Showing posts with label boutiques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boutiques. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2010

(Fabulous Friday Giveaway) $50 Gift Certificate to Vintage Rose Wraps (Plus 3 Additional Winners!)


The WINNERS of this incredible giveaway are......
COMMENT #338 - Sarah wins the $50 Gift Certificate!
She said:  Fan of Vintage Rose Wrap and TomKat Studio on Facebook!  Love those cute headbands!  I really like the Favorite Black Damask but it's hard to pick a favorite.  I love them all!  So cute!

The winners of the additional wraps are....

COMMENT # 201 - Brianna
COMMENT #189 - Michelle Underwood
COMMENT #15 - Tree

Ladies, please contact me at to claim your fabulous prizes!!

Happy Friday everyone! Our giveaway this week may look a little familiar as this fabulous product has made it's way to the blog several times in the past few months!

This week's giveaway is a $50 gift certificate to Vintage Rose Wraps! PLUS...we have 3 more wraps to giveaway to three additional readers! FOUR winners! Fantastic!

Kim first met Katie Hughes of Vintage Rose Wraps last year at the Cornerstone Believe Boutique, and Katie was a little star struck upon meeting Kim. (I don't blame her...I was as well!) Since then, Katie and her Wraps have made quite a name for themselves. The Wraps are being sold at Domestic Bliss in Mesa, Designer Boulevard in Gilbert, and now Frances Vintage in Phoenix! Katie was part of our photo shoot this past weekend at Smeeks & Frances! Check out the girls above with her wraps on! The wraps are even being sold at a nationwide boutique franchise called Apricot Lane. So exciting for Katie! Stay-at-home mom turned entrepreneur! Gotta love it!

Who wants to WIN?
Here's how to enter:

1) Head over to Vintage Rose Wraps, come back and comment with which style is your favorite.

2) Become a fan of Vintage Rose Wraps on Facebook. Make sure you tell her that TomKat sent you and give her some of that TomKat love! Leave a comment here letting us know that you did.

3) Are you a Facebook fan of TomKat? If not, become one here! If you already are, let us know!

Winner will be chosen on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 11:00pm (MST). Any entries received after this time will not be considered. Open to US residents only. Winner will be chosen using

Good luck and have a fabulous weekend!
~ Toni

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Heartbreaking Story....Taylor Paige Cosmas

I write this with a heavy heart. I heard about 5-month old, Taylor from several friends, who are friends with her mom, Katie. One of my best friends, Vicki photographed Taylor when she was a newborn. On April 18th, Taylor passed away while taking her morning nap. I cannot imagine what this family is going through. I was contacted by one of my readers, Stephanie (close friends with Katie) and asked to create a tag for a bow designed in Taylor's honor that are being sold by Katie of Kiddie Kaboose with all proceeds will be given to the Cosmas family.
Taylor Paige Cosmas was born on November 15, 2009 to Katie and Mark Cosmas. She was a happy healthy baby, full of smiles and laughter. She brought so much happiness to Katie and Mark and everyone around them.
On Sunday, April 18, 2010 Katie, Mark and Taylor started a typical Sunday morning. They made breakfast and cuddled on the couch as a family going about their regular daily schedule. Katie prided herself on her schedule... morning nap time came and Katie put Taylor in her crib. Taylor was laughing and playing with her feet.
It is unclear what happened. We are waiting for news from the medical examiner but when Katie went to check on Taylor she had vomitted blood and was rushed to the hospital.
Taylor passed away on April 18, 2010

If you can, PLEASE purchase a bow in memory of Taylor. The bow was designed to match Taylor's nursery. It was created by one of Taylor's mom's sorority sisters and all proceeds (less shipping) will be given to the Cosmas family. I asked Vicki to take a few photos of the bow, and she created this SLIDESHOW.

Bows will be available until June 1st. If you purchase anything else from Kiddie Kaboose, please enter TAYLOR at checkout and you will receive 15% off. The 15% will also be given to the Cosmas family.
You can visit Taylor's Caring Bridge Page and leave love and prayers for the Cosmas family HERE.
Please be thankful for every moment you have with your babies.
They are truly a blessing.

