I kept very busy while he was gone. There is so much going on right now. In addition to all that is going on in the family, I know quite a few either getting married or having babies. I always like to bring unique gifts to showers. Most of the time, I crochet baby blankets (for those having babies), but with my thumb acting up, there was no way that my hands were going to cooperate for that length of time. So, I had to come up with something else. Off to youtube! I saw some really cool things I wanted to try. For a bridal shower that I will be attending soon, I decided to make a towel cake. One can never have enough towels, but I sometimes think they are kinda a boring gift. Not if you give it this way...and it was quite simple, and inexpensive.
It takes two big towels, two hand towels and two washcloths. Just roll them up, add ribbons, flowers, or other embellishments, and you are good to go. For this gift, I added one of my handmade Fleur de les necklaces.
The problem I was having was, the floral tape did not want to stick to itself. I'm not sure why, as I bought it new (I've worked with floral tape before and never had this problem), I'm sure it was probably the nut behind the wheel (me).
Well, my husband got back from his trip late last night, so I should be getting better sleep, anyway, I sure hope I do, as I am very, very tired. zzzzzzzzz
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