Showing posts with label #nailart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #nailart. Show all posts

Monday, 25 August 2014

Rouge Louboutin Nail Polish from Christian Louboutin

As a treat, I ordered the Christin Louboutin 'Rouge Louboutin' nail polish from the new Beaute Louboutin range which launched in August 2014 in the UK.

This polish was purchased from Selfridges website, as they are the official distributers in the UK.

I was not disappointed with my purchase!  Although more expensive that my usual nail polishes at £36 +delivery, the sheer look of the polish is totally worth it, and the polish I think is really very good.

The coverage from one coat alone would be absolutely fine for every day wear, and two coats give superb coverage.

Having looked at other manicures using this polish, I used a border style/outline style nail art in black to imitate the look from the sole of the shoes.  The black shown is using Chanel Black Satin, just to keep in with the designer theme!  I was going to do all hands, but I ran out of napping time with the baby!  I think I may add some crystals to the ring fingers when I do this manicure for a special occasion.

The brush took a little getting used to, but works like a pen and one you've done one or two nails, using it come naturally.  The only problem I had was with the cat trying to hit the brush out of my hand!!

When applied very thin, it can look a little pink, but thickened up, or with two coats this disappears completely.

I am very fortunate to own a couple of pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes, and this polish is really up my street, as I love the designer.  If you are not a fan of Louboutin shoes, you may not want to splurge the cash, but I am very pleased with my purchase and will look at other colours in the collection when they launch, what girl isn't up for some glamour?!

Two coats on nails with no top coat in indoor light.

Two coats shown under my daylight lamp 

Two coats with top coats under daylight lamp

Two coats with top coat under daylight lamp

Have you tried the nail polish yet? Or any other colours from the collection? What are your thoughts?

Claire x

Monday, 30 June 2014

Nail Art with Shellac - Quick and Easy Dot Design

Having had a baby, I find the time to do my nails very short.  The grand nail art designs I have planned in my head never come to fruition as inevitably, the baby cries just as I start!

During an hour window, I managed to remove my previous Shellac, and redo my nails, then managed to do a quick and easy design.

I took my dotting tool, and down the side of each nail put black, purple, silver and white dots of varying sizes and over lapping.  As I was using Shellac I flashed cured the colours for 10 seconds, just to prevent them from running into each other too much.

The final results I think were great, and I have had many complements!!

Do you have any quick and easy designs?

The colours used were 'Cityscape' for the light dove grey base, 'Blackpool', 'Rock Royalty', Cream Puff' and 'Silver Chrome'.  Any colours can be used to create this look.

Thanks for reading, 

Claire x