Collage - Journal 1932...

Collage - Journal 1932...
Showing posts with label Hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunting. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hugh Glass - Adventurer, Legendary Trapper and Frontiersman...a man of Mystery

Hugh Glass 

I know for sure that some of you will very much indeed enjoy the Biographical Notes about Hugh Glass. From the Wandering Lizard I read as follow:
Hugh Glass was a man of mystery and legend. We know that he actually lived and we know the legend that grew up around him, but we don't know how much of the legend is fact and how much is fiction. As with all good legends there are many variations to the narrative, but the following outline will give the reader the basic elements of this incredible story.

Hugh Glass is believed to have been born sometime around 1783 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Irish immigrants. He went to sea at an early age and proved to be a good seaman. As a young man he was captured by pirates operating under the command of Jean Lafitte off of the southern coast of Texas around 1816. He was forced to become a pirate and participated in a number of acts of piracy, but sometime in 1818 he escaped by swimming two miles to shore near present day Galveston, Texas. He avoided contact with the local Karankawa Indians who were hostile to the pirates that operated off their shore and began walking north without map, supplies, or weapons.

He managed to live off of the land and moved far inland before being captured by Pawnee Indians. The Pawnee adopted him and taught him a great deal about living in the wilderness. During his stay with the Pawnee he was in at least one fight wherein he killed several enemy Kansas warriors and captured a very modern Hawken rifle. Later he used the rifle to kill a grizzly bear and won the name "Ta-Ka-Kur'uks" (White Bear or Grizzly) as a result. Glass took an Indian wife and lived with the Pawnee until sometime in 1821 when the Pawnee were invited to send a delegation to St. Louis to meet with United States authorities. Glass accompanied the Pawnee delegates to St. Louis where he remained and took up life as a "white man.".

In 1822 Glass joined William Ashley's newly formed Rocky Mountain Fur Company and early in 1823 headed up the Missouri River along with a number of men who were to become famous participants in the fur trade including: Andrew Henry, Jeddediah Smith, Ed Rose, Thomas Fitzpatrick, James Beckworth, William Sublette, Moses Carson, and Jim Bridger. On May 31, 1823 the party stopped at an Arikara village where Ashley traded gunpowder for horses. That evening one of the trappers was killed in an argument over an Indian woman. The next morning the Ashley party was attacked by the Arikara and lost several men before escaping down the river. Hugh Glass was recognized by two of the Arikara who had met him while he was living with the Pawnee. Glass killed one of them and the other escaped. During the escape Glass was shot in the leg.

Following their escape Ashley sent word back down river to inform the authorities of the Arikara attack and Colonel Henry Leavenworth responded from Fort Atkinson with 240 troopers. In August Leavenworth's force, reinforced with fur trappers and a very large number of Sioux Indians, attacked the Arikara. After an indecisive battle, during which one of the Arikara leaders was killed, a peace was negotiated and the attack terminated to the disgust of the trappers and the Sioux who wanted to wipe out the entire Arikara village. That night the Arikara abandoned the village and escaped. The next morning Colonel Leavenworth's force returned to Fort Atkinson and two Missouri Fur Company trappers, Angus McDonald and William Gordon burned the village.

After the burning of the Arikara village Andrew Henry and fourteen others, including Glass, parted company with Ashley and struck off on their own toward the Yellowstone River. Hugh Glass frequently traveled separately and always made camp apart from the rest of the party even through Henry disapproved. One morning Glass was picking berries away from the main party when he was confronted by a female grizzly bear with cubs. The grizzly attacked and Glass fired point blank with his .54 caliber Hawken. The bear continued its charge and closed on Glass before he could escape. He used his knife and eventually was able to kill the bear but not before it had nearly done him in. Henry's party heard his cries for help and found him bleeding from massive wounds all over his body. They sewed him up as best they could, but felt that he would surely die within a day or two. Two men - Jim Bridger and John Fitzgerald - were designated to stay with him until he died and give him a decent burial.

