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Showing posts with label snowflake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowflake. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

July Update

I've been making good progress on my snowflake project, but still have quite a bit of work left to do. Here's a photo of the snowflakes together:

I'm hoping to have the patterns ready by the end of this year, though I keep finding new things to test or add, which makes everything take longer. I will continue to update my blog as things progress.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Snowflake Progress and Etsy Sale

I've now worked through 25 of the mini flakes. There's 15 more to go. If all goes well, patterns for these will be available in the fall:

I'm also having an Etsy sale, which will be running through June 1. Everything in the shop is 20% off, no code needed. If you want to check that out, you can get to my shop by clicking here.

Friday, March 27, 2020

More Minis

I hope everyone is doing okay. I have been staying in and working on my mini flakes. I'm tatting them in light blue, so they can be scanned and put on pattern pages without using too much printer ink (if one decides to print the pattern).

These are done in size 80 DMC Special Dentelles thread, color number 3325. It's surprising just how far one small ball of thread goes. I have tatted 12 mini flakes and might have enough for one more before the ball of thread runs out. I still have plenty of this color left (I bought seven balls from an online retailer called Minerva Crafts in early February), and this project will keep me busy for a while. I ended up designing a total of 40 mini flakes, so I have a lot of diagramming and tatting to do!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Stacks of Snowflakes

I'm still enjoying making mini snowflakes. I have over 20 of them now:

Here's another photo of them placed on decorative scrapbook paper. It was difficult to fit them all:

I have several more drawings waiting in the queue, and am looking forward to continuing this project next year.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Mini Flakes

I tatted some of these mini snowflakes last year and made a few more this year. They are relaxing to make because they are quick and easy to design.

Other than my notes, I don't have any patterns written for these. I'm thinking of continuing this project next year, and accumulating more designs before I go into pattern writing mode.

A quick reminder: My Etsy sale is almost over (it is set to go through Tuesday, December 3rd and end at midnight, Eastern Standard Time). If you'd like to check out my shop, you can get to it by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Challenge Snowflake

This is a free instructional pattern for those who want to practice different tatting techniques. You may use this pattern as a teaching resource (but do not sell the pattern) and may do anything you like with the finished tatting. Please let me know if you find any errors in the pattern.

For a printable version of this pattern click HERE. For tatters who would like more detailed instructions and step by step photos, continue reading the blog post below.

To make this snowflake you will need to know the following techniques:

  • rings, chains, picots, joins
  • lock joins
  • thrown rings (AKA floating rings)
  • split rings, joining to the second side of a split ring
  • self closing mock rings (SCMR)
  • Josephine knots, self closing mock Josephine knots
  • balanced double stitches
  • using a picot gauge

You can go to YouTube and find videos for most of the techniques listed above. If there is a technique that you cannot find, leave a comment below or message me using the contact form on the right sidebar of my blog and I will see if I can locate a good video for you.

The balanced double stitch is a technique pioneered by Ruth Perry (you can visit her website at You can read Ruth's article about the balanced double stitch here:

To see a short video of her making the balanced double stitch go here:

Challenge Snowflake by Robin Perfetti

Begin by winding two shuttles using the continuous thread method. When using size 20 thread and a small clover shuttle, I wind 240 full wraps on shuttle #1 and 75 full wraps on shuttle #2. Most of the work will be done with shuttle #1.

Round 1:

Round 1 is a basic six-ringed flower, made with shuttle #1. Each ring is 2 - 2 - 2 - 2, and all picots are very small. All new rings are joined to previous rings. The final ring is a split ring and is joined to the previous ring as well as to the first ring, 2 + 2 / 2 + 2. Making a split ring enables us to climb from Round 1 to Round 2.

Round 2:

Do not reverse work after Round 1. Begin Round 2 by making a split ring of 4 / 4. You can leave a very small gap between the split ring of Round 1 and the split ring of Round 2 to simulate a very small picot:

Do not reverse work after the split ring. Place shuttle #1 in the chain position and place shuttle #2 in your right hand. Make a chain of of 5 balanced double stitches. Balanced double stitches form a sturdy, straight chain:

The next element is a self closing mock Josephine knot. It is made the same way as a self closing mock ring (SCMR), except that the mock ring is made of 12 half stitches instead of full stitches. Here is a photo of the self closing mock Josephine knot before closing:

This is how it looks after closing:

Making a self closing mock Josephine knot (instead of a thrown Josephine knot) will disrupt the core thread. This disruption enables the next chain to change directions and move back down towards Round 1. After the self closing mock Josephine knot, make a chain of 5 balanced double stitches. Then, tat a ring of 4 + 4 (joining to the ring from Round 1):

Continue in this way around the center, until you reach the place where Round 2 began. Finish by making a lock join near the base of the 4 / 4 split ring. It takes some effort but a small crochet hook can be squeezed through the spot between the base of the ring and the first chain to make this lock join. Our threads are now in position to begin working on Round 3:

Don't worry if Round 2 has slight cupping. This is by design and will flatten out after Round 3 is added.

