Sunday, July 28, 2013


Earth Sampler
Pre-Greiner Doll
Flat top China Doll

Yesterday, I visited Quilts Plus and picked up a few projects for this coming year.
Until next time, happy stitching, Tanya

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Here is my last finish for 2011. I hope 2012 brings many more finishes. Please excuse the wrinkles, in my rush to get this posted I did not press Sarah. I would like to share some of my other finds this year.

During the covered bridge festival, I purchased this oval dough bowl only to get home and find it over whelmed my table. For now it is being supported by the crock I found at an auction a few years ago. I found the 3 gallon bee stinger crock at a flea market for $20. My poor bird cage is waiting for a stand. I am thinking about changing the color of it. Someone spray painted it pink and I am thinking it needs to be another color.
So when the other one didn't fit my table I had to find one that did. So on an antique road trip in November, I found this old wooden dough bowl. I have dreams of filling it with cross stitched ornaments next year. (A girl can dream.)
What is it with feather trees? I love feather trees but my girls think they look ready for the burn pile. I found this one while I was out today looking for something else. I love their simple look.

Thank you for visiting. Time has definitely gotten away from me. I hope 2012 brings you a prosperous year and many finishes.
Until later.
Happy stitching, Tanya

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And They Sinned

Hi everyone, I thought I would share my progress on ATS. It is such a beautiful sampler, I wish I could get it finished and hung on the wall. I forgot to mention the fabric I was using for Susan Rambo in my previous post. It is called Antique Almond by Zweigart. It is a very pretty color.

I felt so sorry for this mother goose. She laid her eggs on the island and with all the heavy rains they were washed away. You can see father goose swimming in the background.

I had another visitor at the pond. One I hadn't seen before so I had to snap a picture of this beauty. I am sorry for the poor picture, I was at least 200 yards from the bird and this was the best picture from my shaking and the rain.

It is mushroom season again in Indiana. Can you believe these morels are selling for $75 a pound? Fungus for major dollars. It must be a good year for them because my neighbor found 17 pounds. Mansfield will be having its annual Mushroom festival this weekend. It is a small festival compared to the Covered Bridge but it is nice to visit the vendors. They sometimes have unusal antiques and folkart items for sale.

Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you soon. Tanya

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sarah Salter

Hi Everyone! I almost have Sarah finished, although I have been saying that for months now. A few more flowers and a little more green leaves and she will be done. My next picture is my new rabbit I bought at a shop in Rockville.

Here you can see my pink feather tree with paper mache rabbits already for Easter. I have been collecting those cute little oil cans too.

Some of my new stash includes Susan Rambo fabric and threads. I can't wait to start her.

That's it for now. My classes are coming to an end for this semester. Yay!, more time for stitching. I gotta go a storm is coming, I can hear the thunder in the distance. We've already had an inch of rain today with a side order of hail. Take care, Tanya

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Remembering Lisa

A dear friend that loved Halloween as much as I did. My heart goes out to her family.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When Is the last time you kazooed?

Hi everyone! It is about time I posted something. I finished Sarah Esh on 30 count straw. Sarah accidently took a coffee bath compliments of my husband's coffee cup and my rush to get Sarah out of the way of mayhem.

A needle punch by With Thy Needle.

I volunteered yesterday at Riley's Children Hospital. My family use to spend a lot of time there before my sister passed away. It was my way of paying it forward.
Anyway, there was a big "Around the World" celebration going on rain or shine. Lots of happy faces and food.
Here are the kazoos. They look so simple to play don't they? So pretty just begging to be played. After fifteen minutes or two hours of trying to get it to play,I discovered the trick is to hum into to it. For your own piece of mind if your hummer is broken step away.

I worked the South America table letting the kids kick the soccer ball and passing out candy and kazoos. Scotland showed up with bagpipes.

Mexico with food.

And a happy young fellow with his face painted. I don't know who was doing the face painting but they were awesome finishes.
You could jump on the Concord (or cross the sidewalk) and be in Paris next to throw hoops on the Eiffel Tower.

It was a great day even though it rained.

Until next time, happy stitching!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! What do you for Valentine's Day? Do you go out to dinner, see a movie? That is exactly what I did. I went and saw Valentine's Day. It is a cute movie.

Are you excited about the new releases at the Nashville Market? I am looking forward to seeing what the designers have come up with over the winter.

I am showing you my progress on my CHS stocking. I am over half way now. Woohoo!

Here is my work on CHS Purity of Heart.

Here are a couple of my old Valentines. I wish they still made them like this. I love the bright colors.

