I've had a very busy week which means I don't have any new tatting to show. I noticed a few bloggers have been posting projects that they call UFOs or Works in Progress, and I thought "I have some of those!" I usually stick to small motifs, so I don't have too many projects that need to be completed, but I do have two larger doilies that I have set aside for 6 months to a year. I do plan to get back to them eventually!
The first is from Jan Stawasz's
Tatted Treasures. I believe it is Doily I, but my tatting books are packed away at the moment so I can't double check. Anyhow, it's the doily on the cover of the book. This is how far I was able to get before setting it aside:
Tatted in Lizbeth size 40 white |
As you can see, it's getting to be too big to photograph on my card stock. The next round is 25 individual motifs...lots and lots of ends to hide. Here's another picture from above:
The next project is something I was working on designing, from my
Mirror, Mirror post. I got distracted by the idea of connecting the motifs together to create a larger doily, but I only got 4 motifs out of 7 done before I moved on to another design idea.
Tatted in Lizbeth size 40 white and green coral sea |
I still want to tat the final three motifs and connect them to the bottom, and then add an edging around the doily. Individually, the motifs are appropriately sized for a coaster.
I have a lot of tatting to do before I can get back to these projects. The Stawasz Mega Doily will keep me busy for a long, long time.