Showing posts with label Me Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me Monday. Show all posts

Monday, June 14, 2010

Me Monday - Talkin Tuesday

Well here we are again on Monday, a day I just don't want to embrace or be exicted about.  I sometimes feel bad for Mondays, they just get no love.  BUT something I am excited about and do want to show love to and am hoping you too will embrace is a new link up to help us get to know one another better and to help look at the good in life.  I know I can always be reminded to find things to be thankful for and to do it while getting to know you better is even more exciting.  So I'm happy to bring you 2SDAYS hosted by Bree Bee's, Texas Monkey and Ten Talents.

BreeBee’s 2 Link Ups Tuesdays

What is this 2SDAYS besides another link up and another MeMe?  Well it's more than just that. 
This is a fun, DOUBLE-link up, where we get to know a little about each other AND follow our new friends.

If you've followed me for a while or at least read my Friday's posts lately then you probably know that I am really interested in developing friendships not just gaining followers.  I want to interact with my readers, know what's going on in their life outside of blog posts, and want to inspire them to want to know me more.  So this linky party will be just that, a way to get to know our fellow bloggers, maybe even get inspired by their happy thoughts and combine link ups so we can utilize other days for those fun posts!
So what do you need to do?  Well come back here tomorrow of course and link up!
To link up

  • Write a new post on your site with 2 things that you are thankful for, a happy thought, or something good that happned to you in the past week.

  • Then link up to 2 links (or just 1 if you prefer) of your blog url with the 2SDAYS post (not just your main page), twitter, facebook, etc... on one of the hosts sites, updating one McLinky will update all the lists.

  • Grab a button for your post, I have two sizes for ya'll.

  • Follow the first 3 hostess slots

  • Visit and follow as many blogs, twitters, and facebook pages as you'd like leaving lots of comment love.

  • Have Fun!

So what are two things you are thankfulfor? What are 2 happy thoughts that got you through the past week? 
Come back tomorrow and link up your post and feel free to spread the news so others can join in.  Remember this is about getting to know you as reader and letting your readers get to know you. 

Oh and if you're a regular reader of my blog and a fan of Dear So and So's, don't worry they will still be posted, moving them to Wednesdays now. 
Happy Monday Ya'll.

BreeBee’s 2Links Ups Tuesdays

Monday, June 7, 2010

Me Monday - A Mac Kid

Have you seen the Macaroni Kid Logo around blog land lately?  You may have at least noticed it at the end of my posts lately or to the right of my sidebar.  Well since today is Monday and that means it's all about me, I wanted to share something with you that I'm so excited about and kind of need your help with. 

I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about my desire to become a SAHM (Stay at home Mom) or WAHM (Work at home mom). My heart is to be close to my monkey and spend the days with her instead of at my desk and she in daycare. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, and love her school. I love what she’s learning and the friends she is making but I want to be a part of it with her. I think both SAHMs and moms that work outside of the home have a tough job, neither is easier or better, I just have been a working mom and now it’s time to work towards being an at home mom.

So to help me achieve this goal I of course started Texas Monkey Boutique which has been doing wonderfully but just at a place to allow me to do it full time and stay at home. To help me get their quicker I have decided to add another endeavor to my resume.

I am starting a new venture called Macaroni Kid. It is a free weekly e-newsletter and website that lists all the upcoming happenings and events for kids in and around North East Dallas. I launched my first newsletter two weeks ago and will continue to use Thursdays as the day when my newsletters will be emailed out.

As a new mom, I found it difficult to find out about so many of the great events that go on in my community without having to search all over and I think that my new newsletter will be a huge help! The newsletter is free and we have a privacy policy in place (we don’t sell or give away names or email addresses).

So this is where you come in for help. I’d love to add you as a subscriber to my little newsletter. The more people I get to subscribe for this free service, the better my chances are at gaining paying advertisers, free vacation offers for my subscribers, and more, thus allowing me to become a SAHM or WAHM if you will. I want to continue to help my family out financially and my goal and desire is for this adventure to allow that.
This week I'm running a giveaway, free movie passes to the movie of your choice just for getting the most subscribers.  Pretty easy and we all love the movies!

