Showing posts with label Rock and Purl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rock and Purl. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday 202

Hi everyone! I must start off with an apology. I'm sorry I disappeared for a few weeks unexpectedly. I just realized I needed to step away for a week, and a week turned into more. As a few of you know, I've been doing this a LONG time, 202 weeks which is pretty insane (and almost 4 years!). It's almost 4 years! Wow! I love doing WIPW and FO Friday, but needed a break to realize that. It had become a chore. Sure, it only takes a few minutes, but I would put it off later and later each Tuesday night, until I was already asleep and would sit bolt upright in a panic that I didn't schedule a post. I've had a lot going on the past few weeks with Candy Skein, a new exciting side branch off of Candy Skein that I hope to tell you about soon, my husband not feeling well and home from work for a few days and company in town. Enough with excuses! I just want to say thank you for sticking around if you have and I hope I haven't lost too many of you. I will continue to publish posts for WIPW and FO Friday, but please understand if it's not there as soon as you wake up on Wednesday and Friday mornings. I also hope to post more about other things, as I've gotten away from that as my love for posting diminished.

Enough of that. Now to WIPW!

This is August '14 colorway, Prickly Pear Margarita. I have to admit, it wasn't what I was going for when I first set out to dye August, but sometimes you have to go with the flow. I adore it, but I had no clue how it would knit up. Of course, every skein is extremely different when kettle dyed, but I at least needed an idea before I put it up for sale!

 Do you adore it as much as I do!? It's so different than anything I think I've released before. I love how the colors are completely random and it works amazing with this pattern. This is Ruth Garcia-Alcantud's pattern, Sinuous. You all may know her by her company, Rock & Purl! She's amazing, and a good friend of mine. In fact, we'll both be at a retreat starting tomorrow! If you're looking for a pattern that looks amazing and hard, but is really easy to knit and remember, this is the pattern for you!

That's it for me today. I've been working on my Sock Blanket, but want to wait to show it to you until I have a little more progress. I've also been working on cross stitch which I hope to share with you soon!

Have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday 121

Happy Work in Progress Wednesday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was a little less eventful than we thought it would be unfortunately. We had a great Saturday running errands, putting up Christmas lights and hanging around the house. We decided to have a date night Saturday night and got dressed up to eat and see a movie. The meal was good, but about 45 minutes after eating (and already sitting in the movie theater to see Wreck It Ralph), I started to feel sick. We had to leave the movies (luckily we got a refund since we probably only saw 20 minutes of the movies if that) and I was VERY sick all night. I think food poisoning got the best of me. :( I'm doing good now, but it kind of foiled our Sunday plans. We were supposed to rent a large truck to move the remaining items from the old house to the new. That will have to wait until this weekend. The good news of it all was we had a relaxing Sunday at home, watching movies, knitting and cross stitching.

I have my Quarker Ridge shawl blocking in the studio right now, so I'll be sharing that with you on FO Friday! I can't wait.

For those of you who follow me on Instagram, I apologize as you'll be seeing a few of the same pictures here this week. I just got so excited to start the Rock and Purl Winter Mystery Glove KAL that I wanted to share my progress.  You can still sign up for the KAL, as we just started and are on clue 1. Candy Skein is the main sponsor for the KAL, but you can use any fingering weight yarn if you are stash busting for the holidays. The great thing is, Ruth, the designer, has planned it so by the end you should have a pair of gloves for a gift for the holidays (or to keep yourself!) She has a Ravelry group so you can work on the gloves with others and see their progress!

This is clue 1 that came out on Monday for one glove. I haven't decided if I want to just work on the one, or if I should try and split the ball into two and work on the other at the same time (using two separate needles since my cable isn't long enough to do two at a time). Right now I'm just waiting for next week's clue, so if I did split the ball into two, I could actually have both started through clue 1 by the time clue 2 comes out. I don't have two sets of these brand needles, but do you think that's a big deal? Might gauge might be a LITTLE off with a different brand, but as long as they're the same size, could it really make a huge different? Anyway, I'm using Candy Skein Yummy fingering in January '12 colorway, Arctic Mint.

I've also been working on my cross stitch! I have a few more finished from the last time you saw it, but I'll keep that picture for my FOs on Friday. I finished days 1-5 and decided since I had to move the canvas over to do day 5, that I'd just jump down and do day 10 and work in a zig zag pattern. I wanted to share this with you because I thought it was pretty funny. It currently looks like I'm stitching Mickey Mouse's pants but I promise you, I'm not! I have to say, I LOVE cross stitching! It's so fun. I just love to see the pictures appear and it's great for when you're watching tv or a movie!

That's it for me today. I hope you have a great rest of your week and I'll see you on Friday!

For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!