Round 3:

Do not reverse work after Round 2. Keep shuttle #1 in the chain position and shuttle #2 in your right hand. Make a chain of 6 balanced double stitches:

Next, make a thrown ring of 5 - 1 --- 7. If you are using size 20 thread, make the long picot 7 mm tall. If you are using size 40 thread, make a 5 mm tall picot. For size 80 thread, make a 3 mm tall picot. I used a clover picot gauge to size my picot:

After closing the thrown ring, it will look like this:

Next, make a chain of 5 balanced double stitches:

After this, you will need to pinch a section of core thread to make another SCMR. The SCMR has a few Josephine knots thrown off it, as well as a clover. Written instructions for the SCMR are as follows:

Chain: 3, do not reverse work (DNRW), switch shuttles (SS)
Josephine Knot: make a ring of 12 half stitches. DNRW, SS
Chain: 3 - 2, DNRW, SS
Ring: 2 + (join to previous chain) 2 - 1 -- 1 - 2, DNRW
Ring: 2 + (join to previous ring) 4 - 1 -- 1 - 4 - 2, DNRW
Ring: 2 + (join to previous ring) 1 -- 1 - 2 - 2, DNRW, SS
Chain: 2 + (join to previous ring) 3, DNRW, SS
Josephine Knot: make a ring of 12 half stitches. DNRW, SS
Chain: 3. Close SCMR

This is what the SCMR looks like before closing:

And here is what it looks like after closing:

Do not reverse work after the SCMR. Make a chain of 5 balanced double stitches. Then, make a thrown ring of 7 --- 1 - 5, using a picot gauge to measure the long picot as before. Finally, make a chain of 6 balanced double stitches, and lock join to the gap near the base of the ring from Round 2:

The next chain is made of 6 balanced double stitches. You can count the previous lock join as the first half of the first balanced double stitch if you want. I find that it helps to even out my tatting. (If you do this, you would tat the second half of a balanced double stitch followed by 5 full balanced double stitches):

Now, make a thrown ring of 5 + 1 + 7, joining to the small picot and large picot of the previous thrown ring:

You can use the point of your tatting shuttle to adjust the long picot as desired:

Begin again at Round 3's chain of 5 balanced double stitches, (followed by the self closing mock ring), and continue working the instructions until you reach the final thrown ring.

Joining the final thrown ring back to the first thrown ring can be tricky. You don't need to make a folded join here. Instead, you can rotate the tatting counterclockwise until it is in a comfortable position to make the join. Here is the tatting in the normal position:

And here is the tatting after it is rotated into a more comfortable joining position:

The first join after it is made:

The closed ring after first and second joins are made:

After this, it is just a matter of making another chain of 6 balanced double stitches. Cut, tie to the place where Round 3 began, and hide ends.

Here is the finished snowflake:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Technique Practice

After tatting some of Joëlle Paulson's snowflakes, I was inspired to try out some new (to me) techniques to create a design of my own. I really like her use of self closing mock rings to extend the points of the snowflake in Le Flocon Frivole, and her use of lock chains to make straight lines in her other designs (click HERE to view the patterns page on her blog).

I don't have much luck with lock chains because they require a lot of support from other elements to keep them straight, but I did remember another technique called balanced double stitches that also creates straight lines when tatting chains. After a lot of trial and error I ended up with a usable snowflake design. Pictured below is all of the tatting that I did to get there:

This snowflake uses a lot of techniques. In addition to regular rings, chains, picots, and joins, there are:

  • split rings
  • joining to the second side of a split ring
  • lock joins
  • thrown rings
  • Josephine knots
  • self closing mock rings
  • self closing mock Josephine knots
  • balanced double stitches
  • use of a picot gauge

All in all, it's much more complicated than I like for an Etsy shop pattern. However, if anyone is interested in this design, I can look into sharing it as a free instructional blog post. Comment below if that's something you'd like to see.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Frivole's Flakes

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to win Joëlle Paulson's latest snowflake pattern through a drawing she had on her blog ( I have tatted a few of her other snowflakes in the past and really admire the way she uses lock chains and other techniques to form angles, making the tatting look like real snowflakes.

I decided to tat the pattern I won (Calixa) along with Le Flocon Frivole and Qanik:

These three will be added to my Christmas tree in December.

Monday, July 29, 2019

3 in 1 Hexagon

Working on the table runner can be monotonous, so I spent some time putting together a different pattern. It's a hexagon that can be connected together to form a mat, or embellished to make snowflakes:

The pattern is available in my Etsy shop and you can get to the listing by clicking HERE.

