Showing posts with label organizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organizing. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Decorating: The TomKat Studio Update

I decided I would try my hand at one of those nifty little "Inspiration Boards" or "Mood Boards", or whatever they are called, for my studio makeover! I like to think of it as a collection of my thoughts...and a shopping list!

1. Ikea Liatorp Desk: Haven't seen this yet in person, probably too small. But I like the style.

2. Ikea Green Boxes: Bought a bunch of these, starting to get organized

3. Pottery Barn Inspiration Room: Love this desk, but want something bigger (and less expensive). Love the green wall, and the black/white accents.

4. Ikea Sideboard: Love the whimsical lines of this sideboard, could use it for storage depending on what else I find.

5. Ballard Designs Inspiration Room: Love the black/white swirl wallpaper, love the green chair, love it all.

6. Ballard Designs Armoire: Done. Got it. Moved it to the den.

7. Ikea Lamp: I think this will look good on whatever desk/table I find.

8. Fabric: Michael Miller Avocado Damask - This could be my drapes or chair fabric? We'll see.

Still a total work in progress.....and I can't seem to find a rug. Any ideas?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Organizing: Leave It To Sheri

It's that time of the year for starting fresh, getting organized
and cleaning house!
I have a friend, Sheri who I say is "well-connected". She seems to know everyone. We met randomly when I was in college at ASU, when I was selling some handmade cards at a school boutique (the mom of the family I babysat for organized the boutique and Sheri was a friend of hers) and she bought them all! She hired me several years in a row to come to her annual "Valentini" party and lead her guests (all women) in making valentines for their kids and husbands. What fun! I was paid (well) to craft, eat and hang out with the society ladies of Paradise Valley. Fab. By the way, the guests of this annual party also enjoyed massages, psychic readings, a martini bar with a hot bartender and amazing catered food! Really Fab.
Maybe I should start hosting a Valentine's Party?

Anyway, Sheri and I have remained friends all these years and she recently helped me locate a bunch of furniture and accessories to borrow/purchase for staging a home I own (which I now happen to live in!). As a thank you, I offered to create her logo & business card design for her new company, "Leave It to Sheri". She is a professional organizer and is busy as can be!

You can contact her for rates/availability at

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Fabulous Christmas Present - The TomKat Studio/Craft Room Makeover!

My fantastic husband came up with a great idea for my Christmas gift this year! Since I am working more from home now with the kids, I have more time for all my fun stuff - crafting, invitations, etc. We have a den in our house that is currently not being used. It's decorated (sort of...see photo below), but not functioning as anything.

My fabulous gift is a budget to turn the den into an actual "TomKat Studio"! To start it off, he & the kids gave me a gift certificate to Ikea! Yippee! It is going to be a super fun project and I am looking for ideas!

I currently have a huge armoire in our guest room that I LOVE from Ballard Designs (bought it used last year for $500, still sells for $1900...see below, photo from Ballard's website) It houses my big good printer, and all sorts of paper and crafting supplies. I plan on moving this armoire to the den, and moving a small black desk from the den to the guest room.

This is an office from Pottery Barn that I had saved in my "idea binder" that makes me sway toward using green, black and white! The den is also on the same side of the house with the master bedroom, which also has green accents. I might be so bold and add wallpaper to one wall? Something like damask or swirls or something might be fun. I've never wallpapered before, (only removed!) so any advice would be welcome!

Here are my goals so far:
1. A large table/desk for the middle of the room for work space (and comfy chair)

2. Storage shelves/baskets

3. Jars and goodies to hold all the little crafty items

4. Closet organization

5. Fancy lighting

6. A way to display projects/invitations

7. A small kids table/chairs, so my little ones can play too

I can't wait to get started! Any ideas?! Please share! I'm off to study my IKEA catalog!


My husband got creative and made me a certificate for the project, isn't that sweet?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bye Bye Christmas!

It is a sad day when the Christmas decor comes down. When I woke up this morning, my husband declared it "take-down" and cleaning day, and when he gets motivated for activities such as this, I go with it. Thousands of lights, two Christmas trees, and five hours later, we're done....inside and out! Everything looks clean and organized but that Christmas glow is gone. Oh well, it gets me in the organizing mood for the new year. Above is a photo taken in my garage...bins, bins and more bins! Even though I have mild OCD, don't entire garage doesn't look like this, although I wish it did!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
PS. If anyone needs help organzing their home, I will be writing a post soon about a friend of mine, Sheri who has an organizing business. While the real estate market remains at its present state, I am also available for hire......