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Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2018


 Can't believe it has been almost a year since I last wrote   A very busy year teaching at my studio at the Rotary Centre for the Arts, a few shows, cleaning up our cabana down at the lake which was full of mold after the lake came up about 6 feet higher than normal (we lost our dock in the whole process)  A trip to Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia in the fall.

We have had a crummy winter so fall.  Lots of snow and roads covered with ice 

The deer have  finished off our cedar hedge nothing left of this hedge now   It is such a problem..nothing seems to keep them out   they are so hungry  with snow covering everything.
Looks like it is time for the annual Bead Peeps Swap N Hop...
which I  am totally up for !!!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Where Did the Year Go ?

Here it is almost 2017... where did the time go ? I have seriously neglected you my dear blog and will try to do better in 2017..I have been very busy teaching at the Rotary Centre and then Christmas happened..Lots of ideas for New Work so will get started in the New Year.  The snow has stopped coming down for a while but more is  promised for tomorrow... Yeah !  another home day and  time to get some work done.

We have been having a royal battle with the deer population.. We put up a gate across our driveway but the deer seem to find a way in to our yard and eat every thing in sight.  More deer netting is in order I think..
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