Fitzgerald was extremely worried that hostile Indians would find them and, after waiting beside a comatose Glass for five days, convinced the younger Bridger that they must leave at once. Because they were certain that he would die, Bridger and Fitzgerald took Glass's Hawken, his pistol, his knife and all of his other supplies and they left him lying next to his freshly dug grave. Glass did not die. Instead he recovered sufficiently to discover that he had been abandoned, He set his broken leg and angrily took stock of his situation. Even though the nearest civilization was Fort Kiowa which was about three hundred miles away he began crawling toward it. He ate whatever he could find including insects, berries and dead animal carcasses. At one point he was able to beat off a pack of wolves from a freshly killed buffalo calf. He traveled as much as he could by water but had to be careful that he was not seen by hostile Indians. He cared for his wounds as best he could using Indian herbal remedies, but he was unable to reach the wounds on his back where he could feel maggots eating his flesh.Glass fashioned a crutch and was able to walk for increasingly long periods of time so that his rate of progress gradually improved. Late in September he made it back to the burned out Arikara village where he was able to find a cache of corn. While at the village, a party of Sioux discovered him and decided to take him back to their village. They were mounted and permitted Glass to ride during the three day trip to their village. Once at the village he was cared for and nursed back to health. With the assistance of the Sioux, Glass was able to return to Fort Kiowa on October 8, 1823. Because he was associated with Ashley's fur company he was able to reoutfit himself on credit. Three days after arriving at Fort Kiowa, Glass joined a small party led by Toussaint Charboneau that was headed north to trade with the Mandan Indians. A few days later the party was attacked by Arikara and all but Charboneau and Glass were killed. This time Mandan Indians helped Glass escape the Arikara.

Glass, alias Grizzly, was now famous throughout the Indian Nations for his adventures with giant grizzly bears and for the fact that the Arikara had repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to kill him. Because of his celebrity status, the Mandan insisted that he stay with them for a much longer time than he wanted. It was not until November that they assisted him in traveling to Fort Tilton which was on his way to Fort Henry where he hoped to catch up with and kill Fitzgerald and Bridger. Even though winter snows had already begun to fall he was unable to remain at Fort Tilton because of the fear that he would attract an all-out attack by the Arikara, however William Tilton (Columbia Fur Company) agreed to outfit him with the items that had been lost to the Arikara as long as he would immediately leave the fort. Once reequipped, Glass departed on foot for Fort Henry. During this month long trip Glass once again had to live off of the land, sleep in snow caves to keep warm, and travel on foot through deep snow without proper maps. He arrived during the second week in December but found the fort deserted. A note painted on a wall indicated that Henry and his party had moved upstream to the mouth of the Big Horn River.

Glass arrived at the new Fort Henry at the end of December. It was evening when he arrived. He announced himself as Hugh Glass and explained that he was there to kill two of the Henry party - Bridger and Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was not at Fort Henry but Bridger was. When Bridger first saw Glass he thought that he was seeing a ghost. After determining that Glass was indeed alive he offered profuse apologies and Glass relented saying that he knew that it was Fitzgerald that had convinced Bridger to abandon their charge. Once Henry was satisfied that Glass was not going to harm Bridger he invited him to participate in the New Year's celebration that was just getting started. Henry appears to have believed that although Fitzgerald and Bridger had done wrong to leave Glass while he still lived, Glass had brought his troubles on himself by remaining aloof from the rest of the party and was not particularly sympathetic. Nevertheless Henry accepted Glass back and on March 27, 1824, sent him and four others to St. Louis with a report for Ashley.

