Showing posts with label Zippy Pouches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zippy Pouches. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I actually do still have a sewing machine...

But she's been feeling neglected with all the knitting that's going on. So the other day I was planning to go to visit my family for the day and I wanted to take some knitting with me.

But I couldn't have it rolling around in my purse or something, getting all unraveled and nubby and whatnot. So I needed to rectify that, right?

I whipped up this little cutie before breakfast, and then headed out for a mini road trip.


I love how Charlotte totally photobombed this one. She burrowed under the maple quilt a few seconds later. This is definitely snuggling season!

Have you been doing any quickie sewing lately? Some instant gratification perhaps?

the deets:
Fabric: Sunnyside by Kate Spain
Pattern: Noodlehead's Open Wide Pouch
Sewn on my Bernina with Aurifil 2600 (the perfect gray that matches literally everything!)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Last one, I promise

For a while, at least ;-)

Something really hilarious happened with this one, though. I didn't trim the zipper before I sewed around the edges. Which means I sewed the zipper into one of the boxed corner seams.

(sorry for the middle-of-the-night iphone photos...)

And I inadvertently made a little handle. Oops.

Honestly, if it had been anywhere close to centered, I would have left it.

It was not.

But I fixed it! Like the last ones I made, I used fusible fleece instead of the 911 interfacing, which made it a little too thick, especially for this size. Live and learn.

It's still cute.

All three of my little lovelies!

You can see the size differences here the best.

Friday, April 12, 2013

My first commission!!

I showed a picture of my noodlepouches to a friend of mine from work, and she asked me to make  her some. So that counts as my first commission, right? I think so ;-)

So we went to my LQS the other day, and she picked out some fabric. (In Syracuse and UVa colors!) I put them together that night, so she could take them on a trip with her. I was planning on just making the big one, but there was enough fabric left over to make the little one too.

I also used fusible fleece for the first time, instead of the mid-weight interfacing that I have been using. It was ok, maybe a little too thick for bags this size. I ended up using the regular stuff for the little bag.