{all photos courtesy of vicki lynn photography}

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Believe Holiday Boutique: A Sparkling Success!

It was very first "show" ever. I was so nervous when I got there. I seriously felt like it was my first day at a new school where I didn't know anyone. As I made the 7 trips back and forth from my car to my tables, I felt quite akward. You know, everyone is checking out everyone else's goods. Luckily, once I started getting settled, I met an old friend from high school, selling Mary Kay right behind me! She's an old pro at these things and gave me some great tips and advice while I was setting up. And of course, by the time the doors opened for the boutique, I was friends with everyone down my aisle. :) This boutique was not as exactly how I imagined it would be. No offense to those who make crocheted beer cozees, but I just didn't realize the amount of trendy, fabulous handmade talent that would be there. SERIOUSLY. Super cute stuff. I should have taken pictures of other booths, but this thing was PACKED with people. Two days, over 100 vendors....with the majority that you would want to stop and take a gander at! So fun. I have to thank one of my sweetest customers, Andra for securing me incredible space in the lobby area!
My sales were great! I sold out of all of my 12x12 frames, as well as all of the DIY frame kits that I had with me. The best part though, was really meeting and connecting with so many sweet people. I brought a stack of my Go Gilbert magazines, and really enjoyed being called "Cover Girl" by multiple people! They would look down at the stack, look up and say "OH MY...that's YOU!...I read that article, I saved that issue!" Sooo flattering. I met a bunch of "fans" including one who made me blush with her lovely compliments! It was so amazing to have all these sweet girls come up and say they read my blog, have visited my blog or even just heard of The TomKat Studio. It gives me the warm and fuzzies! :)
I ordered 250 new business cards for the event, and came home with 25. WOW!

Such a great time and such wonderful people! It sure was exhausting, though! I'm not used to being on my feet all day, and being "on". I'm used to dealing with customers via email in my pjs! It was so fun though, and I'm really glad I did it!

I have several sets of my holiday gift tags leftover, so for loyal readers, let's have a GIVEAWAY!
Two winners will be chosen & will receive 4 sets (6/set) of gift tags each!
Here's 4 ways to enter!
(Enter up to 4 times by doing the following):
1. Leave me a comment and let me know which item you like best from my booths!
(you will be disqualified if you say the bowl of candy bars :)
2. Post about this giveaway on Facebook, comment with the link!
3. Tweet about this giveaway, comment with the link!
4. Post about this giveaway on your own Blog, and comment with the link!

Winner will be chosen on Monday, November 16th at 11:00pm (MST).
Any entries received after this time, will not be considered. Open to US residents.
Winners will be chosen using

Friday, November 6, 2009

BELIEVE: A Holiday Boutique!

Just a little peek at one of my frames that will be on display at the boutique! You might notice a few new things in this new LOGO and my new little unofficial spokesmodel, Miss Ivy Rae. I fell in LOVE with these photos of my friend, Katy's daughter and I knew I had to use them!
{Photo via Ivy's Auntie Vicki ~ Vicki Lynn Photography}
I'm so excited because this will be the first time my designs are displayed in person, rather than online! I'm a little nervous about the logistic side of the things, but I'll figure it all out!

Thank you to all my girls that helped me assemble all my crafty stuff, I could have never done it without your help! A big thanks to Kristina & Camille, who helped me build up my inventory for the event! And, way to take charge and keep me on track last night, Taryn & Amanda!
And to Tina for learning how to fold paper!

If you are in the area, please stop in and visit me!
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship
Chandler, Arizona
Friday, November 6th 5:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday, November 7th 9:00am - 2:00pm

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The TomKat Studio is BEHIND!