A few days after leaving Fort Henry, Glass and his party ran into Arikara Indians. Two of the party were killed and Glass was separated from the other two survivors. He was once again alone in the wilderness without any supplies or equipment except a knife and tomahawk. He headed overland for Fort Kiowa arriving in the middle of June. There he read a newspaper account of his death at the hands of the Arikara as told by the other two survivors. Once again he was outfitted on credit and learned that Fitzgerald had joined the army and was stationed in Fort Atkinson. Glass left at once and reached Fort Atkinson in late June. Captain Bennett Riley was the officer in charge at the time when Glass asked to see Fitzgerald and explained that he was going to kill him. Bennett told Glass that he would arrest him and see him hanged if he did that. Once reassured that Glass would not immediately harm Fitzgerald he permitted the meeting of the two men and demanded that Fitzgerald return the Hawken to Glass. Glass warned Fitzgerald never to leave the army and departed.

Following the events at Fort Atkinson, Glass returned to a life of trapping in the Rocky Mountains and was once again wounded in 1825, this time by a Shoshone arrow in the back. He was transported seven hundred miles via river before someone could be found who could remove the arrow head. In 1833 Glass, Ed Rose, and Menard were ambushed by Arikara Indians on the Yellowstone River. A few days after the incident Johnson Gardner, a friend of Glass, captured several Arikara Indians in possession of some of Glass's equipment. Glass himself was never seen again and is presumed to have died at the hands of his old enemy the Arikara.

Once again it must be noted that much of this story is based on hearsay and is not well documented. Difficult as it is for a person living in the twenty first century to believe, most of the main elements of the story are probably true and even if Hugh Glass did not do some of the extraordinary things recounted here it should be remembered that it is known that other men living at the time did very similar things.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Deyrolle - Paris - France

Deyrolle - Paris - France

May I recommend:

1000 Degrees Celsius Deyrolle
 by Laurent Bochet

Deyrolle is an old establishment since 1831 which, was founded by entomologist Jean-Baptiste Deyrolle.

Its proprietor today is Prince Louis Albert de Brogliealso known as Prince Jardinier - The tomato Prince -  he grows approximately 650 varietes om his estate - Chateau de la Bourdaisiere, in the Loire Valley. He revived Deyrolle in 2001 when he refurbished it and brought it back to its 18th-century condition.  Deyrolle is one of the world's greatest taxidermy establisments.

Deyrolle - Rue de Bac - Paris -  February 2008
 The stuffed menagerie was destroyed by fire.

A second death for the animals...

Photographer Laurent Bouchet was able to freeze this moment of sadness and disaster in time...

Photographer Laurent Bouchet

As an artist/photographer he created -  beauty - rising from the ashes.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Explorer, Artist, Hunter, Photographer and Taxidermist - Carl Akeley (1864 - 1926)

Carl Akeley with the leopard that nearly killed him. He killed it with his bare hands. 
 Photo: Courtesy Henry Holt and Co.

Carl Ethan Akeley consider the father of modern taxidermy. 

There were great men in Africa who collected to fill their trophy rooms with the beasts from the African continent a long time ago.  Some not only for the sake of having their trophy rooms filled with exotic animals but beyond the hunt and adventure - to document the animals in the wild.  

Akeley made five expeditions to the African continent.

Hall of African Animals of Natural History Museum in New York bears his name. He is famous for the way he applied the skin to the finely molded form of the animals which gave the spectator  a feeling of realism and brought taxidermy from craft to a refined art. Early taxidermy mounts had been stuffed with rags and sawdust without any regard to any refinement.
Hand colored slide circa 1896 from the expedition by Carl Akeley and D.G. Eliot
Chicago Field Museum

Akeley's Camp on Mt. Mikano 1921

In 1926 he returned to Africa and the Congo to hunt and study the mountain gorilla unfortunately he contracted a fever while on expedition and died. He was buried a few miles away from where he had encountered his first gorilla in 1921.

I raise my glass for another great man " Not to be Forgotten"...

The first person to use the word taxidermy was Luis Dufresne
Greek - taxis - arrangement
derma - skin

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Taxidermy...Let the game have a Christmas as well...