I realize that not everyone may live in the NE Dallas area but I know a lot of us travel to the Dallas area for mini vacations, shopping, eating, etc so this can help you as well. And if you live too far to visit then maybe this will be incentive to come see me. :)  If anything you will have access to ideas to look for in your own community as well as great parenting articles, tips, ideas, crafts, recipes, freebies, and fun giveaways.
At the very least you’ll be helping me out by being a subscriber.

And if you aren’t in the NE Dallas area but think this is something that your area would benefit from then talk to me about it and you can start your own little website and become a publishing mom like myself.

If you have a business and looking for some really cheap advertising rates and want to know exactly who your target audience is, then please talk to me about it. I am targeting parents with children ages newborns through high school and moms and dads who are the decision makers in their households, so if you advertise with me there’s no wasted time or money on readers who aren’t with children. Make sense?

If this is something you don’t mind helping me with, just put a yes in the comment section and I can add your email to my list. Or simply go to the Sign Up page and enter your info. Again, nothing will be shared with anyone or anything. And when it is emailed to you on Thursdays, all I ask is you click through it, maybe visit my site every once in a while.  And this week you'll automatically be entered into 2 giveaways.

Also I know you know many parents and I would love your help spreading the word to them! So feel free to forward this to every parent you know. J

I don’t want to take up any more of your time and I apologize in advance for the multiple blog posts, tweets, and facebook posts you are about to see from me but in order to get this off the ground and get me to be a SAHM I’ve got to get the word out. And remember it’s totally free.

Thank you for your help and also know that you can submit tips, recipes, and more and if I feature yours you will win a great prize! 
I really appreciate your help, I know we all get tired of the vote for me posts, and tag me, and follow me, and subscribe me, but in order for some of us to meet certain goals it takes the whole village to help us get there.  And I love my village of readers!  So if there's something that I can do to help you in something you are passionate about then please let me know so I can begin to repay the favor to you. 

Happy Monday Ya'll.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Me Monday - Girls Weekend

Well hello Monday you are NOT a sight for sore eyes.  You are however a sight for a tired and sore body.  Let me tell you why I'm so tired and sore, because I had the best girls trip ever this past week/weekend. 
First before I get into that I want to say that I'm playing catch up on all of your posts and blogs and I sure missed all my readers the past 4 days.  But we had NO internet, tv, and not much time on the phone so no blogging happened but I'm back and can't wait to get caught up with all of you. 
If you're new here Me Mondays are where I share about myself and things I'm going through, gone through, enjoying, working on, stories, memories, and such.  So today is all about my girls trip. 
Every year my best and closest girlfriends get together and do an annual trip over the weekend.  These girls I've known since I was 4, a few since 2.  We all graduated together in 1996, and now even though we see each other throughout the year it's usually not everyone everytime so once a year we make sure it is.  I love these girls, I can tell them anything and we can pick up right where we left off, it's comfortable and natural with them.  We laugh until we cry and we cry until we laugh together.  Oh and nothing goes better with crying and laughing than wine. :)
This year we rented a beach house right on the beach down in Galveston.  Three of us drove from the Dallas area, Two came from our hometown, Three came from Houston.  Two this year couldn't make it due to sick babies and work but they were missed. 

We arrived Thursday and left Sunday and although we had a few thunderstorms, it was just the perfect weekend.  We stayed on the beach or in the beach house the entire time except Saturday night.  We were hanging around the living room Friday night in our pj's playing games and laughing and talking when we realized when we were 17 were just now getting dressed to go out or sneak out and now here we are 15 years later and just wanting to stay in.  How time changes uh?!

It was so relaxing and just what I needed.  It's such a great thing to open your heart to your besties!  We all worship God, believe in love, know that a great marriage takes hard work, very involved in our children, but take time for ourselves and hobbies.  But we are each different in our own beautiful way that brings the combo to the table that makes our group so amazing and wonderful.  My girls are beautiful, smart, hard working, and loyal.  I love them all.  I hope all of you have a group or even one or two girlfriends that you can call your own and rely on through anything.  I am so blessed to have mine. 

I'm the one in orange 2nd from the left

I could go on and on forever but I won't bore you with ramblings but the reason I'm sore is because a few of us were cheerleaders so of course we had to do cartwheels on the beach and well this 32 year old body wasn't ready for that and I'm tired because we stayed up til 3 most nights and all night the last night and well once again this 32 year old body isn't use to that, but every sore muscle and tiredness I feel was worth it! 
Thanks for letting me share with you a little about my girls.  Do you have a group of friends you do something like this with?  I'd love the hear all about it. 

