Showing posts with label home improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home improvement. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yesterday's list

--Plant garlic - check
--Plant bulbs - fail
--Unload and stack firewood - fail, but Larry did nearly half of it, so does that count?
--Put up the wood around the bathroom window - check, but it took three times as long as I thought.  But, hooray, all the window surrounds on the house have been painted!
--Install a couple of new exterior lights - check, but that was another job that took three times as long as I thought
                                                                      Before and after

--Start digging up the dahlias - fail
--Take the dogs for a good walk - check, we went down to the dyke late this afternoon.  Luna found a stinky rotten salmon to roll in.  Therefore we had to get her in the water to make her bearable to be around, gross:(
--Spend too much time on the computer - check, 'nuf said