Happy Sunday all~
How was your Valentine's day?? Single, dating or married, what did you do? We don't really make a big deal about Valentine's day, but do exchange cards, and get a little sweet and a treat for our girls. I posted the Valentine I made for my hubby last week. I'm going to post today the ones I made for the girls, as well as a card I made for my Dad to give to my Mom. He's homebound, and really only gets out when she takes him out - so I wanted to make sure Mom had a Valentine, as she's a super special lady.
My day didn't start out all that happy - hubby wasn't feeling well, and was SUPER grouchy...in turn, it made me super grouchy...not your typical lovey-dovey happy day for sure. I had to go to the grocery store for a few staples, and something to make for dinner. When I got back, I was greeted with a smiling husband, and an excited 5 year old, who couldn't WAIT to give me the Valentine she made me, and to tell me about her adventure with Daddy in Stampland. "DADDY made you a card Mommy." For YEARS I've been asking my hubby to make me a card, and he looked at me as if my head was screwed on backwards. This year I said it, and he said "maybe I will!" I didn't believe him. And he knew I didn't believe him..he even wrote inside "see, I told you I'd make you a card!" Well, needless to say, all the grouchies were gone - and the day took a MAJOR turn for the better. Here's his creation. I thought he didn't do half bad for his first time out of the gate...

cute, right? He told me how he thought the 'O' in the set looked a little funny, so he decided to use the zero...then after he did, he said "I should have used the 'O'" :) I loved it, as he made it for me. I never thought that would happen.
Then onto the girls...We got them each a little tin with some hershey's kisses in them, and the Madagascar 2 movie (though the 1 year old won't care much about either - it's the thought, right???)
I used PTI's Heart Prints for these. I try to keep them the same, so (especially as they get older) I don't hear arguments about who got what. They get special 'different' cards for their birthday. Loving the simplicity here...

The Raspberry Fizz one is for my 5 year old, and the Plum Pudding for the 1 year old. They liked them...well...they liked the chocolate anyway...
And last for today, but certainly not LEAST...a Valentine for my Mom. She's SUPER. Always helping us out - being my Dad's care taker - anyone who knows me, knows the lengthy list of Dad's health issues, and he can't go out on his own. So it's A LOT on my Mom to always be the one to take him to a fro, Doctor appointments and the like. He broke his wrist Christmas night - compounding things even further! Poor guy - poor Mom.
ANYWAY - since Dad can't get out to shop, I wanted to make sure Mom had a Valentine...so I got this FABULOUSLY adorable image from 'The Greeting Farm'. It's Anya and Ian, the 50's couple. PERFECT for my parents. I just loved coloring this in. I look forward to adding more Anya's to my collection someday in the future!!

Thanks for stopping by today - I hope I didn't bore you with my blah-bi-di-blah-bi-di-dah today. Hope you had a GREAT Valentine's Day, and that the love lasts all year long!! Have a super Sunday!