Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Thursday, 24 February 2011

WiP Completed!


He arrived safely yesterday morning at 0610hrs GMT, 8lbs 9oz.  More photo's and details to follow. I just can't stop gazing at him!  

What will I call him in my blog? Wee Cuckoo? Mini, tiny, petite? 


Sunday, 20 February 2011

Can't sleep? Blog.


The not-so-desolate garden

I made a very basic collage!!!  Oh I am happy, sat here at almost 3am, unable to sleep (grrrrrrrr) and yet functioning rather well even if I say so myself. 

Today Mr Cuckoo took the Cuckoo boys to his parents for a mini holiday and while he was out I took a stroll around our rather bleak plot.  There were a few surprises to be found.  

I crocheted a hellebore today for my tea cozy. A cozy like the many gorgeous ones you can see over at Crochet with Raymond.  I didn't think to take a photo of it during daylight, I didn't think I'd be awake and blogging in the middle of the night.  It could well be my most favourite crocheted flower I have ever done, not that there have been an enormous number but there have been several over the past year.  


Every time I use these products and see results as promised on the packet I feel I should blog about them. 

My eyelashes are rubbish, they are still rubbish even after using the above for months but they are much much better, a third longer I'd say.  I have got a 'before' shot on my iPhone but it's terrible quality, so you'll have to take my word for it.  Anyway, I'm pleased. See, terribly vain.  I've mentioned it before, my vanity that is, I hope my vanity is a secret bad trait of mine.  I'd hate for someone else to describe me as vain in a derogatory way.  I mean I'm the first to take the mickey out of myself or to point out my flaws but I am really very vain.  I do try hard to look my best, I just feel really unconfident (that's not a real word is it?) without my war paint and considered clothes.


And amongst this chaos I create.  You can just about see one of my bags of crochet/yarn in front of the sofa.  I sat there calmly crocheting while the Cuckoo's whirled and squealed around me. It only got worse!

And now they are at Granny and Poppa's and I find myself missing them dreadfully.  I want to go and smell them and whisper how much I love them in their hot little ears.  I got so tearful when I waved them off today, the morbid thought of what if something bad happens, what if I never see them again, what if they never see me again?  Horrid thoughts.  But I have lost a dear family member in a car crash and Granny lost her mother when she died in childbirth so these are real fears for me.  But I'm optimistic this time next week they'll be tearing around, whipping up a storm and my baby will be screeching and I'll be wailing like a banshee.  Normal life resumed with a twist!  It's a good life, even when it's pants it's still good.

Right, I'm going to publish this now and start to do the Bobble Blanket reveal post.  If I finish it I'll schedule it to post sometime soon.  I'm hoping the baby will turn up in the next few days while The Cuckoo's are away. I had the other two before my due date and here I am the full 40 weeks pregnant which is novel.  I'm a bit tired and uncomfortable in the back and hips now, I'd like to get on with it.  To know he's here and we are all ok.  Also my labours have been a bit quick in the past and I'd rather not have to worry about who to call, who can get here quickly enough to babysit.  The nearest person is only ten minutes away but she has two small boys of her own so she can't just drop everything unless her husband is home.  My Mum is over an hour away and our neighbours are all much older and we don't really know any of them very well, the boys certainly don't know them. Oh what will be will be, I shouldn't fret! But it would be so great if he arrived before the boys mini break is over.


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The circle inspiration explaination

To tell you the truth I don't really know where exactly or when I first saw a circle centred granny square.  It's pretty much everywhere in blogland and it must have sneaked it's way into my head, forming a little plan, and then coming to life as though it was all my own idea in the first place.  Except I'm sure it was never my idea, I haven't an original idea in my head!

Maybe it was Bobo Bun's Cushion, or Raymond's mandala.  Perhaps it was Bunny Mummy's
blanket which was from Lucy's Summer garden granny.  Tke the middles out of all of these and you pretty much have my circles.

But then again did it creep in from these places?
Hand made at home
Yoyo quilts

Nope, it must have come from Julia Crossland she has made a cushion in circles laid in a brick formation.  I must have seen it there first and then every other circle granny square I saw added to the fire. I had to have a piece of the action.  Shame that yarn was bitchy splitty.  Never mind, the stripey one is whipping up so quickly that I may have it finished before my next load of yarn, just acrylic stuff, arrives.  I'm hoping I'll have enough of the cotton yarn to finish the stripey blanket in one go.  I ALWAYS run out of yarn, I cannot judge how much I will need.  On that note, the final ball of brown arrived today so that I can finish my bobble blanket and start using it before the weather cheers up.

Changing the subject completely, I saw my midwife today. As she was listening in to Pom Pom's heart she had a funny expression on her face.  His thumpety thump sounded much slower than usual and she listened in for way longer too, listened until it sounded like the usual train on the tracks.
"That sounds slow, is he ok?" I said.
"Yes" she said "everything is fine, did you not feel that?"
"Feel what? What were you doing?"
"You were having a  contraction that affected the baby's heart rate like we often see in perfectly normal labours, your tummy was as tight as a bullet, I'm surprised you didn't feel just a bit of discomfort"

Ah, right, that explains the speed of my labours then.  I'm a 'silent' one.  Lucky me! But then again she went on to say it means nothing, I could go on like this and still end up being induced and labouring for days.  Except now I feel jumpy at every little twinge.