Happy Monday Ya'll.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Me Monday - Remembering Mother's Day 2010

Me Monday once again here at Texas Monkey.  I'm thinking I might need to switch what day I do this on because waking up on Monday morning to do anything is hard in itself, but to tell a story or share something about me is sometimes torture to my brain.  Only because it's not wanting to work like that, not because I don't enjoy doing it.   In light of Mother's Day yesterday, I want to capture my thoughts, memories, and pictures from my very special day. 
I think of Proverbs 31:10-31 anytime I think about what kind of woman, wife, and mother I desire to be.  We are our own worst critic so there aren't many days that I feel I live up to being a virtuous woman but I strive daily to achieve it.  I want nothing more than for my husband to and child to know without a doubt they can trust me and rely on me.  And this mother's day I felt honored and praised by both of them. 
Although time is going by too fast and I struggle with remembering little details of her being an infant/baby which blogging is allowing me to get better about but I must admit that I'm enjoying Monkey being a little older and partaking more in special occasions. 
This year at her school they made and decorated heart shaped cakes for us moms as well as decorated pots and planted flowers to give to us.  She really seemed to enjoy giving me my gifts and would repeat over and over "I Did It" "I Did It."  When we walk into the door and she sees my plant she runs up to it and claps and says I Did It!  I Did it for Momma.  Talk about melting the heart. 

Sunday we went to church as a family with my family and then had lunch and celebrated the moms with gifts and cards.

Poppa and Monkey each got me a card and she even signed it.  Poppa got me money to go in my Cricut fund while Monkey along with my plant and cake got me a gift card. 

When we got back home I got to get out and do some shopping for my upcoming girls weekend while Poppa kept Monkey then we all met up to eat dinner out.  When we returned home I walked in to laundry done, kitchen cleaned and floors vacuumed.  Needless to say I had a wonderful perfect Mother's Day.  On top of that I get to go Wednesday to have a pedicure. 

My Nana loved her Bird Bath I made for her, my Aunt loved her necklaces and my mom got showered with lots of goodies, money, and love from me and Monkey.  It was a great family day together. 


I can't get over how much she has grown and changed since last Mother's Day, I can't even imagine how much more she will change for Mother's Day 2011. 

I hope all the moms out there felt honored and loved for Mother's Day as well as everyday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Me Monday - A Tribute To My Mom

As Mother's Day quickly approaches I can't help but have my mind filled with thoughts of my mom.  Not that I need a special day to think of her, just in light of the occasion approaching and the fact that I have a blog to write down my thoughts I figured why not dedicate this week's Me Monday to my mom. 
I will try to keep this short so not to bore you with facts on someone you don't know but I may find it difficult to sum up quickly what my mom means to me so please bear with me.  Also still clueless on what to get her so got any ideas, send them my way.

A teacher gave her class of second-graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. The next day, in a written test, she included this question: “My name has six letters. The first one is m. I pick up things. What am I?” When the test papers were turned in, the teacher was astonished to find that almost 50 percent of the students answered the question with the word mother.

Yes, mothers do pick up things, but they are much more than “magnets,” gathering up clothes and picking up toys around the house. As willing as many mothers are to do such chores, they have a higher calling than that.
A good mother loves her family and provides an atmosphere where each member can find acceptance, security, and understanding. She is there when the children need a listening ear, a comforting word, a warm hug, or a loving touch on a fevered brow. And for the Christian mother, her greatest joy is in teaching her children to trust and love Jesus as their Savior. ¾R.W.D. from Our Daily Bread

I must admit that when I read the question the teacher gave her class my first thought was mother too.  That's what a mom does, not only picking up toys and clothes and such, or picking up kids from sleep overs, school, parties, and such, moms also pick up the pieces of broken hearts, tears shed, and low hanging heads.  I want nothing more than to be the kind of "magnet" mom to Monkey that my mom was to me. 

I've always had a best friend relationship with my mom, I've always loved her to the point of it hurting, I've always appreciated every little sacrifice she made for me growing up and as an adult.  However it wasn't until I became a mom myself that I truly understood why she did it.  What a precious Mom I am blessed to have! She loves me with an intense mother’s love that under girded me every day, and still does.

