Viser innlegg med etiketten metalltape. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten metalltape. Vis alle innlegg

fredag 24. mars 2017

Herrekort i metall - Malecard in metall

Virkelig moro å lage disse metall-kortene og de passer jo supert til herrekort :)
Synes dette motivet gjorde kortet mandig, rustikt og tøft :)

It is really fun to make these metal-cards and they are really super for mailcards :)
I thought this motiv made the card manly, rustic and tough :)

I have used:

- metal tape
- brick paper unknown
- motiv found on net
- cheesecloth
- metal embellishment form among others
- rust painting from Finnabair
- washitape
- stamp from Papirdesign
- various die cut under the metal....Tim Holtz, QK ++

Thanks for looking :)

I participate in following challenges:

- Love To Scrap - LTSCB #95 - Anything goes - 30.3

- Craft Stamper - Take It Make It March Challenge - Anything goes + include a stamp - 28.3

- Scrap Craft - Challenge #1 - Celebration - 30.3

- Cards-und-more-Shop - Challenge no.10 - Anything goes with sentiments - 8.4

- The Crazy Challenge - #244 - Masculine - 25.3

- Kort O Mania - Utfordring #172 - Herrekort - 31.3

- Glitter`n` Sparkle - Challenge #231 - Anything goes - 25.3

- Creative Inspirations - Challenge #271 - Anything goes - 3.4

mandag 21. november 2016

Metallkort - Metalcard

Dette har jeg hatt lyst til å prøve meg på lenge - et metallkort :)
Metalltapen har vært i hus lenge, men jeg har bare ikke fått ut fingeren før nå :)
Men endelig....det var moro.....og her tror jeg man kan gjøre mange kreative krumspring :)

This I have been wanting to try for a long time - a metal card :)
Metal tape has been in the house long, but I've only been slow to initiate:)
But finally .... it was fun ..... and here I think you can do many creative antics :)

I have used:

- different die cut (Tim Holtz, Magnolia, Kaboks, Cheery Lynn Design)
- metall tape
- acrylic paint
- metall from
- colored digistamp bought on net for a very long time ago (do not remember from where)

Thanks for looking :)

I participate in following challenges:

- Korthobby.Utfordringsblogg -  Maskulint og metall fra - 24.11

- More Mixed Media Challenge - Anything goes - with optional black - 3.12

- Papirlosjen - Utfordring #11 - bruk metall - 30.11

- Avenue 613 - Challenge #191 - Anything goes - 3.12

- Nordsalten hobbyklubb - Utfordring #150 - Alt er lov! La kreativiteten blomstre - 30.11

- Creative Moments - Challenge 106 - 21.11

- Shopping Our Stash - SOS #278 - Front and Center - 21.11

I had a lot of half die-cut on my table...I used it behind the metal-tape :)

- Creative Corner - Anything goes - 24.11