Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Here is my last finish for 2011. I hope 2012 brings many more finishes. Please excuse the wrinkles, in my rush to get this posted I did not press Sarah. I would like to share some of my other finds this year.

During the covered bridge festival, I purchased this oval dough bowl only to get home and find it over whelmed my table. For now it is being supported by the crock I found at an auction a few years ago. I found the 3 gallon bee stinger crock at a flea market for $20. My poor bird cage is waiting for a stand. I am thinking about changing the color of it. Someone spray painted it pink and I am thinking it needs to be another color.
So when the other one didn't fit my table I had to find one that did. So on an antique road trip in November, I found this old wooden dough bowl. I have dreams of filling it with cross stitched ornaments next year. (A girl can dream.)
What is it with feather trees? I love feather trees but my girls think they look ready for the burn pile. I found this one while I was out today looking for something else. I love their simple look.

Thank you for visiting. Time has definitely gotten away from me. I hope 2012 brings you a prosperous year and many finishes.
Until later.
Happy stitching, Tanya


Kathy said...
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Jan said...

Look at you!!! You got it done before I fact I need to 'find' my Sarah, good grief!!

Hope you are well, sure have missed seeing you and I love your new dough bowl finds and the crocks. Woohoo!! Get to stitching, it will look great with smalls spilling over!

Margaret said...

Love your finish -- it's so pretty! Nice bowls too! Too bad that oval one was too overwhelming. Lucky you to find a feather tree -- I want one so badly! Happy New Year!

Krista said...

Beautiful finish on your Sarah sampler. Seeing everyone's finished works makes my to-do list longer!, but this Sarah just struck me so as my grandmother is always on my mind (she passed a couple years back). All of your stitching is lovely. Happy New Year!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Your finish looks wonderful. I love all your 'finds' and feather trees are the best. I think they're perfect for stitched ornaments.

Katrina said...

Gorgeous finish and you know how much I love the Covered Bridge Festival :-). Hope you have a happy, happy New Year with lots of stitching!!

Bertie said...

Gorgeous finish Tanya, nice to see a post again!!
Happy New Year!

Melissa said...

Lovely to see your post, Tanya. Sarah Salter looks beautiful! I would say so as I have her too - this just reminded me how I enjoyed the stitch.

Whoa - that dough bowl is what I've been looking for!!! lol. Seriously, I would love to find one here though it's hard unless I fork out lots of dough (pardon the pun!). Have fun filling it up with stitching!

Happy New Year!

Dona said...

Happy New Year, Tanya! Your Sarah Salter finish is beautiful.

Great finds! Your wooden bread bowls are absolutely gorgeous and will be perfect for ornaments!

Siobhán said...

Sarah looks beautiful!! Gorgeous finish! I love your feather tree--I would love to get one at some point.

Happy new year!

Karoline said...

Lovely finish, congratulations

I hope you have a lovely 2012

Valerie said...

Congrats on your finish! Sarah Salter has always been a favorite of mine.

I love your antique finds. One of my favorite pastimes is browsing the many antique malls in my area.

Have a great week!

Michelle said...

Both dough bowls are fabulous! And I truly love feather trees too - I hope to find one for myself some day. Love your Sarah finish - she's beautiful!