One time when I was younger, maybe 6 or 7 my mom and I were riding in the car and I asked her what is that word she uses all the time, it starts with an F, what's that F word you use all the time Momma, I kept asking over and over, her eyes got so big and she'd just say I don't know what word you mean.  Can you imagine the terror! haha.  Finally I said FRISTANCE momma, FRISTANCE, I was referring to the phrase For instance, but you know that East Texas accent combines words making it fristance.  I love hearing my mom tell that story even today, it makes me laugh so hard when she describes the terror she was feeling as she thought I was referring to THE F word.  

I remember when I was around 8 still having a very small bike that I no longer fit on but oh so wanting to ride around the block with kids from the neighborhood so I would ride that bike and hit my knees on the handle bars.  I would cry but didn't want my mom to see that and make her feel guilty.  I don't even remember asking for a bigger bike but one day I came outside from piano lessons with my aunt and out in the street were all the kids and my cousins riding their bikes and there in the middle was this beautiful pink and white bike being ridden by my mom.  She didn't need me to ask to know what the desire of my heart was at that time.  So much like our Heavenly Father knows before we even ask. 

My mom was famous for being the loudest cheerer in the crowd and always having her big ole camera with her.  I sometimes would get embarrassed by this but the other players seemed to love it, she wasn't just yelling for me but for each one.  And she wasn't just taking my picture but theirs as well as printing them out and giving to them the next day.  I remember when she came late one time and the other girls were so concerned that they wouldn't get their pictures for that week's game.  She of course got there and all was right and we could start the game LOL.

As you can tell I have a very giving mom but that's not all she's great for, so what kind of mom do I have?

  • I have the kind of mom that at first glance upon her child she was in love.
  • The kind of mom that realizes that every moment with her child is a precious moment and gift from God that should be celebrated. 

  • The kind of mom that sees the inner beauty in others. 
  • The kind of mom that worked 2 and sometimes 3 jobs to not only make ends meet but to give her whiny and sometimes bratty daughter things that I just swore I needed and had to have. 
  • The kind of mom that had to be a mom and dad and never once complained. 
  • The kind of mom that offered any and every opportunity that seemed interesting to me growing up. 
  • The kind of mom that provided an atmosphere where I could learn the greatness of God's love.
  • The kind of mom that was at every pep rally, volleyball game, basketball game, cross country meet, softball tournament, track meet, every tryout, every school event.  Not only was she there, she was the loudest cheerleader, picture taker, and supporter to the other girls whose mom wasn't there. 
  • The kind of mom that was there for every heart ache and ready and willing to whoop some butt for making her child cry. 
  • The kind of mom that when her only child announced she was moving 5 states away to be with the love of her life, she knew she had to let me go. 
  • The kind of mom that paid for plane tickets for me to visit any time, and went without pay to take off to fly out and see me. 
  • The kind of mom that when her only child got married 5 states away so many arrangements and decorations and took care of cost where we couldn't. 
  • The kind of mom that showed by example that it's never too late to follow any dream or desire you may have.
  • The kind of mom that understands the hurts of life that take a toll upon the human soul and has compassion and empathy to those in need of it.
  • The kind of mom that knows good home cooking and laughter can be like medicine to someone in need.
  • The kind of mom that makes the best kind of Grandma. 
  • The kind of mom that leaves you wanting to be a mom like her. 

To simply state that I'm so grateful and thankful to have a mom like mine just doesn't seem to express my heart enough.  Shouting it from the mountaintops would be closer but still not enough.  Showering her with gifts doesn't seem to cut it either.  I don't think there's enough time, energy, or money in the world to help me express my love and thankfulness for mom.  I can merely strive to remind her everyday that she helped mold me into the mom I am to Monkey and the woman I am today.  I honor her this Mother's Day and every day, for she is a woman, a mom that deserves that and so much more. 
I love you mom!
I'll always be your baby!
Do you have fun memories of your mom or have a post sharing about your mom?  I'd love to come read it. 
Happy Monday Ya'll.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Me Monday- Anniversary recap

Monday is upon us once again like a little ninja sneaking up on us and attacking without any warning.  Pesky little Monday.  But on the bright side Monday means it's Me Monday where I share all about me.  I enjoy getting to know about the writers of blogs I follow and want to provide that to my readers.  Helps me keep it real and honest in here ya know!

