Showing posts with label Circus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circus. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zing Zang Zoom Circus

Last night we took Monkey to the opening party, preshow, and Zing Zang Zoom Show.  I'm wiped today but it was worth it.  I learned a few things.
  1. Make sure your camera battery is charged prior to going to family events.  I was able to get like 7 pictures before my camera went out and had to settle for crappy iphone pics.
  2. Never put an almost 2 year old in a new cute white shirt and then take her to the circus. 
  3. Get an SLR camera ASAP!  PERIOD!
  4. I don't care how good it looks I am not spending $12 for a bag of cotton candy, $9 for a snow cone, or $25 for a stuffed animal. 
Ok moving on, we started out at the opening party where we got to eat and meet the performers and get their autographs.  This is a seperate purchase from the circus tickets and only about 50 spots are available.  The kids are given a swag bag that has a hat, coloring book, crayons, clown nose, and a huge program book, not pamplet, not flyer, but a real book.  It's beautiful.  That's what the perfomers signed.  I saw this stuff in the gift shops and all of it combined was over $50 worth of stuff so we were pretty excited about getting it. 
Meeting Ring Master Alex

Muscle Man Shawn
After the opening party and meet and greet and food we went to the PreShow where the elephant Asia painted a masterpiece, the clowns clowned around, and performers performed and you got to be on the ring floor with them.  Our seats were awesome, front and center so we just sat and watched this show.
Then the Zing Zang Zoom show started and it did not dissapoint!  The opening act though was by our very own Poppa.  That's right thanks to his lovely bride (ME) volunteering him to Muscle Shawn he got pulled into the act.  They (he and 3 other suckers dads that got pulled in) played musical chairs with the clowns and of course the dads won and then they sat in 4 chairs in a certain way and leaned back on each other's lap and the clowns pulled the chairs out from under them and they stayed up, it was pretty cool.  He's a good sport that Poppa!

I think Monkey's favorite part were the elephants, she loves elephants and moves her arm up and makes a roaring sound to mimic them.  Yes I know elephants don't roar, tigers and lions roar, don't judge her, she's 2 ya'll. 

They had some amazing acts but like I said earlier, camera died, suck at taking pictures anyways, and I need a nap so take what you get people. I kid.  :)  They had horses, zebras, tigers, performers, dancers, lots of magic, and the most amazing dog show.  One dog looked like our dog Maximus and when the dogs left Monkey was a little sad and wanted to go find her Mam mam (what she calls Maximus).  He's smart and and all but back flips he can not do! 

Hope ya'll get to go to this show, it's amazing and well worth the drive and money, well the cotton candy isn't worth the money but that's my cheapness coming out.
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