Showing posts with label Giveway Winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveway Winner. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Orglamix Giveaway Winner Announced

First , a big thank you to everyone who participated in their color challenge. It was a huge success and  many people had a lot of fun creating their own colors. There were over 150 votes and the winner (by 2 votes) is Champagne Bubbles! Champagne Bubbles is a light beige base, like a rich champagne, that is between matte and shimmer. For the crowd that is too mature for total shimmer, and not yet ready for matte. I can't wait to try it out AND my Winner for the upcoming Blogmania Event will win this color along with 2 other colors of their choice.  So exciting.

Now on to this giveaway winner

leanne_mac said...

I like the Cafe Au Lait, Teak and Roselle and I signed up for their newsletter

Congrats Leanne, you are the winner, please email me at to claim your prize.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kaspersky Pure Winner Announced

We have a Kaspersky Pure winner. 

Using the winner is.............................................

Aime  she said

 "--Amie-- said... I follow Texas Monkey blog!! "

Congrats Aime, hope you enjoy it. 

We have some great giveaways, humor, ideas, and fun coming up so hope to see you around!  Don't forget All About You Link Up Party, come back and link up and show off. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cash Giveaway and Opp for You and Winner

Wanna make some money? You will automatically be entered into a few cash drawings that is being provided as a thank you for signing on to be an affiliate with Eversave. Eversave will also pay you 8% of any sales earnings. You can also opt to place an ad banner/button on your site and earn $1 per unique click AND $1 per email entry! WOW!

What is Eversave? They find us great finds (some with specific locations yet daily national dealsl) and they offer it to us for 50-70% off the retail price! AND, you don' t have to rush to decide, most of the deals have the option to buy within a couple of days! Whew!

For signing on as an affiliate &/or opting to host a banner you will also be entered into a few different CASH drawings! The more that enter the more cash we can give away!

To be entered to win MONEY via paypal the 1st step is to let me know you want to become an affliate and send me your info, in a day or two you will receive an email from Eversave with your links to complete the process or Bree at (check your spam). The terms of functioning, etc will be available at each phase. {it does not matter where you live, this is open to anyone}. EverSave will be verifying entrants that complete the affiliate sign on.

If you are already an affiliate you are not eligible for this giveaway. (but you can opt in for the ad banner)

Entry into this giveaway will end on or before 12/31/2010 11:59pm EST (ending is based on entries), drawing for cash prizes will be on 1/10/2011, winners will be selected from the google doc via and notified via email who will have 48 hours to respond to or another winner will be selected.

So what do you need to send me?  You can email me at or leave it in the comment section.
  • First and Last Name
  • Blog URL
  • City
  • Email address
  • Which program you want to do - affiliate (8% payout), Ad Banner ($1 per unique click) OR Both.
Pretty cool and easy way to make a little cash for yourself!

The winner of the Holiday Gift Giveaway is MomTo3 who said: "I'm A Follower!"  She has been contacted and I'm awaiting a response, if no response a new winner will be selected.  Congrats to you Angela. 

IF you didn't win, don't forget my $50 Target Giveaway that is still available to enter until Friday.  Low entries on this one!

Happy Tuesday Ya'll.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All About You Features and Winner

First things first, Congrats to Teresa who is the winner of the Corner Stork Baby Gifts Giveaway.   Weatherbee said:

Great giveaway! The Jo Jo Giraffe and Pig in a Blanket are so cute! But the monkeys still probably the cutest. :)Thanks for the giveaway!~Teresa  
I've emailed Teresa and if no response after 48 hours I will draw a new winner.  Come back next Monday for a really awesome giveawy, I'm so excited about this one, you will be too!

Monday's are quickly becoming a favorite day of the week for me thanks to all of you amazing and talented bloggers out there that link up and show off your latest and greatest!  Here are a few I wanted to show you but they all are great so go check out the Link Up and post up of you haven't already. 

Texas Monkey

First you have to go check out these awesome little witch shoes filled with goodies at Red Couch Recipes.  Don't they just scream Halloween!

And I think Ghost Poop is just about the cutest thing since being Boo'd by your neighbors.  I love this idea from Can't Stop Making Things and she even provides you with the download printable to make your own.

Need an inexpensive but awesome gift idea?  Then head to Sassy Sites for this great tutorial and make one for yourself.

Want or need an easy last minute idea to add Halloween color and decor to your home?  Then Muse Lodge has got the tutorial for you.  I love the bright colors of the background!

Ya'll know I love all things Monkey so of course I had to show you this adorable Toddler Monkey Wallet from Nancy's Couture.  I love it!

Remember the link up is open until Friday so keep posting all about you! 

Happy Tuesday Ya'll

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Funky Monky Giveaway Winner

Thank you to all that entered the Funky Monky Giveaway.  Kim and I are so excited to give one of you awesome readers your very own monkey. 

We thank each of you that entered and I really wanted to give each one of you one as so many had childhood toys that they lost or needs replacing or wants to start a new tradition with their child.  But since I can't I just had pick and..................................

I love these two monkies and now one of you  is about to have a Funky Sock Monky of your very own too thanks to Kim who has so graciously offered one.
These monkies are hand made from start to finish, are soft but sturdy and ready to be your little one's next best friend.
She has so many patterns and designs from Autism Awareness to Supporting Our Troops, to the Classic Sock Monkey, to Hip Prints. Want a Halloween one? Yep she does that too!

So Congrats to Midwestern Gone Idahoan who said My grandma made me a patch quilt dog - I have it still - with the bandaids on it too:)

Yay, I'm so excited for you.  I will send you an email and you have 48 hours to respond. 

Now it's time for my house to get ready for football so Monkey has her LD Funky Monkey ready to go and ready to holler Go Cowboys.

Happy Sunday Ya'll.  
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