Affichage des articles dont le libellé est blue. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est blue. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 7 juillet 2014

Monday Mood: the Blues

Hello Lovelies,

picture above: painting by Helen Frankenthaler

As you may well have guessed, I'm in the Mood for Indigo!

picture above: painting by Cy Twonbly

 picture above: painting by Martin Formgren, 2014

I hope you enjoy all these deep blues to the full. See you tomorrow with a new "Tuesday's Butterfly". By the way... Did you know? You can now Follow my blog with Bloglovin'!

Alix of TeaButterfly.

vendredi 7 octobre 2011

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

Untitled. Oil on canvas. Finished October the 4th 2011 (c) Lipson.

Wow, it's already Friday! Happy week-end to y'all!

My week-end will be busy with the drying of a freshly painted canvas (see above), healthy meals and the collecting of leaves for artistic projects like the one depicted below.

GROW: Collect leaves and use paint to make prints. Beautiful, frame-able kids art! Photo by: Kristin from Kleas Typepad

Have fun!
-Vic from TeaButterfly. 

jeudi 25 août 2011

Calming Blues

Hello Lovelies!

 hues of blue on ceramics - all photos in this post via the Field & Sea tumblr.

The heat wave is over for now but it is still very hot! When the weather is that fierce, I like to look at this lovely blog, Field & Sea, quite approriately nicknamed "a collection of loveliness" and look for calming, cooling hues of blue.

 a wonderful quilt - found via here the Field & Sea tumblr.

love this photograph of poppy seeds, their blueish-green color - found here via Field & Sea.

Have a great creative Thursday!

...and I'll see you soon,

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

jeudi 26 mai 2011

Back from Avignon, France

Hello Lovelies,

this butterflies watercolor is by artist Stina Persson - see her portfolio here.

I just spent two days in medieval-extraordinaire city, Avignon, in the South of France, visiting friends, modeling for a photograph, going to art exhibitions and having a great time all around.

Photos will be posted tomorrow!

-Vic from TeaButterfly.

lundi 23 août 2010

A Happy Monday, Flying with Butterflies

Hello Lovelies,

Check out this flickr collection, called "Flying with Butterflies" and which includes my own mosaic, featuring Marcinéma's beautiful self-portrait with a blue butterfly... I called this particular mosaic "A Blue Dream"...

In the meantime, i keep painting, drawing and doodling everyday, so as to re-open my Etsy shop real soon.

Save the date: September the 1st!

Vic from TeaButterfly.