(Photo by Tavarua)

Decorate them and bring your "Travel Taxidermy" to the Dining Halls of your house...

Stack or throw them together...

The American Dining Hall...

The Asian Dining Hall...

The African Dining Hall...

The European Dining Hall...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

African Adventures - A Life Lived Well - Beryl Markham.......

Beryl Markham (1902-1986)-English aviator, horse breeder, adventuress, and an aristocrat, born Beryl Clutterbuck, grew up in former British East Africa. Big Game Hunter Denys Finch Hatton had introduced her to the art of flying. She made the decision to fly and in her twenties she had learned the skills of flying in a D.H. Gypsy Mouth by Tom Black and earned her pilot's license. A bush pilot, definitely a sportswoman who had logged countless hours over the African savannah and jungle.

She got to become the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean - East to West - She departed in a single-engine Vega Gull named the "Messenger" from London, England and crash-landed in Novia Scotia in September, 1936.

She had a successful career of her own breeding, raising, and training racehorses and got to become one of the most socially prominent young women in British East Africa. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sporting Guns - Bespoke works of art....

.......for a gun connoisseur.

Engraved Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns - Travel to Gleneagles resort and the Scottish Highlands for Sotheby’s annual sale in August just before the grouse-shooting season. It is here you can find wonderful pieces of engravers art for your collection and upcoming hunt...

Engraved Game scenes

The gun engraver has a steady hand, perfect eyesight, he is experienced, artistic and extremely skilled to produce the finest works of art.......

Purdey, Holland & Holland, Woodward & Sons, Boss Co, E.J. Churchill, Rigby, Beretta......a few names to be remembered from the past as well as in present time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Salut Him - A Masterpiece of the African Savannah - Le Petit Éléphant...........

(Photos in this post by Tavarua)
We all grew up reading the "Histoire de Babar le petit elephant" by Jean de Brunhoff (French author and illustrator (1899-1937).
Loxodonta africana - perhaps he will be a Great Elephant........the African elephant is larger than the Asian...and if you look at the elephants ears you will observe that they resemble an African map.

He has tusks which, are 5 to 9 feet long with a weight between 50 to 100 pounds (each), majestic, wise, he never forgets, he will definitely charge in the wild....does not like to be intruders..and when he gets angry he gets real angry...and if you loose your nerves...that is okay. Hunting him in the thick cover and "wait-a-bit-thorn is consider one of the classics of "Big Game Hunting" ....

Loxodonta africana - 8000 to 15000 pounds........that is a great elephant.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Greateast African Hunter of All Times - Frederick Courtney Selous - Southern Africa

Frederick Courtney Selous
Colonial Gentleman - Frederick Courtney Selous - Explorer, Big Game Hunter, and Naturalist.
Born in London 1851. The Dark Continent and Southern Africa (Rhodesia - Sorry, I still call it Rhodesia- and Botswana)- his hunting grounds from late 1871/72 to 1888.

He was the hunter who stood by Cecil Rhodes when Rhodesia opened, friend of President Theodor Roosevelt (He made several visits to the President at the White House).
. Theodor and his son Kermit...
Roosevelt's Safari/Expedition(British East Africa,Congo and Egypt) between 1909 to 1910 - The logistics as well as the organization of the expedition was done by Selous. R.J. Cunningham (See above photo) was "the White Hunter" for the Expedition and Selous would participate now and then in the expedition.
A special section of the British Museum of Natural History is dedicated to his trophies (there is a memorial bust of him in the main hall). I leave his day and year of leaving the hunting grounds of Africa and this earth to regroup to new adventures open as he will live on in all African Hunters memories forever.......
Rhodesia's Special Forces Unit was named after him Selous Scouts (1974 - 1980) - A Counter-Insurgency Unit of the Rhodesian Army -a combat reconnaissance force which, accounted for 68% of all terrorists killed in the Rhodesian War - extremely efficient and one of the best Units you could find around in Africa.