Hello Lovelies!
I am very excited to tell you that my blog has a new home at toriejayne.com
Hi! I would love to know what you think of it xx
"I started my blog over 5 years ago with the aim of sharing with you my favourite finds, my recipes, craft tutorials, seasonal decorating, and interior ideas. Over the past several months I have worked alongside my partner to bring you my new blog that I hope means you will be able to easily and quickly find the content you are looking for.
I am still in the process of bringing the old content over and in the near future we will be adding in a "Decorate" section that will contain all the photographs of my house along with inspirational interior decorating ideas and finds. Also, there will be a new section called "Style" where you will find my seasonal decorating ideas along with inspirational stylists and more.
Unfortunately I am not able to bring over all your lovely comments, but I hope you will love my new website and will want to leave new feedback.
Enjoy! xx