

Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Once Upon A Book ~ H is for Homerun

Book Summary: With this book, you not only stroll through the alphabet, you also learn about baseball history, technique, and players. This is a book that uses alliteration to teach the alphabet, baseball style. The illustrations are beautiful!

Bible Verse: The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. (Proverbs 18:10)
Baseball Jersey Button Counting: Count buttons to match the numbers on the baseball jersey.

Baseball Size Sequence: Place the baseballs in order by size.
Baseball Dot Counting/Number Match: Count the dots on the glove and match it to the corresponding baseball number.
Baseball Hat Patterns: I used Unifix Cubesto make a pattern. Then, Jonah had to use the baseball hat cards to copy my pattern. (These were extra cards left over from the ABC Baseball Hats that I printed. I couldn't bear to waste them!)
Baseball Hat Patterns

ABC Baseball Hats: Place the ABC Baseball Hats in ABC order. (I printed two sets and we played a matching game, too.)

Large Motor Skills:
You can't do a baseball theme without practicing throwing and hitting! We enjoyed some outside time practicing our baseball skills.

I found a Baseball Printable Coloring Page (link below). There were several to choose from. I let Jonah pick his favorite to print and color. This seemed to help him stay interested in coloring (he's not a big fan of coloring, but it is a skill we need to work on).

Snack Ideas: 
Make homemade pretzels or eat ice cream from a "hat bowl" saved from a baseball game.
Family Fun Night:  
We have a local Minor League team in our town, so we enjoyed a night of baseball, stadium snacks, and fireworks!
Printable Resources Used:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Once Upon A Book ~ Touchdown! {done}


Touchdown! by David Diehl

Summary:  The simple pictures in this book make it easy to teach your Tot some football fundamentals.  Teach your child the in’s and out’s of this game . . . learn about field goals, the coin toss, kickoffs, helmets, and basic offense and defense. 

Bible Verse:  No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Football is no foreign subject in this house.  I grew up watching the Engineer (my husband) play both high school and college football.


The highlight of our reading Touchdown! was definitely playing with Daddy’s beat up helmets.


To kick off our football education, we practiced throwing . . . using these great number bean bags that my sister made for us.


We tried to have Gabe throw the bean bags in numerical order into my husband’s helmets.  Ummm . . . tried would be the optimum word!  (By the way, potty training was occurring during this activity.)



Next, my IRL buddy made the PERFECT printable just for our book!  Thanks, Maureen!


Print the Coin Toss Tally Sheet, grab a quarter, and either stickers or Do-A-Dots


Be sure to show your Tot how a quarter is different on each side.  Have them practice throwing the quarter in the air.  Record which side lands on your Tally Sheet. 


If you want to further talk about money with your child, we have had tons of fun playing with this Learning Resources stamp set!

Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!

signature button Jodi

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mommy Made Printables ~ Sports


We are excited to share some Sports printables for you to use with your tots as you explore together!

Ballerina Activity Pack {from Confessions of a Homeschooler}image

Sports {Balls} Grid Game {from Mama Jenn}


Putt Putt Preschool Pack {from Lawteedah}image

Basketball Printables {from 2 Teaching Mommies}image


Football Printables {from 2 Teaching Mommies}


You can visit my Sports Theme pin board on Pinterest to see even more sports ideas I have found online!

Do you have any free SPORTS printables YOU have created {and share}? If so, leave a link to your blog post in the comments below!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Once Upon a Book ~ Froggy Plays Soccer



Froggy Plays Soccer by Jonathan London

Summary: This is a fun little book about Froggy at his soccer game. He tries to remember to NOT use his hands…except to slap high fives!

Bible Verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Matching: The boys used the Sports Balls Grid Game along with our Education Cubes for a fun matching game. We used the Sports Balls insert cards in our cubes. They rolled the cube and then covered the same ball on their grid using their puff ball magnets.


Literacy & Fine Motor: I printed the Letter B (for balls) Alphabet Do-a-Dot from Rather than using markers, we used sports stickers. They put one sticker in each of the circles.


Counting: The boys used the Soccer Grid Game along with our Education Cubes. We used the soccer counting insert cards in our cubes. They rolled the cube, counted the soccer balls on the cube and then covered the same number of balls on their grid using their puff ball magnets. This is a fun way to work on counting and 1 to 1 correspondence!


Stamping: The boys used some paint and a square foam sports stamp to create a sports collage.