I enjoy feeding the birds. Hey, Cardinal! He seems to be saying, "Stop taking pictures and get the us the seeds, lady".

How many cardinal do you see in my cherry tree? I had this many in my other tree but couldn't get a clear picture of them. My dad will be so jealous. He enjoys watching the birds too. So does my cat, Shadow, he had his nose pressed up against the window watching too.

My other neighborhood friends. Hello, Woodpecker.

Other visitors to the feed box. How are you doing Blue Jays?

I am glad you stopped by. Hopefully I will have more stitching to show. Until next time, Happy Stitching! Tanya

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Go Colts/Esther

I had my worries there the Colts might not win. However, they prevailed and are off to the Superbowl. Congratulations Colts for being AFC Champs!

I finally have a finish in Esther. Whew! I was beginning to wonder if I would ever had any finishes. I got down to putting Esther's name on the design and didn't realize how difficult it is to stitch over 1 on 40ct. A new appreciation on my level to anyone that tackles this feat. I thought I was going to go crosseyed.
It is not a great picture since the sun doesn't want to stay out to long in Indiana. I changed the colors quite a bit to reds instead of peach.

I thought I would share a couple of other things I enjoy doing. Here is one of my hooked rugs - Mr. Snowman. I took a class off of Margo White a few years ago and this was the class project.

And needle punching. I like the frame so I stuck it in here until I can find something better. This design is by M.Shaw called Flower Basket. If you haven't tried needle punching you should give it a try. It eats a lot of thread but goes really fast.

I can't believe February will be here soon. My classes are just starting they are aren't as bad as last semester so hopefully I will have more time to stitch. Yay!

I saw a cute movie last weekend called Leap Year. It is a cute romantic movie. I really loved the Ireland scenery.

Until next time, happy stitching!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you received everything you asked for, if not the store open early tomorrow. lol!

I can't believe it has been so long since I have blogged. I have passed two more college classes though, that much closer to my degree. Yeah!

I have been working on Esther Yeakel, I want to get her finished up before the new year. I changed the colors to red instead of peach.

I started CHS Purity of Heart on 40 ct. pearled barley.
/>a href=""> I thought I would share a few of my Christmas decorations. Here are some of my chocolate molds.

I thought I would throw in this cute penguin decoration. My sister and I exchange homemade gifts each and I thought she would like this guy. Merry Christmas, Teena!

Some of my Santas. I found them in a store in Nashville, In. It was a fun store with lots of cool decorations.

Last but not least my sampler plate. I asked for this plate for Christmas just hoping it would show up. I must have a been a good girl because it did! Yay!!

Until next time, merry stitching!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I thought I had better post my pictures before Halloween is over. I can't believe October is almost over, how fast time seems to pass me by nowadays. My Halloween decorations almost compare to my stash! lol! Mainly, I love October because it is my birthday month and I seem to celebrate all month long instead of just one day.

My sister painted the witch plate for me for my birthday. Her birthday is Oct. 13th and mine is two weeks later so for two weeks we are the same age. She sometimes forgets and calls me old and I have to reminder that we are the same age during this time.

Here I am at the Making Strides Breast Cancer walk. Macho Mike is the motivator guy. He blew me a kiss after I took this photo. He probably danced for an hour before the walk, I was impressed. I thought I could surely make a 5K if this guy could dance for an hour. He had all the latest moves.

I didn't get the memo I was to come in costume but these ladies sure did. Very cute! On a high note, I always get emotional thinking about all the ladies that turn out to walk that are survivors.
It gives you hope. Our team raised the most money and I had my 15 minutes of fame on Channel 13. Did you see me??

I love driving around and checking out all the Halloween decorations. This lady is over the top. Who doesn't want a cementary in the side yard? Hmmm...

Or maybe I just jealous I don't have giant spiders on my porch, or skeletons dining in the side yard. I thought the rat running along the back of the chair was a nice touch.

The Covered Bridge Festival has come and gone for another year. This is Mansfield where most of the vendors are located. It is amazing all the people who turn out for this event. If you have never been you should go at least once. Parke County is known for their covered bridges and I think this is one of twenty-two bridges. I had to park on the other side of the bridge and you walk across it to see all the other vendors. Wear your walking shoes!

You never know what you are going to see or buy either. I was too busy watching this lady I didn't even notice the signs until now. Too funny! These vendors got a lot of business, or maybe a lot of pointing and laughing. Well that is it for now. I was in such a rush to get these pictures posted I forgot to take pictures of my stitching progress. Oh well, I will save that for tomorrow.