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сряда, март 17, 2010

Better late than never

TUSAL pic:
Not much difference with the previous month. March hasn't been good for stitching for me T__T
I can complain why exactly, lol, but instead I'll just post this:

Just a bracelet wip :) But I have to say I love those colours - the photo can't show them well enough >.<''

четвъртък, февруари 04, 2010

неделя, януари 17, 2010

So ashamed of myself!


In the end of the week I got my package from my pen friend in Romania. It traveled quite long - and the reason for it was, as I told you, that it was too filled with goods!

Way more than I could have imagined! 

I had this bad feeling from the moment I got the note from the post. And when I went to get it, I was OMG IT"S SO BIG!!!

Just look how much stuff! And I sent particularly nothing!

MySpace MySpace  MySpace MySpace MySpace

...and there are even more onions to show my shame and guilt...

Black and variegate thread, chocos and Kakashi and Yondaime stickers + THOSE AMAZING BRACELETS

It was foggy all day so the photos aren't the best and you can't truly see the awesome colour ways. And the way of finishing is amazing as well, I can't make those loops right and have to put claps 

And everything  is just so stunning, I LOVE IT and I can't help the huge grin on my face and in the same time


that I would gladly go digging my grave, but first I need to revenge repay myself so I can RIP

She also asked for a photo of me wearing the bracelets. As I can't make photos of myself I got the Puffle taking them for me. The best one turned the pose "Waiting for the director to tell me how to pose" (and the one fighting the purple snake). I thought I'd share this one after I showed you hers

Though no close range of me for the sake of your eyes.


сряда, януари 06, 2010




I'm so happy!!!
Today I received some pics
MySpace MySpace

And ain't my pen-pal pretty!!! Thank you for letting me post this picture here!
Here a home made photo Puffle took while I was running wild and preparing the card and the letter:
I do agree that my chemistry notebook is nice background :D

I have to say I can't wait to see what she made meMySpace  But I bet the packet is so very heavy, because she sent me not 1, not 2, but 3 bracelets! And I found this out just when I noticed a suspicious use of plural in one of her pms MySpace  Shock and shame! MySpace Nyaah I'm such a slow worker... but she still says she likes the one I made, and it fits her wrist, so I'm HAPPY! ^_______^ Those exchanges sure give so many nice emotions! I'll definitely make one again... when I pass my bacs and university exams....

And btw another reasons to be happy - Bya taichou is innocent and so awesome! Byakuya close battle action - clash!  and then Senbonzakura being oh so cute helping his master. And I feel sorry for Muramasa with Kouga doing MySpace  to him! Close view of Rukia and Byakuya looking at eachother! Chire Senbonzakura! Bya with wingssss and omg is that halo? CLASH!... end of the episode damn it...
After I ruined the pretty post with random icon use and anime commenting, just let me..
! my bad - forgot to give credit for the pattern - from here !

петък, август 21, 2009

Code Geass KeyChain

When you watch at Itachi's rihg, you're getting under Mangekyou's ilusion. When you watch at Geass keychain, you are - that's right - getting under Geass' effect! But I'm not gonna tell you whose Geass is this! Mwwwhahaha ]:)
That's the best pattern I was able to come up with, and including the fact that I should keep it as small as possible, because ober 15 threads is already bothersome >.< (but still bearable, up to 20)
Anyway, like it pretty much :) But I can't help but made the comparison:
I guess everyone that had watched those too, made it. But it's impossible to avoid!

Death Note Vs Code Geass
Kira Vs Zero (Килър върсъс Нульо)
Light Vz Lelouch ( Светльо върсъс Люлю)

And who's the winner? For me? Why Lulu of course!
Мързи ме вече да пиша на английски (прозяв).

Още една причина Люлю да печели (да оставим настрана, че Люлю се прави на гадно мръсно егоистично копеле, докато всъщност е добричко, докато Светльо се прави на доброто умниче, дет ще помогне на тати, докато всъщност е гореспоменатото гадно и т.н. Аз обичам лошите-всъщност-добри герои! Can't help it T___T) е че Люлю не е виж-ме-във-всичко-ме бива и горкото охлювче е толкова загубено по физическо, че повече няма накъде. А Светльо ходи да играе тенис. Лъ също бтв, но то се храни подчертано нездравословно за сметка на това. Пък и къде ще сравняваш СС с... онова нещо... А, и още нещо - Лъ е безвъзвратно и неминуемо умрял. А да живет спойлерите, че Люлю е жив!!!
А, то и още има, ама и на бг ме мързи да си пиша.

Still, I may make a L keychain too. Then will there be new versus? Lchain vs GeassChain? I don't know, but if so, I myself can't tell who's gonna be the winner.