Painting: I found a soccer coloring page for the boys to paint. I used a marker to add dots into the parts of the ball that were to be painted black.


Outside Fun: We gathered some of our balls. We sorted them by size, shape, and color. We put them in order by size. We counted them. We had fun kicking, throwing, and rolling them around the yard.


Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Once Upon A Book ~ Angelina Ballerina


Welcome to this week’s Once Upon A Book series! This month’s theme is sports, and for a girl I thought Angelina Ballerina “A Dance of Friendship” (ballet) was perfect!


A Dance of Friendship by Katharine Holabird

Summary: A Dance of Friendship is about a sweet pair of mice who are in ballet class together. Their friendship hits a rocky path due to some jealousy, but of course Angelina makes things right again and finds the perfect way to apologize to her best friend.

Verse: I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Do-A-Dot activity: This game is easy and toddlers love the Do-A-Dot markers! Simply place one dot in each circle. When done, you’ll have a capital and lowercase letter B. (Download for entire tot pack at bottom of post)


Ballerina Cutting Practice: Cutting is such great practice for fine motor skills and hand – eye coordination. You may have to help hold the paper a bit just so they can get a clean cut.


Ballerina Coloring: Coloring is a great fine-motor activity. Make sure to encourage your toddler to color in as much as they can. You’ll notice the Ballerina Pack is about bears and not mice…I liked that B went with Bear and also Ballerina.


Pre-Writing Practice: This is also great for fine-motor and handwriting practice. Encourage your toddler to write on the lines, show them if necessary so they know what is expected. You’ll notice they tend to “color” on the lines instead of write a smooth stroke. Don’t worry, it is a natural progression!


Lacing practice: This is another great fine-motor skill activity, beads also work well. I suggest laminating the lacing cards so that they don’t tear. I also used a shoe-lace so that the end had that hard plastic on it. That helps them get the string through the holes.


Ballerina Magnet Page: For the magnet page, I found this cute little magnetic tray at a used curriculum fair. We use Power Magnets with it, and I direct her to put one magnet on each white dot.  Just keep an eye so that none make it in their mouths, magnets can wreak havoc on tiny bodies.


Letter B practice: These larger letters are great for toddlers, they allow for broad strokes, and you’ll notice she is still coloring over the lines as well.


Number order Puzzle: I had to recruit my preschooler for the number order puzzle, we counted together, but she did the puzzle while the Teeny Tot watched.


Ballerina Puzzle: Puzzles are excellent for building logical thinking skills! We’ve been doing some larger piece puzzles from Alphabet Alley as well so I think that’s helped, plus they are good, thick, and durable perfect for little guys.


Counting Practice: We did 1-5 today with the number cards. Count often with your toddlers, you’ll be surprised at how easily they pick it up! You can also have them add the correct number of cheerios or gold fish to each card, then they can eat their snack when done!


Size Sorting: Guide your toddler to order the pieces from small to large. Make sure to ask things like “Where is the small one? Where is the large one?” if they can’t answer you, point to the small one and say “This one is small, or smallest”. Then point to the large one and say “This one is large/big/biggest” etc. Then ask them again, and see if they can identify them by size. Once you have small and big, make sure to teach them about “medium and middle”


Ballet Letter Matching: For toddlers, point to each letter and say it’s name. Then point to the first one, say it’s name and then have them find the disk that matches. Make sure to show them how to put it on right side up as well.


Basic Pattern Activity: Pattern activities are a great way to get in some pre-math and logical thinking skills. I find it works best to point to each picture, and say something like “Arms up, arms down, arms up, arms down” what’s next? 


Capital Lowercase Sorting: For the Teeny Tot this went better as  a color sorting. We sorted the blue vs pink bears.


Dress Up: I had this cute dress-up bear from my bears post, I let her play with him. This is super easy to make, just cut a large bear shape out of brown cardstock and laminate. Then cut basic clothing shapes from fun colored felt. Add a few velcro dots to the bear and voila’ you’ve got yourself a dress-up bear!


Reading: Of course we read A Dance of Friendship, everyone gathered around for this! I was surprised at how still my tot sat! She tends to grab the books and turn pages, a little impatient, but she sat and listened to the whole thing. Make sure to read to your toddler each day, it’s a wonderful way to build language skills, and a love for reading at the same time! Plus, how often do we get to sit and just enjoy our toddlers?


Click here to download the Ballerina Activity Pack


Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)?

Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!