My first adventure is going to begin April 1st as I have 75 Cornish Cross chicks and a few Americauna chicks arriving. The Americauna's will be joining my current flock of 52 egg layers and the CX chicks will be raised for food (if this bothers you please by all means unfollow me).
I will also post some healthy living things along the way along with my adventure into creating my own homemade cleaning and personal care items. Plans are in the works for a new garden this year where we will raise nothing but heirloom seeds to get us on our way to sustainability, and I'm sure I'll throw a few craft projects in now and then!!
For those of you who know me, we still raise composting worms and I will probably post a few things about them too. It has been a tough one this last year as hubby tried to kill them all by adding lime to the bed thinking he was adding diatomaceous earth. He couldn't figure out why the worms were disappearing and when I finally caught him doing it I had my ah ha moment. He was making the bed WAY TO ALKALINE!! Eek, no wonder they were all dying!! They are finally starting to recover.
Looking forward to the journey and hope you follow along!
Have a good one!!