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Showing posts with label Blog Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Award. Show all posts

Monday, October 20

Delighted to Receive and Pass On

Several months ago, I felt the Lord prompt me in my spirit to begin writing again and to be more open and public about it. I began out of obedience to Him, but it never occurred to me how much I would receive from it. I began participating in the Writing Challenges at FaithWriters, and that led to me starting my own blog. Since that time I have been honored and humbled, encouraged and challenged, and have even learned a bit (a very little bit) about HTML and techie-stuff! I have grown in my writing and in the knowledge of the Lord. I have met many wonderful fellow bloggers that have become cyber-friends.

All this to say, that I have received another two blog awards from three fantastic fellow bloggers. It is a privilege to be recognized by these ladies, because their own blogs are so outstanding. If you haven’t visited their blogs, please do – I’m sure they will bless the socks off you! So thank you to Gi, Lori and Valerie Lynn for thinking of me, and passing on these two friendship awards. I pray the Lord blesses you abundantly for your faithful service to Him!

We need Friends for many reasons,
all throughout the seasons.
We need Friends to comfort us when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need Friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,
and treat us nice.
We need Friends to remember us
ones we have passed sharing memories
that will always last.

I now pass these awards on to more fabulous and inspired bloggy friends. You all have wonderful blogs and I am encouraged by them regularly. I’ll try to not duplicate if you’ve just received these awards, and I am sincerely sorry if I’ve left anyone out. And the awards go to:

~ http://momof4savedbygrace/

Monday, October 13

Thank You and Thank You for Two New Blog Awards

I am blessed and deeply honored to receive two new blog awards! The first one was given to me by Jill at her Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always blog. Jill is an amazing woman of God and is passionate about the things of God. Her posts are filled with the Word and Wisdom and Love. She is the host of Monday Morning Reflections and Fearfully Fabulous Fridays. If you haven’t had an opportunity to stop by her blog, I encourage you to do so.

Jill created the Faithful Servant Award because she was grateful for the many friends she’s met along her blogging journey. In her words: “Many of you have touched my heart and life in ways that have changed me eternally! I thank you for being a faithful servant and being obedient to the upward calling every time you share a piece of His heart living out in you! I pray that you will share this award with others who have touched your heart by sowing seeds of love into your life! They will know we are His by how we love one another! Let us sow seeds of love throughout the blogging world and touch the hearts of those who come to read what we all share! To HIM be all the glory forever and ever! AMEN!”

The second is from Valerie at her Simply 4 God blog. Valerie is another woman of God and I have been thoroughly enjoyed reading her blog for several months now. She has a passion for Jesus that is honest, real and inspiring. There is so much wisdom, gratitude and hope in her posts and I am always encouraged by what I read. If you haven’t had an opportunity to stop by her blog, I encourage you to do so. She has given me the Beautiful Butterfly Award for the Coolest Blog.

So now I get to pass out these two new awards and sow seeds of love to other faithful servant’s who bless me with their amazing words and wisdom and encouragement. Thank you all for blessing me so much and so often. I will try to not give either award to someone I know who’s just received the award. The rules are to pass the awards on to others whose blogs you admire, find inspiring or are faithful in sowing seeds of love and God. You may pass the awards on to as many people you like (the Butterfly Award suggests 10) to encourage them and show your appreciation for their blog. Enjoy!

I award the Faithful Servant Award to:
~ LauraLee @ LauraLee’s Lifesong
~ Lori @ Persevere
~ Valerie@ Simply 4 God
~ Tamela @ Tamela’s Place
~Julie @ The Surrendered Scribe
~ Joanne @ An Open Book

I award the Beautiful Butterfly Award to:
~ Tracey @ Cheese and Whine
~ Jill @ Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always
~ Vickie @ Writing While Walking
~ Terri @ Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer
~ Peculiar @ How Do We Get There From Here
~Patty @ Patterings
~ Laura Lee @ Laura Lee’s Lifesong
~Julie @ The Surrendered Scribe
~ Joanne @ An Open Book
~ Vii @ Breaths of the Heart

Thursday, September 11

I Humbly Accept

I am so excited to be blessed again with another wonderful blog award. This time I was awarded the “I Love Your Blog” award, by two very special women. Lori at her Persevere blog and Valerie at her Simply 4 God blog are both are amazing women of God and I am blessed that we are bloggy friends. If you are not familiar with their blogs, I encourage you to check them out, because they both are the real deal. God’s Word and Wisdom resides in them completely. Thank you Lori and Valerie, for this blessing you’ve given me. I am honored that you thought of me. You both have such amazing blogs, and I take away wonderful nuggets of Truth and Wisdom every time I visit. May God bless you both richly for your faithfulness.

