About a month ago I enrolled in a new direct sales company called LimeLight By Alcone. This company was created by Alcone Co. and if you know anything about the beauty industry you will probably know the name Alcone. They have been supplying makeup artist with makeup since the 1950's which have been used on celebrities and showgirls alike. Alcone wanted a way to compensate the makeup artists that referred customers to them for a product. Michele Gay, the founder, did lots of research and kept coming back to direct sales and hence...LimeLight By Alcone was born!! They started the company in February 2015 with a handful of makeup artists joining them. In November, they experienced hyper-growth as word got out about this amazing company. When I joined there were less than 500 Beauty Guides and then things went crazy!!!
We have products that have been used by top pro makeup artists in Hollywood, on Broadway (theaters) and even on the runway and television sets. Those flawless looks can now be yours!!! We bring the best pro quality makeup, only celebrities and actors could have access to, to women across the US. TO YOU!!!
Thus, the journey begins!!! If you are interested in hearing more about your chance to get in on the ground floor of a quickly growing company, lets talk!!!