To tell you the truth I don't really know where exactly or when I first saw a circle centred granny square. It's pretty much everywhere in blogland and it must have sneaked it's way into my head, forming a little plan, and then coming to life as though it was all my own idea in the first place. Except I'm sure it was never my idea, I haven't an original idea in my head!
Maybe it was Bobo Bun's
Cushion, or Raymond's
mandala. Perhaps it was Bunny Mummy's
blanket which was from Lucy's
Summer garden granny. Tke the middles out of all of these and you pretty much have my circles.
But then again did it creep in from these places?
Hand made at home
Yoyo quilts
Nope, it must have come from
Julia Crossland she has made a cushion in circles laid in a brick formation. I must have seen it there first and then every other circle granny square I saw added to the fire. I had to have a piece of the action. Shame that yarn was bitchy splitty. Never mind, the stripey one is whipping up so quickly that I may have it finished before my next load of yarn, just acrylic stuff, arrives. I'm hoping I'll have enough of the cotton yarn to finish the stripey blanket in one go. I ALWAYS run out of yarn, I cannot judge how much I will need. On that note, the final ball of brown arrived today so that I can finish my bobble blanket and start using it before the weather cheers up.
Changing the subject completely, I saw my midwife today. As she was listening in to Pom Pom's heart she had a funny expression on her face. His thumpety thump sounded much slower than usual and she listened in for way longer too, listened until it sounded like the usual train on the tracks.
"That sounds slow, is he ok?" I said.
"Yes" she said "everything is fine, did you not feel that?"
"Feel what? What were you doing?"
"You were having a contraction that affected the baby's heart rate like we often see in perfectly normal labours, your tummy was as tight as a bullet, I'm surprised you didn't feel just a bit of discomfort"
Ah, right, that explains the speed of my labours then. I'm a 'silent' one. Lucky me! But then again she went on to say it means nothing, I could go on like this and still end up being induced and labouring for days. Except now I feel jumpy at every little twinge.
I wonder which post will come first, the Bobble reveal or the Baby reveal!
The beginning of the bobble blanket. See? I told you it wasn't an exciting colour but it has turned into a gorgeous blanket that looks so good in the little living room we call The Snug but the boys have renamed The Slug.