For her - Holland & Holland...
Simple travel jewelry for her - Sterling earrings and bracelet...
LV Petanque Boules Carrier...
Hamilton & Inches...
The Sporting Life - Asprey...
Sand Storm (Kenya) Canvas/Leather Briefcase...
The Field Canvas and Croc Leather Iphone5 Case...
Old or New - City Guides - LV...
Folding Travel Desk - Hermès.
For your folding travel desk - Travel with a pair of antique (1854)- Golden Eagle - Candlesticks...
Desk set for your next destination from Hermès.
For your desk - Asprey...
Leather Wrapped Double Edge Pen from Hermès...
Mappin & Webb...
Hunt - Early 1900 - Dog with Hare - Sterling...
Sterling Silver/Copper Bracelet made from Hunt Buttons...
dunhill - Vintage - 7 Days Shaving Kit...
Mulholland Brothers bags for you travels...
Hartmann Wings as we like them...

Bon Voyage...