Today I want to write a recap of our anniversary celebration. To this day we both still remember where we went on our 1st anniversary, where we ate, what we wore, and what we each ordered.  It was that good!  We even discussed this on Saturday while enjoying our meal.  I know that as we get older my mind won't remember such details and that's why I love blogging, it allows me to always remember. 

My show was over at noon so Poppa came and helped me break down and load up.  I had a few errands to run so he beat me home.  When I pulled up I went to the mail box to check for bills mail and saw Poppa off to the side of the house getting the water hose out.  Since we never use that thing I had to ask what he was doing.  He said I'm watering our love fern.  Our what? Our Love Fern?
There in my flower garden and by flower garden I mean the area that is suppose to be for planting flowers but only has overgrown bushes because while I can craft and cook and bake and decorate I can not keep a silk plant alive let alone a real one, but anyways there in the flower garden area all the overgrown bushes were trimmed down and fresh soil was planted and right in the front was a beautiful yellow rose bush planted and ready to be watered with love.  Our Love Fern! 

 If you read last Monday's Me Monday Post then you learned that yellow roses are my favorite flower.  I was named an official yellow rose of Texas by the Gov Mark White of Texas when I was younger and I carried them in my wedding bouquet and every year on our anniversary Poppa sends me a dozen.  Here's this year's bouquet.

So imagine my surprise when I pulled up to find my very own rose bush that I get to take care of and enjoy the fruit of more than just once a year!  Oh and if anyone knows anything about keeping a rose bush alive I'd love some advise, you know how often do I water it, does it need special food, what about in the winter do I cover her up? OMG I'm going to stress over this little thing daily so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Back to our weekend, before we left the house I gave Poppa his birthday present which was a new leather office chair which had Monkey sitting in it with his gift from her, a big box of golf balls. 
Since Grams was in town, we headed to our hotel for the night and got settled in and exchanged anniversary gifts.  Now I had already received my roses and the rose bush so wasn't expecting anything but of course Poppa is too good to me and got me a spa package so I can get my nails and toes did and get a massage which I'll use in a few weeks before my girls annual trip to the beach! 
I got him a few things that I will blog about in a different post because a lot of my readers gave me feedback when I asked for ideas and I want to share what I did that you may find a good idea for your hubby some day.
After the gifts we headed to Texas De Brazil. First of all if you're a red meat lover like we are then this place will blow your mind, if your Vegan or Vegetarian then you probably won't find it as amazing as we did.  It's a little on the pricey side but the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, dim lighting and perfect for date night or an evening relaxing with friends. 

We started out at the salad bar.  Wait! A salad bar at a fancy Brazilian steak house?! Well this isn't your average run of the mill salad bar, this salad bar is a big sqaure island with organic and fresh and exoctic items to choose from on all 4 sides.  From fresh mozzarella to sushi, from goat cheese and brushetta to asparagus, from every mushroom under the sun to grilled shrimp.  This salad bar was divine!  It also had a hot bar with lobster cheese bisque soup and scalloped potatoes and black beans and rice. 

Once you're ready for your main course you flip over your card on your table and men carting around every meat known to man swarm your table and carve you off a piece to enjoy.

We had lamb chops, leg of lamb, top sirloin, garlic roasted sirloing, bottom sirloin, bacon wrapped filets, bacon wrapped chicken, roasted chicken, ribs, sausage, flank steak,  and pork chops.  My favorite ws the top sirloin, it was so rich and meaty and just melted in my mouth, they were all good but that was my fav.  It's served with garlic mashed potatoes and fried bananas to help clean the palate.  We ate and ate and ate some more. 

Once you're done, turn your card back over and they stop coming to your table.  It was so fun.
Since it was our anniversary we were given champagne to toast with and yummy cheesecake.  Oh I have to tell you we were eating our dessert and Poppa sees the sausage, he didn't get any when we were eating meat so the guy brings him a clean plate and he ate sausage and cheesecake, I laughed so hard, he was so afraid he'd miss out on something good.

It was perfect, we retired to our hotel suite and enjoyed sleeping in the next morning!  I really enjoyed our 8th anniversary and just can't get over how much sweeter each year is from the one before. 

Oh I know I went way over my 2-3 minute post so I'm sure I lost most of you about half way through but if you stuck it out, thank you for reading. :)
Well that's Me Monday
Happy Monday Ya'll.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Me Monday - Happy 8th Anniversary.