I wonder which post will come first, the Bobble reveal or the Baby reveal!

The beginning of the bobble blanket.  See? I told you it wasn't an exciting colour but it has turned into a gorgeous blanket that looks so good in the little living room we call The Snug but the boys have renamed The Slug.


Friday, 11 February 2011


Lifted from my old blog, links/layout might be odd

We are fortunate to have a cottage in Salcombe, South Devon, I call it the Seaside House.  I was so lucky to recently spend two weekends there with friends.  No boys allowed. It was a really lovely break from the old routine and I returned home with renewed zest and vigour.
That's Bee.  She's a lemon, look at the foam on her lip! We had such a chilled out time, we slept, we cooked, we ate, we mooched around the shops, we watched DVD's, we caught up with each other properly which we rarely manage as there is always a lot of interruptions from our very young and vocal children. We crocheted too, Bee is just beginning to learn and I was chuffed to have the opportunity to help her learn some new stitches.
A few years ago that table would have been covered in wine glasses or shot glasses and the remains of a daft drinking game.  Probably the remains of a kebab too, I was known for kebabbing all over the place. How times have changed! I rather like the changes but I know one day I'll be posting a photo of a boozy table because I haven't hung up my sparkly shoes yet. My GRANNY is peeping out at the bottom of the pic.  Next week, regardless of the weather, I will be posting a GRANNY tribute.  I had the most unexpected and glorious kip underneath it on Sunday afternoon.  Out like a light I was. Slept right through kids tea, Mr Cuckoo dealt with it all.  What a star, he hates kids meal times as he can't stand the inevitable mess.
Horrors, look at the curtains all bunched up on the window sill. But it was chilly and we needed to keep the radiator uncovered.  Bit rubbish of me but I took very few photo's.  Too busy gassing and enjoying having Bee all to myself.

And then a couple of weeks later I went back to the seaside house with My Girls.
Those two lovely girls have blogs I have already mentioned.  Funny how two of my oldest and bestest friends all started blogging around the same time as me, all totally independently.  Or maybe that's not such a surprising coincidence.  That's GW on the left and this is her blog.  Gem is on the right, no point giving her a nickname as she isn't anonymous on her blog.

Oh My!
There's plenty to make me laugh in that photo. Goringe is all blurry, she looks like she's trying to get away from whatever has captured my attention.  Gem looks like she's up to no good and just got caught out. I've had all my hair lopped off, notice that? It was halfway down my back when I started blogging and I've been steadily clipping away at it.
This turned out to be another rock and roll weekend.  Very similar in format to the one I spent with Bee except we had supper out, albeit an early bird sitting so that we could get back for The X Factor and to crochet.  GW was guiding Goringe who could do some of the basics but wanted to do granny squares.
It was my challenge to teach Gem to crochet, I say challenge for two reasons, she is a lefty and she's a terribly distracted pupil.  But hats off too the gal, she decided to do it right handed.  "I use right handed scissors" she said. "I'll learn this right handed. Since I've never picked a hook up before it'll make no difference".  And the awkward pupil got her head down and she did it.  She really did it. Despite that look on her face she was enjoying herself and she has been hooking away ever since.  I'm enormously proud of her.
I've included this pic so you can see my bump.  Little Cuckoo said the other day "you look like a wheel barrow!", need a wheelbarrow more like.  10 weeks to go and I can't see how I can possibly accommodate any further growth.  This photo was taken 2 weeks ago and I swear I have doubled in size since. Ok that's a blatant lie but I am visibly a lot larger now and my ribs ache.  I grunt a lot too.  So attractive. Little Cuckoo also thinks the baby should be called Fire Engine.  Big Cuckoo is sticking with Pom Pom.  I think he is still hoping the baby boy will turn out to be a baby girl, he very much wants a sister.
I had to take a heap of things down to Salcombe when I went with the 3 girls, there's is still so much I want to do to the cottage but it's all finishing touch stuff.  The place is super comfy already.  I want to do some free motion embroidery pictures and make some bunting, stuff like that.  Anyway I digress, I took a new kitchen bin as the pedal bin got broken by tennants over the summer.  Cest le Vie, these things happen.  I'm delighted that the place hasn't been trashed! And off I go on a tangent again.  What I am trying and failing to get to are these lamps:
Two for six quid from Argos.  They start off like the one on the right and after a little light glue gun work they end up like the one on the left.  I would make some modifications to my design next time.  There will be a next time as I bought another set the other day.  One is again for the Seaside House and the other is for our kitchen.  I think they turned out rather good considering they cost less than a fiver each all in and they look perfect in the attic bedroom.
Hopefully the next post will contain the GRANNY in all it's glory and also something gorgeous a blogging friend sent me all the way from Australia.  It's just the light is awful these days and I'm a hopeless photographer at the best of times.