Showing posts with label tatting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tatting. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I wish all of you a wonderful and prosperous New Year.

I hope we all find a little extra time to do the things we love, spend more time with friends and loved ones, continue to dream, and create beautiful memories.

Many blessings to you and your families,


Saturday, August 21, 2010

A New Toolbar for Tatteristic!

I'm testing a new toolbar which you'll notice at the bottom of your screen.

It's free from and has a ton of features for sharing, communicating, and monitoring your blog or website.

There are many additional options for sharing photos and posts and keeping in touch via all kinds of social media.

I still want to add some features but I wanted to get it installed and give it a try.

Please let me know what you think about it. I'm always looking for new ways to share info and improve communication.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Google Internet Search Widget

I've added a Google widget to my blog. Instead of having to open a new tab or window, you can search for tatting patterns, shops, blogs, and more right here from my blog. I hope you like it and find it handy to use. So many times as I'm reading your blogs, I've wanted to search on a name or pattern but I usually forget to do it so I put it right under Lady Shuttlemaker's button to the right so you can give it a try. Let me know what you think and if it was helpful.

Speaking of Google - and I do love Google. Have any of you received a Google Wave invitation? If you'd like to try it, request an invitation. Google Wave is a new way of communicating and collaborating with others in real time. It's a combination of chatting, email, file & photo sharing, and more - check it out. Google Wave Video.

Are there any tatters already using Google Wave? If so, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tatting, Tatting Everywhere!

There is so much tatting information on the internet! I mean, really, I knew there were tons of blogs, videos, and shops but the more I get involved in the tatting community, the more information I find. There are Yahoo groups, several forums and boards, and don't even get me started on the number of Etsy shops, thread suppliers, and tatting/lace blogs that are available.

The best part is that you share your creativity with the rest of us - your tips and shortcuts learned along the way, ideas and patterns, and beautiful photos of your work. You are thoughtful and giving and much appreciated by all.

I've learned a lot from reading your blogs, following your suggestions, and tatting your beautiful patterns. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Christmas Ideas

Today was a dark and cloudy day with a little bit of rain - just perfect!! It makes me think about the holidays. During my lunch break, I went to this wonderful quilt shop nearby in search of ideas. I found a couple of adorable purse patterns that I think I'll make for Christmas. What I really want to do is a crazy quilt look and instead of the usual embroidery stitches (I may still use some), I'll put some of my tatting on the purses. I think they'll look great and it gives me a chance to use some of the random motifs that don't really belong anywhere and some edgings that I've tried but haven't attached to anything.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Friday

Good morning bloggers. It's Friday - we made it through another week. The weather has cooled off about 15 degrees here and it's beautiful. Now it feels like the beginning of fall and I can't wait for the holidays. I'm still thinking about projects for Christmas and I have a few in mind, but I know I'll think of more.

I hope to do some serious tatting this weekend. We've been very busy this past month and away from home a lot so I'm looking forward to some quiet time with my thread and shuttles. I also need to finish my Design-Tat homework of the drawing and submit it.

The InTatters groups has a fun project for October which is to use the thread we don't like (for whatever reason) that's been stashed away at the back or bottom of the drawer and make something. I found some pretty thread in the bottom of my thread box and made a little angel. Honestly, a small motif or small angel is about all I could handle with that thread. It stretched; it broke; it got all tangled up; it was no fun to tat with at all.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Welcome to my new blog, Tatteristic! I've been thinking about it for months but kept putting it off for a bunch of silly reasons. You know, things like, I'm too busy, what would I write about, stuff like that. Well, hopefully, I will have enough interesting stuff to say to keep people interested. Let's get going and see what happens.