For today's Me Monday I'd like to share with you all about my husband and wedding day since today is mine and Poppa's 8th year of marriage.  I'm writing all about how we met, our courtship, our engagement, and our life as husband and wife and Momma and Poppa but I'll refrain from getting into too much of those details and save those for a different chapter to come.  I will however give you just a little background.  I met Poppa in September of 1996, we were both 18, freshman in college and shared the same English class.  I asked him if anyone was sitting in the seat next to him, he proceeded to look me up and down and then gave that smile (that same smile that still turns butterflies in my stomach today) and said, "Yep, you are."  Quite the charmer uh?!  You'd think that's where I got sold, but nope it wasn't until he revealed he was the catcher for the college baseball team that I fell hard and for good.  So I did what any Texas girl would do, I told him we were going out that next night dancing.  We've been together ever since.  This is our engagement photo.

Poppa is the kind of man mothers and fathers pray to God for, for their daughter's future spouse.  He's the smartest man I know, he loves God and serves Him, he works hard and doesn't quit, he's loving, humble, meek, and he loves me like Christ loves the church.  He's dependable, forgiving, and he's the kind of father that a woman prays for to find in a spouse.  He's my biggest cheerleader and supporter in whatever I do.  He's my best friend and I seriously hurt at times at how hard we laugh together. He's the kind of husband that shares in all of the responsibilities.  Because I work full time he whole heartily helps me at home with cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Monkey.  He's the head of our household and I trust him with mine and my child's life and I'd die for him. I could go on and on about him but I don't want to bore you. Needless to say I love this man more and more every day and am beyond thankful to God for him.

We married at our church's headquarters in New Knoxville, Ohio in a beautiful Biblical Research Center.  It was a beautiful Spring day and I love replaying that day over and over in my head.
Our colors were purple with touches of yellow, I really wanted to carry yellow roses in my bouquet being that I'm an official Yellow Rose of Texas, (yes there really are such things) and he really wanted purple, at least I thought he did, in talking of color choices I threw out different options and he said I really like purple, later I discovered that wasn't exactly what he meant but it was too late by then.  So we made the two colors work together.  We had a very small ceremony with just 2 attendants each, the clergy was someone who is still so dear and near to my heart, he taught me so much about serving God.

We took a salt covenant at our ceremony, it being one of the oldest two covenants since antiquity, that and the blood covenant.  Salt is a preservative and it adds flavor.  It is commitment that preserves us in life through attacks and obstacles and it is commitment that keeps life from being bland and tasteless.  Poppa and I made that commitment, a commtiment that we mean what we say in our vows and will stay salted in that commitment.  And by doing so we've enjoyed great variety and beauty carrying out this commitment, first to God and then to one another. 

After the ceremony we had a receiving line and then portraits, then we headed to our reception.  All I wanted was a celebration type reception where folks could cut loose and have fun.  So we danced all night long.  Our song is Unchained Melody, the first song we danced to and still when we hear it today we stop and dance or if in the car stop talking and just hold hands.

We didn't spend a lot of money, a lot of time, we didn't go over the top, we kept it sweet and simple which kind of sums up our relationship.  It was an incredible day that I love thinking about.
Oh and I didn't know where we were going on our honeymoon, he kept it a secret, but he took me to Niagra Falls, a place I'd always wanted to go.  It was amazing and beautiful and I hope one year to go back on our anniversary.
Eph 5:31
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 
I am honored to be this man's wife, to respect him, to honor him, to cherish him and to sustain him and to love him with all my heart, in every situation, under every condition according to God's Word all the days of my life.

So that's Me Monday, Happy Anniversary Poppa, you bring my life so much joy and love.
 Hope ya'll enjoyed getting to know me a little more this week, thank you for bearing with me as I gush and mush a little over my hubby on this wonderful day. 

And since my brother in law sent me some of these and I added a few more, I leave you with some random marriage quotes.

To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up. -- Ogden Nash

Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated;

often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any one who comes between them. -- Sydney Smith
I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ~Rita Rudner

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. ~Barnett R. Brickner

A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. ~Paul Sweeney

“I have learned that only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. First, let her think she's having her own way. And second, let her have it.” -Lyndon B. Johnson

Happy Monday Ya'll.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Me Monday - Taking Time to Smell the Bluebonnets

Monday's are reserved for me to blog about me.  Whether it's memories, situations I'm going through, vacations, events, or my family, I'll put it on my blog on Monday's to help my readers get to know me just a little better and to capture thoughts before I lose them, which is pretty easily and quickly lost around here these days.  So please pardon my crafting/decorating/DIY normal posts and enjoy Me Mondays with me. 

