Showing posts with label Chick Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chick Challenge. Show all posts

February 23, 2011

Make it Monday with Chick Lil' my best "Uncle Leo" (RIP Len Lesser) from Seinfeld voice :)

It's been a while since I've shared some papercrafted goodness with you all.  I've got a fun little card to share with you today that incorporates not one, but TWO challenges going on right now.

The first is Papertrey's Make it Monday challenge, which was to add glitter lines to your project using scor-tape.

The second is a challenge hosted by my friend Pam...well, her daughter actually...she issued a throwdown, and I decided I was up for it :).  The challenge is to create a card inspired by this photo:
What a beauty, right??  Sooo, I sat and stared at my stamp table for a while...and then I went to bed.  I just couldn't figure out what I could do that would pull the two challenges together.  And then, while I was at work yesterday, I suddenly had it!  Of course, so inconveniently in the middle of the day, when I'm away from stampland...but I had it.  So last night, I didn't even turn on the computer, as I knew I'd get sucked in to a round (or 200) of Bejeweled Blitz or Oregon Trail (such a silly game, but brings me back to my childhood).

Here's what I came up with:
I know my flower has more red than yellow...but while my intentions were good, I think I got a little carried away with my cherry cobbler ink pad.  The flower was made using PTI's Beautiful Blooms II #1 die collection.  I folded a single sheet of yellow tissue paper, so that there were 16 layers of tissue, and ran the 3 dies through my Cuttlebug about a time saver!  Then I stacked them, fluffed them, inked them, fluffed them some more...but the final thing that made it work was a spritzed it with a little water, and THEN fluffed some more.  Now -- the water may have done NOTHING, but I felt like it did something, so I'm sticking to that story.

Oh, "what's that" you say??  Look at that yummy glitter frame around the outside.  Yes, there's my scor-tape with glitter!  My card is 5"x5".  There is a scored frame (though kind of hard to see) at the 4" mark.  Just to the outside of that was a penned border, and then my fabulous glitter border.  Really dresses up that white base.

That cute little sentiment is from Flower Garden Sentiments, I'm so punny sometimes ;).

Thanks for stopping by for a look!  Make it a great day!