The snowflakes have interchangeable centers, pictured below:

I couldn't help but wonder what the mat would look like if it was enlarged, so I used an app on my iPad called Photo Grid to splice together some images. The first is a hexagon shaped mat:

The next is an extended mat, which could be used as a table runner:

The thread is Lizbeth size 20 in White (#601) and Cotton Candy (#111). I think the extended mat would look nice if the motifs around the edge were changed to all white.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Blocking Snowflakes

I'm almost done making snowflakes for the year. These have been blocked and stiffened with Mod Podge Extreme Glitter. They are not attached to each other, just laid out on the table to form one giant snowflake:

I've been using a polar grid that I printed out from Inkscape to block the latest snowflakes. I placed each grid into a plastic sheet protector, to protect the tatting from the ink on the paper (and also to prevent the stiffener from sticking to the blocking surface).

I haven't been pinning the tatting because I don't know how that would work with a sheet protector, and I also don't want the pins to get stuck to the Mod Podge stiffener. The stiffener makes it so that I can push the tatting into place by hand and it will stay.

If you'd like a copy of the snowflake blocking template, you can access and print it HERE. I've also put a link to the template at the top of my Tutorials page.

I made a few of these snowflakes in smaller thread to see how big they would be. Here's a comparison with measurements listed under each snowflake:

It was pretty difficult to get the Josephine knots to close using size 80, so I won't be making any more in this thread. Size 20 works the best, and size 40 is alright too.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Three more

Three more snowflakes are fresh off the blocking board:

The pattern for these can be found in my Etsy shop by clicking HERE. Also, a reminder that my Etsy sale is ending tomorrow, and my next sale will be sometime in early June, 2019. If you want to visit my shop, you can do so by clicking HERE.

My blocking board doesn't have lines for a six pointed motif, which made things a little more difficult. Next time, I'm going to print out an appropriate polar grid (using Inkscape) and place it in a plastic sleeve to use as a blocking template.

These snowflakes have been stiffened with Mod Podge Extreme Glitter. The sparkle is very pretty in person but doesn't show up on camera unless the photo is blurry:

It's a multicolored glitter, similar to the AB color used in beads. I will be stiffening all of this year's snowflakes with the glittery Mod Podge and see how they hold up over time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Glittery Snowflakes and Etsy Sale

When the new Liz Metallic threads came out, I was excited to try them and potentially use them for snowflakes. I had high hopes for the Iridescent color, but found it difficult to work with and not as sparkly as I thought it would be. I ended up making a few snowflakes in Liz Metallic Silver but still longed for a white snowflake with sparkle.

I started brainstorming: Maybe I could mix Mod Podge with glitter and use it to stiffen a white snowflake? I wanted to do a bit of research online to see if anyone had done this before, and found that Mod Podge actually has a product with glitter already mixed in! It's called Mod Podge Extreme Glitter. I was able to find some at my local Michael's craft store:

I placed my snowflake on plastic wrap and used a foam brush to paint both sides with Mod Podge. I then blotted out the excess stiffener with a paper towel and laid the snowflake on a fresh sheet of plastic wrap to dry for 24 hours. I'm really pleased with the results! The snowflake is stiff (great for ornaments) and very sparkly. It's hard to capture in photos and seems to show up better on camera in low light:

More glitter shows up when the camera is out of focus:

If you have access to this product, I highly recommend trying it out. Maybe start with something small to make sure you like the results before using it on something that took a while to tat. The Mod Podge does add some thickness to the tatting, so be sure to blot pretty thoroughly after applying it.

This snowflake is one that I designed fairly recently. I started out with a small onion ring snowflake and extended the arms for a larger version. I took inspiration from Joëlle Paulson's Snowdrop pattern to extend the arms.

I named the above pattern Shimmer Snowflake, since it's my first project to use the glittery fabric stiffener. You can find the pattern in my Etsy shop by clicking HERE. I'm also having a holiday sale which will end on Tuesday, November 27. Everything in the shop is 20% off, no code needed. I noticed some other Etsy shops are having holiday sales as well so head on over to see if you can find any good deals :)

Friday, September 21, 2018

Metallic Tatting

Over the past month I've tatted a few things using the new Liz Metallic thread. The sparkle is so hard to capture in photos. I think it comes through a little bit when taking close ups of the tatting:

The snowflake is something I made earlier, when I was rewriting one of my Etsy patterns. It's made in Liz Metallic Silver. After that, I tatted the heart in Raspberry Pink, and the bookmark in Sand Dollar:

The Raspberry Pink color is pretty intense, though I don't think that shows up well in the photos. Here's a size comparison of three hearts. The top heart is tatted in Lizbeth 40, the middle heart is tatted in Lizbeth 20, and the bottom heart is tatted in Liz Metallic:

Here's the metallic bookmark photographed next to another bookmark made in Lizbeth 20 Pink Parade:

The tassel threads in the metallic tend to separate, but so far the tassel knot is holding up fine:

I do like the stiffness of the metallic thread, especially for snowflakes. I'm thinking of using it to make snowflakes for holiday cards this year. I will have to limit my tatting time with the metallics though, as they are much rougher to work with than cotton.