If you are from Texas or know anything of Texas then you probably know that the yearly Spring blooming of our state's flower, the Bluebonnet means pictures pictures and more pictures.  It's a tradition and very common to see cars pulled off on the side of the road and kids dressed up humoring mom for those treasured photo opps.  I've had my picture taken in those bluebonnets more times than I'd care to count and could not wait to have my own baby so I could start this sacred tradition. 
This weekend was beautiful and perfect for us to venture out and take Monkey's pics among theses gorgeous flowers.  She was very willing to pose and smell and say cheese for the camera.  I can't wait to get them printed up and framed. 

So do you have any Spring time traditions where you are?

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Easy Vs Hard

I have been thinking a lot lately about how many preconcieved ideas I had about how it would be to become a mom. You know, I was one of those pregnant women that thought she knew everything, had it figured out already, and just smiled and nodded at unsolicted advice from know it alls. Ha man was my head screwed on wrong. Things I thought would be easy turned out not so easy, and things I knew would be hard turned out to be faily easy. AND that just keeps on proving to be the case nearly 2 years later. OH how I hate admiting when I am wrong or don't know everything I think I know. So I compied a little list, maybe you have a similar list. I also have a list going that I'll post next week of things I've learned along the way from being pregnant to becoming a mom, you know the list, the one where you thought you aleady knew but found out the hard way you needed to learn it. Oh yeah that one! Fun uh!

Easier Than I Thought It Would Be:
  • Going on trips and out of town with an infant. She's a good traveler and adjusts well to her surroundings.
  • Letting family watch her so Poppa and I can have alone time, date night, or a free weekend. When I saw how much her extended family loves her and respects our "rules" and ways, then we were very much at peace with them keeping her. Plus they love it too.
  • Changing diapers
  • Getting her dressed up and keeping her clean.
  • Co-Sleeping, I was scared I'd roll over her, or hurt her, but knew it was imporant to us to do and not once did we ever come close to rolling on her.
  • Keeping myself clean and spit up free, love those burp cloths.
  • Taking care of her every need. What if I missed something or she got hurt because of my not paying attention or not knowing? But so far I'd like to think I've been on the money in this category. She has her every need met.
  • Falling in love at 1st sight. I was conditioned to believe love was a gradual thing, boy was I wrong. I know for everyone it's different but for me, love at first sight!
  • Saving money, still going out, finding good deals. I thought once we had a child, we'd never have money to do anything fun again, and while it's been tight, I've found countless ways to not only do fun things but continue to save money.
  • Enjoy being a mom. I was concerned that my need to protect her from harm would overshadow the enjoyment of being a mom. Even though I still protect, every day is nothing but joyful and enjoying.

