Aby put it: "
Living Your Dream Life Begins with Knowing What You Want."
a beautiful reminder to just "stop & smell the roses", via
You can then have a look at a very thorough
zen guide to simple living that answers simply the difficult question of "where do I start?". I suggest you pick a maximum of 5 points (out of
this list) - simply choose the ones that are particularly appealing to you, and start working on them...
I, for instance, love points #9 #13 #14 #15 of the ZenHabits guide mentioned above.
So, in a nutshell, determine what is your biggest dream/goal and read/act accordingly.
Roughly the same thing as the ZenHabits guide, but in French, the "
Par où commencer ?" guide to personal development.
In closing, my motto, beautifully calligraphed:
-Naomi of TeaButterfly.
PS: if you're willing to dig deeper, there are literally
tons of reading material on and offline including these pinterest boards of mine:
* visual candy to help you
get organized at home
* articles (less visual) to read about
"getting things done"
* visual inspiration : what
a simple life looks like
And, finally, the Brain Pickings site has a whole range of articles on the subject of "
do what you love" for a living. You can start by this one: "
How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love"