{LOVE this photo via tracy girl via we heart it}

I'm trying my best to keep up....but I'm behind. Behind on posting, behind on reading, behind on designing, behind on everything! I miss you all, so I thought I'd catch you up on what's going on with me!
{Local Boutique Event}: I am preparing for an upcoming holiday boutique this weekend, which will be my first experience with something like this. I'm very excited, but nervous as well. I wanted to create actual inventory, rather than just displaying my designs and taking orders so I've had some help assembling fabulous things for the boutique! I have some really cute things ready and whatever doesn't sell, I'll be posting in my Etsy shop! If you are in the Phoenix area, PLEASE come visit me at BELIEVE: Holiday Boutique at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Chandler, AZ! Friday, 11/6 5:00pm - 9:00pm and Saturday, 11/7 9:00am - 2:00pm. Over 100 vendors are participating!
{House Update}: We found ANOTHER house! We've had a few hiccups, but if things work out the way we hope, we will be doing a quick remodel (flooring, paint, granite) and moving in a few weeks (AGAIN)! Luckily, I haven't purchased much furniture yet and we kept most of our stuff packed, since we weren't sure if the house we are in was going to be ours. We've been working on selections for the remodel, and boy is it fun! It's been a few years since we've done one, and I've missed it. The most exciting part for tile for my backsplash and fireplace. I'm a little obsessed and hope to end up with a fireplace that looks like one of these: {images via flickr}

{Holiday Designs}: I've had a ton of people ask me about holiday photo cards, and I had planned on offering a set of unique, glamorous designs. However, with the house situation keeping me so busy, I've decided to not offer cards this year. I want to get the house, coordinate the remodel, move, get settled and enjoy the holidays! However, I have already started working on PRINTABLE designs for all of your holiday party and gift needs! I'm really excited about the new designs and I will start posting them in the shop next week, once I get through the boutique this weekend! Here's a sneak peek:
So, enough about are you?!
Are you so excited for the holidays? I know I am!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Local Love: Domestic Bliss in Mesa, AZ

My MIL offered to watch my kiddies one afternoon last week, so I could have some "me" time. What a luxury! Most of my regular errands were taken care of, so it was truly a "free" afternoon to go anywhere my heart desired. So, with my little purse (no pull-ups or wipes allowed) and a gift certificate to the I went, without a clue where I was going!

First stop....can you guess? Craft really is a luxury to browse and let your mind wander with creative ideas without two munchkins in the cart. I am working on my DIY Frame Kits and stocked up on some fabulous paper to offer with them. {one of my faves from amy butler}
Next paper supply store. I picked up some supplies I needed, along with some packaging ideas for the DIY kits. Since I was in Mesa (a bit of a ride from my house)....I figured I finally had a few minutes to stop by.....
Domestic Bliss, a fabulous home/baby/crafty boutique in Mesa. I rarely go there but I had been wanting to check out their "Blissful Living Studio", where they hold craft/sewing classes. They have actually combined spaces, and the craft studio is now part of the store (darn...I missed it!), but extremely fabulous still. They carry the brightest, cutest patterned fabrics, including designs from my favorite fabric/paper ladies, Amy Butler & Heather Bailey. They offer all sorts of fun classes including: sewing, crochet, fashion consulting, paper crafting, jewelry making and more! If you read Nie Nie (my hero), she taught here before her accident last year.

I bought a fabulous wall hanging by PaPaYa, which was so funny because I had read about their gorgeous new workspace earlier that morning on one of my fave decorating blogs, Decor8!
It was meant to be mine!
{photo of Papaya's Workspace via Decor8}

The green is perfect for my home studio, and I've been wanting to add some pops of pink!
Here it is on top of my armoire:
If you are in the Phoenix area, stop by Domestic's fabulous!
1622 W. Main Street, Mesa AZ 85201

Needless to say, I didn't make it to the time, for sure.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chicky Bella Boutique Closing - Go Quick!

My favorite local baby/children's boutique is closing, or rather "re-inventing" itself. Lisa, the sweet shop owner of Chicky Bella has decided to close the shop and instead, host several trunk shows each month and also sell from her online store. Honestly, in this economic environment, Lisa should be given kudos for keeping the store open this long. So many other boutiques in the area have come and gone so quickly!

