A little boy I never knew...and it affected me...A LOT.
Mike was the nephew of a friend of ours...he was 11...actually his 12th birthday would have been this past Friday. UGH.
Mike was at a Yankees game with his Uncle (our friend), his mom and a cousin...and on the way home from the game they were involved in a terrible accident. Mike's injuries were such that he was in a coma for a week, and despite all efforts, there was nothing more that could be done, and Mike passed away.
I didn't know this boy...never met him in my life, but as a Mom, I put myself in his mother's shoes, and I wept...and wept. How awful, to lose something so wonderful, and beautiful that has brought you so much joy, because of the error of someone else...
We went to the wake - *gulp* - now this is not the first time I've been to a wake for someone this young, unfortunately, though I was still a teenager the last time, and now the kids that were at the wake seem
so young.
We saw John (his uncle) and paid our respects, and then I met his parents...wow...what amazing people...I don't know that I could be that 'put together' if it were my child. I was in awe of them...really.
Then to visit Mike...again, a boy I never met, and never would, but he made
such an impression on me. NEVER take life for granted, because you just never know what the next minute will bring...NEVER hesitate to take a chance, or do something you've been thinking of doing, but just keep putting it off...DON'T FORGET to tell those that you love that you love them... LOVE life, be GRATEFUL for what gifts you are given on a daily basis...
*sigh* - Mike...may he rest in peace...
This was the card I made for his Uncle:

This card was made using a few simple techniques. The poem was printed on Cardstock Vellum on my inkjet printer...the beauty of this, is that the ink stays wet enough that if you immediately sprinkle some embossing powder over it, it sticks! I heat embossed the poem with clear EP. The image in the background was done by reverse masking the oval...the images are from Pink Cat Studio's 'Dress Up Billy' set, I used the baseball accessories, as that was Mike's favorite sport...