Showing posts with label Sock yarn blanket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sock yarn blanket. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Work in Progress 185

Hi everyone. I hope all is well! Sorry I forgot about FO Friday last week. I meant to post the Mister Linky despite not having a FO, but it slipped my mind. I hope you all had a great weekend.

Here's an update on my sock yarn blanket, with bonus cat butt. HA! She decided to lay down just as I put the blanket out to take the picture. As you can see on the left, I've started to add squares to the side. I'm going to be adding to the left side, but won't on the right yet, because I'm not 100% sure it's the width I like. Right now it's 13 squares wide. It's about the size of a one person lap blanket. I think a few more squares added to the width would be best, but right now I am focusing on just making it deeper. I am so in love with it so far! It's a great mindless project that I pick up when I don't feel like I want to commit to my knitting at the time.


I'm sure you don't remember this. I started this Herbivore shawl by Stephen West back in May of last year, and I bought the yarn, Tosh Sock in Spectrum, at Stitches West 2013. I decided to pick it up again this week and am close to finishing it soon. I took this picture Tuesday afternoon, and worked on it all Tuesday night. I've finished as far as the size based on the pattern, but since I have a bit of yarn left, I'm trying to squeeze out a little more. I can't wait to see this off the needles.

That's it for me. I hope you have a great rest of the week. I hope to have my shawl done for Friday! See you then.

For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday 183

Hi everyone! I'm home safely from Stitches West and had a great time! I got to meet so many amazing people that I've talked to forever, including Stacey from FreshStitches! Hi Stacey! :) I'll try and write a recap post and also show off my yarn haul this week, but I'm trying to get a wholesale order out the door so I can't make promises. I hope you had a great weekend as well!

I decided not to show my Sock Yarn blanket this week since I started a new project yesterday (Tuesday) and since I'm making it with Stitches West yarn, it is perfect. You'll see enough of the blanket coming up, since I'm crazy addicted to working on it.

This may look like a hat, but it is actually a sweater! The picture is deceiving because it's out of thick chunky weight yarn and US 10 needles. Before I learned how to knit, I first saw the Owls sweater by Kate Davies and knew I had to learn how to make it. Several years later, here I am finally getting around to it! The picture makes the yarn look black, or very dark gray, but it actually has a green tint to it. It's Neighborhood Fiber Co. Studio Chunky in colorway Edgewood. The amazing thing about this yarn is that each skein is 300 yds, so I need less than two skeins to make the full sweater. Due to that, I'm being brave and not switching between skeins. I'm sure they will look different, but I'm hoping I can use the first skein for the body, up until I split off the front and back, then use the second skein to knit the sleeves and yoke. Maybe that way it will look intentional. I just couldn't imagine carrying around two skeins of 300 yds each of chunky weight yarn. The ball is the size of my head and I actually had to ball about half of it by hand because my ball winder couldn't handle it. As you can see, I've gotten pretty far and have probably only knit on it for a few hours. It's amazing how fast Chunky yarn works up!

Anyway, that's it for me today. I hope you all have a great rest of the week. We're supposed to FINALLY get some rain here in San Diego (or actually the whole state for that matter) and I can't wait. I plan to stay home this weekend and knit while watching movies!

I'll see you Friday!

For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Work in progress 182

Hi everyone. I hope you're having a good week. I've been super busy this week, as Stitches is this weekend.  I'm not a vendor, but since I won't be working Thursday and Friday, I have extra on my plate at the start of the week.

Speaking of Stitches, I'll try and schedule a FO Friday post before I leave so you guys can still post your links. I should be posting a lot of pictures to my Instagram account, @candyskein, if you're interested in following.

This week I haven't had too much knitting time, so I just worked on my Sock Yarn Blanket. It's actually getting quite big considering I only started it 13 days ago. It's a great addicting project that uses up yarn I never thought I would use. Unfortunately, it's also caused me to buy yarn. I'll be looking for mini skeins at Stitches for it, as I plan not to buy too much full skein yarn. If you're looking for a fun project that's pretty portable (you can make single squares and connect them later on, or do little blocks of squares and connect them later), look no further. The only problem is you have to be pretty patient because it takes a LOT of sock yarn to finish this thing. I plan to work on it quite some time.

That's it for me today.  I hope you have a great rest of the week.

For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday 181

 Hi everyone! I hope your week is going like you want it to. Since I last "talked" to you last week, I have been knitting crazy. Funny enough, it's not exactly from what you'd think.

You see, I'm addicted to my new project that I started last week, the Sock Yarn Blanket. Insane, right? I started this last Wednesday night, so it hasn't even been a week. Not only have I made these squares you see, I have also made two more not pictured, as I made them after I took this (and I wove in the ends).

I can't remember if I've shared this hat yet, but it's the From Norway with Love. I've been wanting to knit this hat since I started knitting and never got around to it. I've had this yarn in my stash for several years, when I bought it on vacation in northern California. It's Blue Sky Sport 100% alpaca. So far this is a very fun knit.

That's it for me today. I hope you all have a great rest of your week.

For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!

Friday, February 7, 2014

FO Friday 169

Happy Friday! Man am I glad it's the end of the week!! Weeks seem long when my husband takes the early train in the morning and the late train at night. I'm super excited for the weekend because we're going to go see The Lego Movie on Saturday and then go hang out at our favorite local bar/supper club. We hope to do a little more gardening on Sunday if the weather holds out, as it's been raining on and off for a few days. Not the best weather for yarn drying, that's for sure.

Speaking of yarn, I will have all subscription yarn to the post office by Monday! I was hoping to start shipping tomorrow, but due to the weather, it's drying slower than normal. We normally get spoiled with low humidity and warm weather here in San Diego.

I finished my sock on Wednesday night, but decided not to show it until I have the pair complete. Then it will be a true FO. Instead, I decided to share the squares I made for my sock yarn blanket. The color is washed out a bit, as I took this at night with my Ott lite blaring down on them. The bottom one is made from Candy Skein Yummy fingering monthly colorway from June '12, Lemongrass Sour, one of my favorite past monthly colorways. The middle one is Candy Skein Yummy fingering in Pink Bubblegum (it's more of a hot pink than it looks here) and the right one, I'm sure you recognize, is January '14 colorway, Confetti Cupcake.

I decided to use size US 2 DPNs, which I'm borrowing from my friend Regina. I hope to get my own pair at Stitches West coming up. I am doing each square with 41 stitches and I like the size. I first started with 31 and they were WAY too small. Cute, but the thought of making a whole blanket with them was daunting. As it is, it's pretty daunting. HA! This will be a very long term project, that's for sure. I love how you just pick up stitches to join the squares together. It's so clean and fast.

That's it for me today! I hope you all have a great weekend.

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