It amazes me how much time looking for, contracting for, inspecting and thinking about a new houses takes... there doesn't seem to be enough room for anything else in my poor brain! So... here are a few pictures of our soon-to-be new home (keep your fingers crossed)!
Front (please excuse the trash can):

It was built in 1950 and is just over 1600 square feet in size. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room and kitchen. It has a cement block wall all around the back yard for privacy and keeping the dogs from barking at everything that moves!
Here is the front room:

The "music room:"

with built-in bookshelves:

This is adjoining the front room and it's where we'll be setting up Glenn's guitars and the stereo system. The window seat is wonderful... it has storage all under it... yay!! That door goes to the laundry room... it's inside which is unusual for houses built during this period in Phoenix. Since it doesn't freeze, the washer and dryer were usually in the garage.
The dining room from the front room looking out to the backyard:

The tall bearded man is my sweetie... inn't he cute! The fellow next to him is our realtor, Shawn.
Here is the kitchen... this picture is from the real estate listing:

It doesn't have as much counter space as I would like, but it will do until I can convince Glenn that a small kitchen re-do is in order! ;0)
Of course we have boxes sitting all over the place and our cat, Miss Priss, as all cats do, loves boxes... I think she is ready to move!!

All for now... stitching should return shortly (I hope!)... it will be soooooo nice to have this all behind us and be settled in!