Early July Morning, Cocoa Beach, Florida
Showing posts with label halloween decoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween decoration. Show all posts

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Recycling a Broken Fake Pumpkin

Recently, I went into my attic to bring down the fall decorations, and when I opened one of the boxes, I found a giant broken (fake) pumpkin. 

I also noticed a bag of terribly wilted looking silk fall leaves, and some ribbon.

I started to toss them into the trash, and I thought...."Wait a minute! Aren't you the one who likes to recycle?" So, instead I decided to make something with this "trash."

First, I tied a bow with the ribbon.

Then I pulled the leaves and flowers off the stems.

Gathered up my glue gun and sticks.

And sat down and started to play around.

I first glued the ribbon onto the half pumpkin.

Then added the leaves 

and flowers.

I think I need to add some more....

Now I have a pumpkin on my front door...