I am a HUGE coffee fan, I definitely drink more than I should, but it's so warm, creamy, mmmmmmm, happiness in a cup! Super fun that Melissa has this great mug up for sale, and I have a feeling there are more to come!
It's a GORGEOUS sunny day here in NY, and I happen to be home from work, because my 7 year old is sick with a virus. (I certainly don't mind the snuggles from her AND our puppy who joined our family a little less than 3 weeks ago. Her name is Zana, and we're totally in love!! (Check out my Instagram account for photos of her!).
I also put together a little something using the Inspiring Quote Cards - Collection 1 :
Love the bold font with such great messages! And they're perfect to add to a card front, or tuck it into your husband's pocket with a note, your kids' backpacks, really, there's no limit! I'll have some more to share in days to come, but in the meantime, thanks for stopping by!!!
Make it a great day!