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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est abstract. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 11 octobre 2011

Happy Monday!

Hello Lovelies!

I wish you all a Happy Monday!

Above is a mosaic made out of three of my recent flickr faves, and it's all about happiness and living the happy life (as an independent artist and otherwise).

Please do check the original photographs through the links provided above, they are really worth it!

I'm happy with my new oil painting, I'll provide more photos of it soon and when dry, it will be available in my shop. How happy is that?

Let's talk soon,
-Vic from TeaButterfly.

vendredi 7 octobre 2011

Oh, and Happy, Happy Friday!

Hello Lovelies!

Untitled. Oil on canvas. Finished October the 4th 2011 (c) Lipson.

Wow, it's already Friday! Happy week-end to y'all!

My week-end will be busy with the drying of a freshly painted canvas (see above), healthy meals and the collecting of leaves for artistic projects like the one depicted below.

GROW: Collect leaves and use paint to make prints. Beautiful, frame-able kids art! Photo by: Kristin from Kleas Typepad

Have fun!
-Vic from TeaButterfly. 

lundi 9 mai 2011

Monday Mood with Grant Hamilton.

Hello Lovelies,

I really love  abstract art (I paint some myself sometimes) and I also move polaroids. Now you can see both trends reunited. Just check this out:

Also of note, Grant Hamilton's photostream :

-Vic from TeaButterfly