Collage - Journal 1932...

Collage - Journal 1932...
Showing posts with label Rand Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rand Club. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2009

Clubland - Exit - Departure Lounge - South Africa....

(All Photos in this Post by Tavarua)

Clubland Part IV

a "walkabout" around the club shows signs of paintings
and old hand colored steel engravings
"The Duke..."
as well as old framed photographs...
and more.... framed photos of British Royals......
Cabinet with a few silver and ivory pieces....


Sable Antelope.....

We are now leaving the Rand Club and the African Savannah behind us.......

walking by the old elevator....

towards the Exit - Airport and the Departure Lounge............Flight destination Europa..... and Switzerland before arriving back to Sun, Beach, Ocean, and Palm trees......
for a while........until the wanderlust brings me back to.....?????

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rand Club - Joburg - South Africa...

(All Photos in this Post by Tavarua)
The Rand Club...... a four-storey Victorian building..Welcome inside the Palatial Rand Club. It was regarded as a cocoon for the socially elite since 1887...
The Rand Club houses a Snooker/billiard room, The Tommy's Bar and The Main Bar which, has the longest counter in Africa - 96 feet long, two libraries, two dining rooms. There are few en-suite bedrooms for club members to rent. There are private offices as well which can be rented to club members.

The main entrance........

Tommy's Bar adjacent to the main bar....



Welcome to......

the longest bar in Africa..........

Here comes Justin.......

Let me introduce my friend Justin......He lives at the Rand Club and been there for a while..he stays mainly at the Bar......he is very proud of it. The Rand Club was established 1886/87 .....the Club Building was built 1904 prior to this year the Club had two other locations.

Stairs to the first floor....

Here is the central portrait of Queen Elizabeth (the original was by Artist Pietro Annigoni)... is it a bygone era? or can we still hold fast to our old traditions?

and now Wind of Changes........President Nelson Mandela(Picture on First Floor)..

First floor..........The Rand Club can easily rival the best clubs in London.

The Library.....

Here I am having a conversation with Justin.......... he does not have an opinion about anything - Except hunting......

Friday, May 1, 2009

If you could have a collection of Ivory ...Would a small one please you?

Nancy Cunard - Photo By Man Ray.....

Nancy Cunard could do it......wearing multiply ivory bracelets.....Well,well,well

A nice evening at the Muthaiga Club or the Rand Club..wear one.. with that simple dress I am sure your personality will bring out beauty reincarnated...

..and back at your campsite - make yourself comfortable in your Rorkhee chair - wrap up in a blanket and let the kikoy cover your legs - in front of the campfire - listen to the sounds of the African night - Open your lap desk and write a story about.....that special day...- Your life is a Safari..

Dinka - Ivory Bracelet........

Mursi - Ivory Bracelets

Mursi - Ivory Bracelets..

Bracelet - Fibre and Tusks...

Bracelet - Fibre and Hog Tusks

Lotuko - Bracelet - Warthog Tusks.........