Harder Than I Thought It Would Be

  • Giving Birth. I was determined to have a natural drug free birth. I believe God created a woman's body to do so without the need of drugs (in most cases). I transferred from my OB and hospital to a mid wife in my 30th week. I wanted a home birth but settled for a birthing center. When I was finally 2 weeks late, a natural alternative was given to me to start labor which I did for 3 days, in the most intense pain I've ever been in but I hadn't gone in labor on my own and she hadn't dropped down, I was not dialted past a 2 for 3 days when the decision was made that I would need to go to the hospital. I went from this dream of birthing naturally and drug free to having every drug known to man given to me and not only did I not have a drug free birth but I didn't have a natural birth, I had to have a c-section. She weighed 10.8 pounds. I had a bad case of the blues due to this. I was devestated but we're good now and will try for a drug free natural birth again.
  • Breastfeeding. I did not get the support we needed up front to show me how to do it correctly. I gave in and listened to the dr and nurses at the hospital that because of her size she was needing more than what I was giving, she ate every 45 minutes until we gave in and supplemented with formula. I was raw, cracked and bleeding for weeks due to not having a good latch and she wasn't getting much. I pumped and pumped to help but by month 3 she was on formula only. I have a lot of guilt to this day but know what to do differently next time.
  • Going back to work. I thought I'd always want to work, that I would need that outlet and time with adults. I was so wrong. I deal with enough guilt on my own but the comments from others of how someone else is raising my child or children in day cares have behavior problems, or if it really was important to me I'd find a way to stay home, do not help.
  • Keeping my house clean. I need a maid. Thankfully my husband has really pitched in but I take pride in a clean home and the fact that I did it and I don't have that now. I don't like needing help. I want to be able to work full time, take care of her, cook, clean, exercise, and still feel sexy enough for Popps. HA.
  • Losing the weight and exercising. I have no energy to do this and I know if I would just do it then I would have more energy but getting up earlier than 5:00am is not happening and at night when I get home, after cooking, getting her bag ready for the next day, making lunch for all 3 of us for the next day, bath, bow orders, put to bed, all I want to do is go to bed myself.
  • Making friends. I thought that having CM would open a door to meet other couples with children that we could do stuff with but most moms don't work and only do play dates during the day and the rest already have set friends and getting into a new group has proven very hard. I miss friends, having them, doing stuff with them, etc.
  • The lack of sleep. Monkey didn't sleep throught the night until 13 months and we tried everything and every book. That means we went a whole year of not sleeping a full 6 or more hours unless she was with Grams. And if you don't know me or haven't read THIS POST then you don't know that sleep to me is better than chocolate. That can take it's tole on the body and mind. It was very frustrating and stressful. We knew she was capable of it, just didn't go about making it happen until it was too late to make it easy.
So this is my Easy Vs Hard list, I'm sure I could come up with way more but instead, what's yours?

 It's Friday and that means it's New Friend Friday and Friday Follower  and Follow Me Friday Day so join up over there with the fun and make some new friends.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Bash Introduction

Blog Bash
Head over to Not Your Average Teen and join this fun bash.  I've been meaning to do an About Me Page So this is my opportunity to sit down and nail it out.

Who am I?  Good question as I struggle to figure that out on a daily basis.  I keep changing my mind on what I come up with but a few things are constant. 

1.  I'm a daughter of God.  That's the most important thing about me.  I'm proud of that title and enjoy sharing why to people I come in contact with. 

2. I'm a wife to Poppa.  We met when we were 18 and been together ever since.  I'm 32... I think...        wow I just had to do the math in my head.  I stopped counting after I turned 30. :)

3.  I'm a mom to Monkey.  She's almost 2 and it's going by way to fast for my comfort.  She's my heart out walking around in this world. 

Things that tend to change about me or I haven't quite figured out yet:
  1. I work full time as an Accounting Specialist.  What that means is I handle Accts Recievable/Payables and things in between.  I don't want to be working.  I enjoy my job but I already told you my heart is with my child and I want to be a SAHM.  It's my life's dream and goal.  Poppa goes to school full time and works full time and we need my income to help support that until he graduates and can get a better paying job. 
  2. I am owner of Texas Monkey Boutique and hand make items and sell them to help out our household and so desiring to get to a point where it would allow me to quit my job and work from home. 
  3. I'm a mom publisher for Macaroni Kid.  I started it as well in hopes of getting it off the ground and to a point where I could quit my job and work from home.  I love it and have so much fun with it and believe it will get there one day if I work hard.
  4. I'm unhappy with the way I look right now.  I don't spend enough time eating well and working out and my 32 year old body is suffering big time.  I so want to change it but when I get home after work and cook supper and feed everyone and get Monkey down I'm beyond wiped and my plans for working out go out the window.  Which makes me even more sad and fat and thus the vicious cycle.
And now for some Q and A. 

1.) Why do you blog?  It started out as a blog where I could post pics of Monkey and stories about her but quickly evolved to me needing a creative outlet and place to store ideas and tips I come across to help me be a frugal homemaker but not letting my home scream FRUGAL.  I want my home to feel relaxed and comfy but glamarouized and beautiful at the same time. 

2.) What do you blog about?  Mainly crafting, DIY projects, ideas I find on the web that help me make our house into a home as well as about my family, humor, recipes, and giveaways.

3.) What do you find to be the biggest reward you get from blogging?  When someone takes an idea I had and does it and shares it with me like with my decorating cakes. 

4.) How long have you been blogging? I've been faithful to it for almost a year but have had a blog for almost 2 years.

5.) Let's hear the story behind your blog title! :) Texas Monkey is my blog title and we live in Texas, I was born and raised and have a lot of state pride and we call our toddler our Monkey thus Texas Monkey was born!
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