Everything in the store is 60% off! Hurry!

I always keep an eye out for good baby gifts, because someone is always getting pregnant around here! Today I picked up a couple gorgeous, soft blankets by Miss Muffet (I want to keep one for myself!) and one by Little Giraffe. I also picked up a couple adorable pearl bracelets for little girls by Saucy Designs. I grabbed a pair of adorable plaid khaki shorts for Tommy and I also got this amazing canvas for Kate's room for only $40 (retail $140)! See it here!
So, hurry over for the best selection ASAP!

Don't worry, Lisa's fabulous offerings will be available in her new location, and I also may be hosting a trunk show with her soon!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The TomKat Studio - My First Boutique Party!

My friend, Lisa hosted a boutique party Friday night at her home, and invited me to bring my frames and invitations to display at the party! Other vendors were there with fabulous clothing, purses & accessories! Of course, I took a few pictures of my first little display of The TomKat Studio products!
I had hoped for more time to prepare, but orders are keeping me busy! (Hence the fact that I haven't posted since Wednesday, except to say Happy Easter?!?) But I did get it all together last minute, literally printing postcards to hand out 15 minutes before leaving for the party. Eeek!
I made cupcakes (as usual) and made cupcake toppers (one of my fave products I make) that said "The TomKat Studio" about that for a promotional item? Win 'em over with sweets, right?!
The party went great! I sold 2 of the 6 frames that I brought and also have a few girls wanting custom frames made! Email me, girls! :) I talked to some of the shoppers about invitations, so hopefully they will remember me when they are planning their next party!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

TomKat Studio Photo Frames: Dottie

Hello Dottie! In case you are new to my blog, I am featuring new frames that I am creating for my Etsy shop launch! I have decided to give them "names" to help identify them and give them a little personality!

Dottie was made using my favorite square 12x12 frame. Dottie is wearing a black and cream polka dots, and she is topped with a little bling around her middle 4x4 frame (a bit hard to see in the photos since they are on top of dots). I always use genuine Swarvoski crystals on the frames as well as the sprinkled on the flowers. Who doesn't like a little sparkle?!

I am excited to announce some BIG news for TomKat Studio frames! My best friend, Kristi is going to start working on the frames as well so that we can build up our stock and start selling them! She has great style and ideas, so together, we hope to create some fabulous items! We figure, what the heck?..Let's give it go and see what happens! I will be featuring some of her designs soon!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

TomKat Studio Photo Frames: Evelyn

Meet Miss Evelyn! I have decided to "name" each frame that I make. That way if you ever see one you like, just remember her name and I'll know which one you're talking about! Plus it is just plain fun to look at the style of the frame and come up with a fitting name!

Evelyn was made using my favorite square 12x12 frame. The paper used to dress her is a green and white damask, with a worn look. The base of the frame is painted white. Swarvoski crystals outline the center opening for a 4x4 photo. She is topped with a beautiful white & green flower sparkling with crystals!

I am gearing up to officially launch an Etsy shop to sell invitations and frames! I am planning on making each frame unique, although if someone requests a certain style I can duplicate it, as long as the materials are available. I am also open to making custom frames to fit your nursery, child's room or home decor. Just say the word....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Boutique: Chicky Bella Birthday Bash!

My favorite local baby/kid boutique, Chicky Bella is celebrating it's 2nd birthday tomorrow! They are offering great promotions, discounts and even giving away a coveted Petunia Pickle Bottom Touring Tote (as well as other prizes!) I'm happy that Lisa, the owner has kept the store up and running, when so many boutiques are going out of business! Congrats, Lisa!

Chicky Bella is located in the Gilbert Town Center, south of Warner, off Gilbert Road. They carry a great selection of baby, kids & maternity items! I just bought an adorable children's apron there for a birthday gift, and it was a hit!

You can also visit the Chicky Bella online store at!