I remain humbled and grateful that God uses my words to touch others. He really does deserve all the glory. As always, it is my hope that my words and my blog encourage others in their daily lives. I strive to be real and relevant, though am not above doing something just for fun once in awhile. I am beyond blessed to have found this wonderful blogging community where we can, and do, encourage and support one another regularly.

Now I am supposed to pass this delightful award on to others, whose blogs I love. There are so many fantastic blogs to choose from. To keep it simple and quick, I choose:

~ LauraLee @ LauraLee’s Lifesong
~ Julie @ The Surrendered Scribe
~ Joanne @ An Open Book
~ Peculiar @ How Do We Get There From Here

Thursday, August 21

More Blog Awards!

I have been blessed again with a lovely blog award. Actually, I have been blessed with three, but I’m just now getting around to sharing them. It truly touches me, when people think of my blog for passing on these great awards. It honors me that others think my little ol’ blog, is worthy of being awarded. I simply share my heart and thoughts as the Lord leads and sometimes throw in a bit of silly or informational stuff just for fun. I humbly accept these awards with a grateful heart.

I will delightfully pass these on to other amazing bloggers, who bless me on a regular basis. However, I will do it separately and after I return from my vacation. I hope you understand. There is an awful lot to do in the final day of preparation, and I have to focus on getting my family (and the house) ready to go. In the meantime, please check out these other fantastic blogs. You just may find that they bless you too!

Thank you to Nancie, at her More Than Conquerors blog, for awarding me with two special blog awards. Nancie is always so encouraging in her comments and blog posts and she blesses me with her words regularly.

The first is the “Sharing the Love Award”. This lovely award was created by Crystal @ Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES us to SHARE THE LOVE! Thanks Crystal! (Click on Memoirs of a Mommy to learn and read this special love story!) The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with them because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you. Please include this paragraph with the link to Memoirs of a Mommy so that everyone knows where this award originated from.

The second is the “Friendship Award”. This sweet award was created by LS and Happy @ Serendipity Park to be given to friends, fellow bloggers who leave you kind or uplifting comments and those whose blogs inspire, encourage or motivate you.

Thank you to Lori, at her Persevere blog, for awarding me with the most recent blog award. Lori has become a wonderful friend and source of encouragement. She has a great grasp of the Bible and her blog posts are always overflowing with Word and Wisdom. She granted me the “Awesome Site Award”. I’m not sure where the award originated, but I’m awfully happy to have received it.

Sunday, July 27

My First Blog Award

I am so excited and honored to have received my very first blog award! I received it from the very talented Darlene at her Everything to Me aka Puff’s Pocket blog. Please take a moment to check out her blog. It really is an honor to me, that she would have chosen me and my blog for this great award. I really am both humbled and honored. It is the Art Y Pico award and it is given to those who inspire others with their creative energy and talents in writing, artwork, design or contributions to the blogging community. It originated here. What does the expression mean? Well, apparently it doesn’t exactly translate to English, but it loosely translates to, “Wow. The Best Art. Over the top.” (This was taken from the Art Y Pico blog.)

As a recipient of these awards, I have been asked to share the award with five blogs that bless me. It was very difficult to choose only 5 blogs to honor, since there are so many that I love and visit regularly. There really are some incredibly talented people writing in the blogosphere. I hope that each of these ladies are as excited as I am! Congratulations friends!

I have chosen:

~ LauraLee @ LauraLee’s Lifesongs
~ Julie @ The Surrendered Scribe
~ Joanne @ An Open Book
~ Peculiar @ How Do We Get There From Here
~ Lori @ Persevere

Your “official instructions” follow:

To the recipients of the award...
1. Pick five blogs you consider deserving of this award, whether for creativity, design, interesting material, or contributions to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Name each nominee and link to his/her blog.
3. Show the award and include the name (and link to his/her blog) of whoever presented you with this award.
4. Be sure to link to the Arte y Pico blog, so everyone knows the origin of this award.
5. Post these rules.

Congratulations Ladies!!! Now go out and bless others, as you have been blessed!