неделя, август 16, 2009

The actual crafts from the challenge till now

In the previous post the crafts were just enumerated, now I want to show them too.
48 -> on DA
93 -> Chibi on DA
Pattern from here
69 -> Playing Cards on DA

Pattern made by me using a random pic with the cards
63 - >Bakery on DA Pattern here

петък, март 06, 2009

March! ^____^

I like March. Mainly because of the beatiful tradition we have. I'm not sure if it exists in other counties but here on 1st of March we gave to all our friends bracelets or pins (those are most populat but there are many other forms of what we call MARTENITSA) made of white and red thread. They're synbold of health, happiness and of the upcoming spring. Then we wear them till we see for the first time in the spring migratory birds coming back from the South.
Last year I made myself martenitsi for my friends and family but this year I couldn't. T_T Although I search for the best patterns back in January and started this one.
But still, I had so much work I couldn't finish it :(

Anyway, even if you buy them, it still is fun! Here are some of the martenitsi I got this year:

One of them coloured my hand in pink, but no big deal :) I even got one on my phone!
But this one is definitely my favourite! A tiny Deidara making his jutsu! Art is bang!

петък, февруари 06, 2009

I hope that at least this one will be appreciated...

Because I simply adore that pattern. I specially went and bought thread (and I'm susally working with what I have home). So as I really love it, I'm not taking any claims...

петък, декември 05, 2008

четвъртък, ноември 27, 2008

сряда, октомври 29, 2008


I failed in making a round Sharingan once again but next time I'll definetely do it! It's a Mangekyo because I like how it looks the most and as a tribute to Itachi

понеделник, юли 14, 2008

Spiders and witches

Here is the last bracelet I made. I haven't made anything for a while so I'm happy I was able to finish it. It's not easy to overcome my own laziness. I started it maybe a month ago and that spider pattern was choosed randomly. But after that Alice Cooper concert mom was to, she brought back a great wizard hat - blue, with golden spiders on ot! such a coincidence, ne? :p Yesterday sis made me a whole witch photosession, but as always, my photos were bad. I'm just not photogenic. Still, it was fun. I was in black, black skirt and top, black nail polisch and a black ribbon over my neck. The only other colour was blue, with the hat and the big "amethyst", also from the concert.
Here's the whole bracelet. I'm proud with the spider's web :D

And I took photo of that badge too, because I thought the text's a little.. witchy lol

сряда, май 28, 2008

probably the last post for May

It's hot. I'm bored and in the same time I have so many things I have to do and so many I want to do but I don;t have the time. Like knotting for example
Today I put this bracelet as a wristlet on my old watch. Not looking that bad.

понеделник, май 19, 2008


Miscellaneous misc

This little ugly-looking thing is my attempt to made the Sand Village sign. I suppose it could be worse... btw my Konoha sign had worn out and broken T_T. so this cration of mine makes the tag "bracelets"

събота, април 05, 2008

new one!

He he. Proud of myself, just a little. This is the first bracelet with more than 2 colours, made by oattern without written instructions. It can't be seen well in the picture. but 3 shades of grey and 3 of purple were used.

And I refuse to accept that Itachi is dead.

watched Sweeney Todd. Beautiful music but some of the scenes were a bit too realistic. and I' ll never eat meat pie.

Itachi's alive.

понеделник, март 24, 2008

a keychain

just wanted to post the keychin I made for B. I'm not completely satisfied with how it looks. It could be better. But still she liked it.

Now I want to make so many things, I have such plans but I don't have time at all. T_T

сряда, март 19, 2008

have been sick...

Those past few days, I was sick :( I was feeling really bad most of the time, but tried to be more optimistic ;) And so the good things were that I had the time to made some bracelets ( and patterns too!)
So first goes this little thingy for my cellphone. I simply love it! It's the Konoha sign. Lol, now I can speak for free with all of the Konoha shinobis ^^ hehe and I'm going to make also the Sand Village sign ]:)

and second is my Nerd bracelet >.> It's weird but I still like it. I decided to make it the very first time I saw it in the forum. My classmates said I went crazy but I think it's cool :p Still anime designs are better! Oh I just need the time and I'll make more anime bracelets :))))

And the second good thing was that I had more time for watching anime!!!!^____^ And now I'm up to episode 205 of Yu-Gi-Oh. And finally, the Egyptian series has begun! At last I'll see all about Kisara and Seto and the Blue-eyes
~Nyaaa~ and the showed Seto in that white suit and he was sooo cute!
Seto sure is one of my favourites, actually he was my "first anime love" lol But right now I care more for Itachi. Maybe tomorrow the new chapter will be out... at least I hope so! :l

четвъртък, март 13, 2008

My bracelets till now

As I said, here I want to write about my interests and making bracelets is one of them. I really get into it thanks to Heather's friendship bracelets forum. I love it, but, unfortunately I don't have much time for knotting. Anyway, here are the bracelets I made till now. They aren't many, but I hope my collection will grow! ^^

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